Post-it Countdown

I love post-its. I love countdowns. What is the best? Obviously, combining these two loves together. I am nearing the end of my first semester back at school. To celebrate and motivate myself, I made a post-it countdown. As of today, 4 more classes and 5 more assignments are between me and a few weeks off before summer classes! Woohoo!

So, when you are nearing the end of your energy or excitement for something, why not try a countdown? It feels good to physically remove the number from the stack and know that you are closer to the end!

I have used post-its for Lenten countdowns in church (great time to use purple). I made my niece and nephew a countdown when they were driving to see me four years ago. There is no limit to how many ways post-it countdowns can help motivate and inspire you.

Inspiring God, some days we need an extra push. Some days we need an extra reminder that we are moving on the right track and this season isn’t forever. Thank you for post-it countdowns and other fun ways to help us keep on going! With your help, we can do this. Amen!

A Prayer for When You Are Up Before the Sun

God! Why am I awake and the sun has yet to make an appearance? I wish I was sleeping in my bed! Instead I am awake. My mind is whirling with today’s to do list. Outside it is still dark.

Loving God, it feels like we are the only two up in the whole world…except the birds. I can hear them outside. They are awake and awaiting dawn as well. Give me the same conviction as the birds, so I will feel confident that the sun will rise and a new day will dawn. Even if it dawns after I have begun my day.

God of sunrises and sunsets, whenever we are awake, you are awake. Keeping watch. Loving us. And offering us your peace. Let us reach out and accept your loving kindness. Amen.