Prayers to Start the Work Day
I was asked for help by the staff of a local assisted living facility. They were feeling like they needed prayers or devotions to start off their morning meeting, and they didn’t know what to do. So, I wrote these prayers for them. I hope they will be helpful to you this week too.
Loving God, Be with us today. Give us patience and compassion. Help us to do our work with love as we care for those you have entrusted to us. Open our ears to hear the stories shared no matter how many times we have heard the same stories. May the work that we do be pleasing to you. Amen.
O God, It is another work day and my attitude is not what it needs to be. Help me to put aside for awhile all that needs to be done when the workday is done. Watch over my loved ones while I work so that I may focus on the work that is here and the people that need me. Guide my steps and actions. Amen.
Holy One, We know that today is going to be a good day because you woke us up and brought us to this place. So thank you for all the blessings you give us each day. Thank you for this work that you have given me to do. Help me to do it to the very best of my ability. Amen.
Gracious God, As we start this work day, we bring thoughts of things that didn’t get done yesterday and all there is to do today. It is overwhelming. How can we possibly do it all? Remind us, O God, that you are with us. Help us to prioritize and be efficient. Help us to slow down too when needed. With your help, Holy One, this day won’t be as hard as we imagine. Amen.
Thank you, God, for giving me work to do that makes me feel fulfilled. Help me to see that I am an important person at this place and the work I do matters. Inspire me to do my work well. Open my eyes to times I can help my colleagues to do their work better. And remind me to thank my coworkers for the good work they do and to graciously accept their thanks for work I do well. Thank you, God, for this team that is working together toward our goals. Amen.