Forgive Yourself

Recently, I said something ridiculous. Not ridiculous funny. I mean why in the world did that come out of my mouth?! Sharing the details would not make it any better, so just picture that thing you would never say out loud. I said it. And I felt terrible. I worried. I was mad at myself. I didn’t know how to fix it. After much worry, anger, and frustration, I realized what was missing from all my thoughts. I had not forgiven myself! I was beating myself up over and over and reliving the moments. The only way to move on was to forgive myself. Today, I encourage you to forgive yourself for something you have done or forgotten to do. I encourage you to be kind to yourself as you are being kind to others. Let yourself know that tomorrow you will get another opportunity to be kind, so why not start by being kind to yourself?

Forgiving One, We ask for forgiveness when we harm each other and when we hurt you. Why are we so slow to forgive ourselves? As you forgive us, Merciful God, for the wrongs that we have done to you and to each other, remind us to forgive ourselves. Teach us your way of compassion and kindness to each other and to ourselves. Help us to love ourselves and our neighbors. Remind us that each one of us is created in your image and is beloved. Amen. 

Photo by Felix Koutchinski on Unsplash

An Ash Wednesday Prayer

The season of Lent began this week with the observation of Ash Wednesday. I love the practice of having ashes placed on my forehead and consider it a privilege to place ashes on someone else. Seeing so many people with ashes on themselves gives me pause each year.

“What are human beings that you are mindful of them? Mortals that you care for them?” (Psalm 8:4).

So this Ash Wednesday, I am hoping to spend some time in silence giving thanks for a Creator that loves me despite my shortcomings and flaws. My prayer will be that I can be more kind to those I meet remembering that although their flaws are more obvious to me that only means that my flaws are very obvious to them. I am hoping to carry this prayer through the season of Lent.

Creator, Redeemer, Sustainer, Today we wonder along with the psalmist- “what are humans beings that you are mindful of them?” How is it that you keep loving us even when we fail to love ourselves and each other? What is going to change our attitudes towards ourselves and each other? What is going to remind us that we are beautiful in your sight and created in your image? Slow us down today, Loving God, and remind us how big your love is for all that you have created. Open our eyes to see your creation. Open our minds to see the good in the people you place in our lives. Open our hearts to see ourselves as your beloved. God, there is so much brokenness in this world. Help us to be the ones who mend it with your help. Give us courage, hope, and strength for there is much work to do as we embark on our Lenten journey. Amen.

Photo by Ahna Ziegler on Unsplash

Asking for Money and Thanking God for Money

Recently, I was part of a conversation where pastors asked for a new call to offering and prayer of dedication. I felt inspired to write something a little bit different.

Call to the Offering

The church isn’t good at asking for money in ways that inspire people. Often we give because we are supposed to or its the right thing to do or we’ve always given. Some of us don’t give much because we give elsewhere at places that are better at making us feel like our hard earned money will be used well. Today I encourage you to look around this sacred space. Notice where your money is going-to provide a worship opportunity in a comfortably cooled/heated space, to provide educational times so we can all grow in our faith, to provide equitable salaries for all who work here, to share God’s love with those outside this space through food pantries, after school programs, AA groups, and so many other ways. Think about the good your money does when you give it to your church as we share a moment of eyes open and looking around in silent reflection. And now, we will receive this morning’s offering.

Prayer of Dedication-

Holy One, Receive this offering we give to you and your church because we want to help spread your good news within these wall and in our community and throughout the world. Bless the work that will be done with this money as we seek to open our eyes, ears, and hearts and become the body of Christ at work in the world. Amen.

An Advent Prayer (for the days when you aren’t feeling it)

I am not putting my Christmas tree up this year. I hung up lights outside that were shining brightly each night. Recently, they stopped working and while I could climb on a ladder and attempt to fix the problem…I am not. I am not protesting Advent or Christmas. I love both seasons. Instead, I am not doing what other people say I must do simply because other people think I should.

 I am celebrating this season in a way that feels meaningful to me this year. I am lighting my Advent candles and singing along to carols. I am taking time to breathe deeply and slowly down amidst all the hurrying I encounter. I am praying and holding times of silence. I am sitting with others who don’t feel like celebrating in expected ways this year. 

My hope for you is that you mark this season in way that feels authentic for you. I pray that you find peace, joy, and love this season too.

Loving God, You know us and you love us. Be with us this Advent. Draw us near to you as we smile and laugh or as we cry and scream. Wherever we find ourselves this Advent season, you are there. Whether our celebrations are the same as every year or if there is someone or something missing this year, please accept the best of ourselves that we offer to your service. Be gentle with us, Gracious God, and remind us to be gentle with ourselves. In the holy name of the one about to be born to us anew, we pray. Amen. 

Be Thankful!

As Thanksgiving approaches, I hope we all stop and take time to reflect on all for which we are thankful. Make a list. Say it out loud. Draw a picture. Sing your thanks. Write it in the sand if you find yourself at the beach this week. No matter how you record your list, take the time to be thankful. And after your time of reflection, tell the people who made your list that you are thankful for them. Reflect and then share. This is how we live lives of gratitude.

Loving God, Be with us in this time of thanksgiving. Create in us a thankful heart, so that we may say thank you and mean it. We thank you, God, for creating us, for loving us, for forgiving us, for challenging us to do more, and for listening to us. Teach us to be thankful daily for all the goodness in our lives. Inspire us to be the good in other’s lives too. God, we are thankful. Amen.

We Pause to Remember on All Saints’ Day

November 1 (or the Sunday closest to it) is the day we pause to remember those who have died in the past year. Churches I’ve attended have had various ways of remembering including lighting candles and filling the worship space with pictures and stories.

Today, I am remembering two family members who died this year. My father-in-law, Peter, died in January. He was a man who loved to laugh, go to mass, and spend time with his family. And just a few weeks ago, my maternal grandfather (who was my last living grandparent) died at the age of 95. He was a farmer who loved a good card game and a big bowl of ice cream. I am remembering them and giving thanks for their legacies.

God of All Ages, We thank you for those we love who are now with you. As we grieve, heal our broken hearts. As we remember, bring laughter and joy to those memories. We ask for your presence not just with those of us gathered here but with all around the world who are remembering and giving thanks for time spent with those they love. We are grateful for long lives well lived and we pause to wonder about lives ended too soon. We trust you, Loving God, and know that you are working all things together for good. Thank you, Faithful God, for all the saints who from their labors rest. Amen.

A Prayer for the Ordinary Days of Life

Someone I know was talking with me recently about hoping for a change from the ordinary. When the unexpected happened, her world was turned upside down and she said to me be thankful for the ordinary. So today’s prayer is a prayer for our regular, ordinary, daily life with a reminder to give thanks at all times.
Good and Gracious God,
It is another regular day. I’m in my routine and seeking to give thanks for stability. When I find myself longing for something more or something different or a big change, ground me in the place where you planted me. Open my eyes to see the blessings surrounding me. Slow me down to notice the goodness and beauty in the place I call home. Whatever work I do today, help me to do it faithfully and with compassion. Bring joy to the mundane tasks and keep thoughts of boredom away. Amid the many errands, bills to pay, phone calls to return, dishes to do, laundry that must be washed, cleaning to be done, lawn that needs mowed, appointments that must be scheduled and attended, and everything else that makes up my to do list, God, help me to love this life you have given me. Help me to spread joy. Help me to see the humor in the everyday. Help me to love others as much as you love me. In your holy name, Amen.

Worship Words for a Sunday Morning

On Sunday, I am preaching and leading worship for a local church. I wrote and compiled (from my previous writings) these words that will be used this Sunday. These worship words could be used just about any Sunday of the year as we gather as communities of faith to worship our God.

One-Is there anyone here who has ever felt scared or worried on a Sunday morning? Were you wondering-will I fit in? Will I be welcome? Does God still love me? The answer is yes!

Come in your suits, your shorts, your flip flops, and your dresses.

All-We are welcome here.

One-Come from your jobs, your shelters, your schools, and your retirement homes.

All-We are welcome here.

One-Come wearing smiles, shedding tears, looking nervous or frightened, and with your anger.

All-We are welcome here.

One-Come with your questions and answers. Come with your prayer requests and answered prayers. Come to sing songs you love and songs others love. Come to hear God’s Word as part of this faith community.

All-We are God’s beloved. Let us worship our God who loves us just as we are.



Amazing God, you have welcomed us into your house today, and we are grateful. Speak to us in words, in music, in the smiles of another, in the peace we feel here, and in the silence. We open our herts and our minds to hear from you. Amen. 


Invitation to the Offering-

All that we have is a gift from God. This is our opportunity to say thank you to God by returning what we have been given to the Giver of All Good Gifts. With generous hearts, let us give our gifts.


Prayer of Dedication

Gracious God,

We present to you our tithes and offering knowing you have great plans for the money we give.  We, also, offer ourselves for your service knowing you have great plans for each of us.  Use what we have given and use us to share your love with this hurting and hopeful world.  Amen.



May love rain down on us, so we know why God calls us beloved.

May challenges and questions fill our days, so we know the Spirit of Wisdom and Creativity who walks with us.

May many opportunities to see Jesus in each other arise, so we practice compassion, justice, and mercy as Jesus did.

Go out into God’s world knowing you are never alone and always loved. Amen.

Middle of the Night Prayer

Recently, I found myself awake and unable to go back to sleep at 3:30 in the morning. I tried all my usual ways to encourage myself to go back to sleep and none of them worked. Instead of fretting over how I was going to make it through the work day with so little sleep, I decided to pray for people I know and those I do not know who are awake at this time of day.
Loving God,
Be with the caregivers of babies and young children who find themselves awakened in the middle of the night. Send your peace to mothers, fathers, aunts, uncles, grandparents, and all other people who are awake because the schedules of babies and small children do not fit into a neat box. Grant them your compassion when they are exhausted. Grant them good rest for the times they get to sleep. And surround them with kind people who will help them through the difficult nights and days.
Be with those who work the overnight hours to keep us safe, healthy, warm or cool, and fed. Be with the night owls who enjoy the overnight shifts and be with the people who take those shifts for the extra money to try to make ends meet. Keep them safe on the roads and in their places of work. Help them to know that their hard work is appreciated.
Be with the caregivers to the ill and dying who are awake in the night. Send your peace to the caregivers and the ones receiving care. Send people into their lives to support them in this challenging time. And help them to hold onto hope for healing in this life or the next life.
Be with all who are awake because of worry or anxiety or stress or racing thoughts. Calm the mind and spirit. Send your spirit of peace upon all who are seeking peace this night. Remind each one that they are loved more than they know and you are always here.
Be with all who are awake and don’t even know why. Give them strength for the coming day.
God, for all who find themselves awake before the sun, we ask your blessing. Hear their prayers and answer them. Send your spirit of peace upon them and grant them a good rest soon. Amen.