Worship Words for a Sunday Morning
On Sunday, I am preaching and leading worship for a local church. I wrote and compiled (from my previous writings) these words that will be used this Sunday. These worship words could be used just about any Sunday of the year as we gather as communities of faith to worship our God.
One-Is there anyone here who has ever felt scared or worried on a Sunday morning? Were you wondering-will I fit in? Will I be welcome? Does God still love me? The answer is yes!
Come in your suits, your shorts, your flip flops, and your dresses.
All-We are welcome here.
One-Come from your jobs, your shelters, your schools, and your retirement homes.
All-We are welcome here.
One-Come wearing smiles, shedding tears, looking nervous or frightened, and with your anger.
All-We are welcome here.
One-Come with your questions and answers. Come with your prayer requests and answered prayers. Come to sing songs you love and songs others love. Come to hear God’s Word as part of this faith community.
All-We are God’s beloved. Let us worship our God who loves us just as we are.
Amazing God, you have welcomed us into your house today, and we are grateful. Speak to us in words, in music, in the smiles of another, in the peace we feel here, and in the silence. We open our herts and our minds to hear from you. Amen.
Invitation to the Offering-
All that we have is a gift from God. This is our opportunity to say thank you to God by returning what we have been given to the Giver of All Good Gifts. With generous hearts, let us give our gifts.
Gracious God,
We present to you our tithes and offering knowing you have great plans for the money we give. We, also, offer ourselves for your service knowing you have great plans for each of us. Use what we have given and use us to share your love with this hurting and hopeful world. Amen.
May love rain down on us, so we know why God calls us beloved.
May challenges and questions fill our days, so we know the Spirit of Wisdom and Creativity who walks with us.
May many opportunities to see Jesus in each other arise, so we practice compassion, justice, and mercy as Jesus did.
Go out into God’s world knowing you are never alone and always loved. Amen.