Before this Lenten Season started, I planned to write a prayer each week of Lent and then special prayers for Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter Sunday. Things in the USA are so odd that it seems wrong to write these words and pretend that we can or will celebrate as we usually do. And yet, we know that Easter will come without a full church and lilies and children searching for eggs and choirs singing their long practiced anthems and sunrise services and all the other traditions that make Easter so special. Easter will come as it came the first time…quietly and without fanfare. It is hard to prepare ourselves for that when that doesn’t sound like the Easters we have known. I am thinking of all who are currently serving churches. They are helping their congregations to do church in new ways and trying new things to meet the needs of those they serve. Keep them all in your prayers.
So where are you finding hope in these uncertain times? I’ll share with you what I am doing and also admit that it doesn’t always work. I have moments of fear and dread for those I love, for the work I love that I am doing in a new way, and for people around the world that I do not know and God has called me to love them anyway.
-Put down my phone. Shut off the tv news. The amount of information to which we have access is amazing and overwhelming. I am working on staying informed by checking the news in the morning and in the evening. I enjoy seeing what friends and family are doing on Facebook and also find it upsetting with all the news that is shared there, so sometimes I use my phone as a phone and call someone. Limit the information you view in a way that works for you.
-Spread Hope and Joy. I love getting mail, so I decided last week to start sending mail more regularly. Each day I am writing a card/note and sending it to someone. This daily ritual is bringing me hope and joy as I think of this special someone while writing to them. My hope is that receiving actual mail will bring joy to the receivers as well.
-Keep on Living. My husband said this to me last night when I was having a difficult moment. Then we spent the next half hour deciding where to hang some paintings and pictures in our home. We have lived here since Thanksgiving and have not hung anything on the walls yet. Doing something normal like this eased the worry and helped me to keep on living. (Also, please note we talked about where to hang things and nothing has yet been hung up, so this is not a call for perfection!).
Whatever you are doing in this time, it is enough. Be kind to yourself and each other.
Loving God, We are living in strange and frightening times. We know we are not the first people to live in times like these. Calm our fears. Send us your peace. Inspire us to do good however that is possible. Nothing seems normal, God, and we need you to assure us that you are here and we are loved. Hear us when we call out to you. Amen.

Thank you for your comments. I often feel like I have been gut punched with all of the changes and isolation. Worship planning on our Zoom meetings are incredibly challenging with so many more things to consider. I am pleased with the number of folks who have joined us, but am also very concerned about the folks I am seeing or hearing. Ministry has definitely taken on a host of new challenges! Peace be with you and your family.
BTW, if you have a desire to participate in our worship or its planning, give me a shout.
That picture “looked a little fishy”
Nice est regards from Your Father
I cannot imagine how challenging it is to lead worship and provide pastoral care in these challenging times.
I hope to join in worship on Zoom soon.
Peace be with you and your family!
Dear Dad,
Thanks for the support and humor!
Your Daughter
Thank you for this post, it has been a looong month and the past week was no better. Need to sit and dwell and then move on.
I love your fish picture and somehow see my husband’s expression in the fish’s gaze. I am grateful
I have stacks of card yet to be used. Thank you for the reminder of sending notes to help ease the fear my loved ones are feeling, and to give me a bit normalcy!
I love that you see your husband in the fish picture. It is such a joyous picture. I smile each time I see it.
Peace to you.
I hope the writing cards to your loved eased their fears and brought a sense of normalcy to your life.
Peace to you,