Each month many faith communities publish a newsletter. All the important dates and details about what is happening will be shared in those pages. Plus, the church staff is asked to write a short article each month. This is what I wrote for St. Giles Presbyterian Church in March 2011. As I reread it recently, I liked the idea of considering what hats we wear. I encourage you to think about all the hats you wear during the week and how many different roles you have in your daily life.
This month I promised to tell you what a DCE or pastor does the rest of the week. You know about much of the Sunday stuff because that is when you see us. If I asked you to describe what you do or how you spend your week, it may take you awhile to name a portion of what occupies your work week or weekday hours. I’ll spare you a long list and instead share some hats I wear that explain how this DCE fills her work week.
Confidant-No matter your age, sometimes you just need someone to listen.
Teacher-I love leading Bible studies, book discussions, and teaching the children and youth. Sharing faith and faith stories is a fun hat to wear.
Student-I will always see myself as someone who can learn more and more. Through conferences, books and magazines, and conversations with colleagues, I am constantly reminded how much there is to learn.
Motivator-Our faith journeys aren’t easy roads. We need people to journey with us and motivate us to keep going when it is difficult.
Planner-Lots of events, activities, and things happen here at St. Giles. For each hour of something you see, hours of planning, preparation, emails etc. go into it. Plus, planning lists, coordination with ministry teams, and putting it all on the church calendar.
Supporter-Where can I help someone with what he or she is doing or suggest someone else who wants to help? Part of my role as supporter is helping people see where the needs of the church work with their gifts and then supporting them as they share their gifts!
Cheerleader-Woohoo children, youth, and adults! Way to go on sharing God’s love in so many ways.
I hope this glance at the hat rack of this DCE answers the what does a DCE do all week question!