Liturgy for Luke 13: 10-17

Call to Worship

One-You are welcome here.

All-We are welcome here.

One-Jesus calls us to come as we are.

All-Jesus asks us to open our hearts and be ready to let him change us.

One-Come to this time of worship not knowing how God will speak to you today.

All-We come ready to hear God’s word and to follow Jesus where he leads.

Invocation-Too often, we put you into a small box and pretend we can easily describe you, Amazing God. You created the heavens and the earth. You love humans and you love fish, birds, and animals. Why do we try to shrink you down to a more manageable size when you are bigger than we can imagine? Help us to see you in each other and to hear your words in the music of this place. Help us to know you better through the Scriptures and the wonder of creation. Shape us and mold us, O God. Amen. 

Invitation to Offering-All that we have and all that we are is a gift from our Gracious and Loving God. Each week when we collect our offering we have an opportunity to respond to God’s goodness in our lives. Let us now give with kind and generous hearts trusting that what we give changes us and those who receive it.

Prayer of Dedication-Receive these tithes and offerings, Holy One, as a thank you for all you have given to us. We do not know the impact these gifts will have on people here in this place and our siblings around the world we will never meet. Multiply and use these gifts just as you use us to do your work in this your world. Amen. 

Hearing What Needs to Be Heard and a Prayer

This week I was talking with a friend who asked me how things are going. I replied with life is hard. And she said every time I have talked with you lately you said life is hard. She wasn’t arguing with me or disputing what I was saying. She was pointing out that she has been listening to me and has heard a common response from me over the last few months. 
This was a wake up call for me. It was a reminder to be aware of my words and outlook. I made myself step back and see why I kept saying the same thing. 
Since that time, I have been more aware of my answers. I add and plus a second word to describe how even in the midst of challenges life is good. Life is hard and beautiful. Life is hard and funny. Life is hard and wonderful. This small change has changed me and encouraged me to look for the good among the hard.
Gracious and Loving God, Thank you for the people you put into our lives to keep us on track. Open our ears to words we may not want to hear. Open our eyes to see the wonder of creation and the gift of life you give us each day. Open our mouths to sing your praises as we thank you for the hard and beautiful lives we lead. Give us the strength and courage and motivation to keep moving forward for you. Amen.

A beautiful art therapy project by my dear friend, Susan Harry.

Pentecost Benediction

As you celebrate Pentecost, you might enjoy this call to worship or sermon used on past Pentecosts.

Here is a benediction to end your Pentecost worship time.

Go out into God’s world filled with the spark of the Holy Spirit. Let love guide your actions. Listen for the Spirit of Truth. Spread the peace of Christ and remind everyone you meet that each one is a beloved child of God. Amen.

Worship Space at Taize

A Benediction for Good Friday

Today we remember the death of Jesus. Last night in worship I was almost moved to tears as I watched the stripping of the altar after a service that had included hand washing and communion. Removing all the adornments and beautiful items from an altar or communion table and pulpit and lectern always gives me pause as we mark this day as different from all others. For me, my favorite way to leave the sanctuary on Good Friday is in silence with no handshaking, no communication with others. I want time alone with my thoughts after hearing Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, is dead.

I offer this benediction today for those who may not be attending a service today or for those who prefer to end a service with a benediction.

As you go out into the world this night, don’t rush ahead to the events of the coming days. Allow yourself to mourn the death of Jesus. Contemplate the betrayal by Judas and the denial by Simon Peter. Stay by the cross like the women who loved Jesus. Reflect on how much you love Jesus and how much he has taught you. Go now, knowing God is always with you and walks this lonesome valley with you. Amen.

A Benediction for Maundy Thursday aka Holy Thursday

Today is the day we remember the Last Supper and Jesus instructing us to wash each other’s feet. In Matthew, Mark, and Luke’s gospels, we hear Jesus asking us to take and eat the bread and to drink from the cup. In John’s gospel, Jesus washes his disciples’ feet and encourages them to wash each other’s feet. However you are observing this holy day, my hope is that you’ll take time to pause and remember and give thanks.

Open your hearts to receive this benediction- We have gathered at Jesus’ table as welcomed guests. Always remember that there is plenty of room at this table as this holy table is as big and wide as God’s amazing love for us. There are no better words to end this benediction than the words of Jesus spoken after washing the disciples’ feet from John 13: 34-35, “I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.” Amen.

Forgive Yourself

Recently, I said something ridiculous. Not ridiculous funny. I mean why in the world did that come out of my mouth?! Sharing the details would not make it any better, so just picture that thing you would never say out loud. I said it. And I felt terrible. I worried. I was mad at myself. I didn’t know how to fix it. After much worry, anger, and frustration, I realized what was missing from all my thoughts. I had not forgiven myself! I was beating myself up over and over and reliving the moments. The only way to move on was to forgive myself. Today, I encourage you to forgive yourself for something you have done or forgotten to do. I encourage you to be kind to yourself as you are being kind to others. Let yourself know that tomorrow you will get another opportunity to be kind, so why not start by being kind to yourself?

Forgiving One, We ask for forgiveness when we harm each other and when we hurt you. Why are we so slow to forgive ourselves? As you forgive us, Merciful God, for the wrongs that we have done to you and to each other, remind us to forgive ourselves. Teach us your way of compassion and kindness to each other and to ourselves. Help us to love ourselves and our neighbors. Remind us that each one of us is created in your image and is beloved. Amen. 

Photo by Felix Koutchinski on Unsplash

Asking for Money and Thanking God for Money

Recently, I was part of a conversation where pastors asked for a new call to offering and prayer of dedication. I felt inspired to write something a little bit different.

Call to the Offering

The church isn’t good at asking for money in ways that inspire people. Often we give because we are supposed to or its the right thing to do or we’ve always given. Some of us don’t give much because we give elsewhere at places that are better at making us feel like our hard earned money will be used well. Today I encourage you to look around this sacred space. Notice where your money is going-to provide a worship opportunity in a comfortably cooled/heated space, to provide educational times so we can all grow in our faith, to provide equitable salaries for all who work here, to share God’s love with those outside this space through food pantries, after school programs, AA groups, and so many other ways. Think about the good your money does when you give it to your church as we share a moment of eyes open and looking around in silent reflection. And now, we will receive this morning’s offering.

Prayer of Dedication-

Holy One, Receive this offering we give to you and your church because we want to help spread your good news within these wall and in our community and throughout the world. Bless the work that will be done with this money as we seek to open our eyes, ears, and hearts and become the body of Christ at work in the world. Amen.

Celebrating the Life of…

Shortly before Christmas, my husband’s Grandma died. Her death was the third family member we said good-bye to in 2018. While we found much joy throughout the year, it was a year filled with many hard, grief-filled days.

My Mother-in-law asked if I would read Scripture, pray and do a faith eulogy at Grandma’s service. I consider it a privilege to be asked to participate in a special moment like this.

Here are the words I shared at her funeral and I am sharing them with you on what would have been her 90th birthday.

I was asked to speak about Grandma Clark and her faith. Many of you have known her much longer than I have. I first met her 13 years ago when her grandson now my husband, Richard, asked me to come home with him for Christmas to meet his family. 
Grandma was a women of faith who relied on her faith and hard work throughout her life. Her faith and her family are what sustained her when she needed to make difficult decisions. Her faith strengthened her when she said goodbye to loved ones resting in the assurance that she would see them again.
For some time, Grandma has been ready to be with Jesus. As it became more difficult for her to be as independent as she wanted to be and we all know that she wanted to do everything by herself and didn’t want to ask for any assistance. As she had to relinquish more and more independence, she would ask why am I still here? And her daughter Mary would tell her that God needed her to stay here with us a little longer and when God was ready she would be called home. That finally happened. And even though she was ready, I am not sure we were. 
We will remember her determination and strength. We never forget her fierce independence and how she fought to keep control of all that she could by living alone as long as possible and not wanting to give up her car. 
My hope is that we all will continue to tell her story and remember her through our laughter and tears. 
And we take comfort in knowing that she is not in pain anymore, that she now can move and walk without any challenges, and that is reunited with her loved ones who have gone before her. 
So today and in the coming days, rely on your faith and your family as Grandma did as the strength and support to help you through the hard days and the joy that is with you on the good days.

Grandma playing Exploding Kittens with her grandson, Richard, Christmas 2015.

Christmas Eve Worship Words

On Christmas Eve, my Dad and I are leading worship together. Here is the liturgy I wrote for the service, plus a call to worship using words from Isaiah. Dad is working on his sermon about the shepherds, and I am thinking about what I will say to the children about the Advent wreath and lighting the Christ candle. One of the joys of my Christmas will be leading worship with my Dad. 

Call to Worship (Isaiah 9: 2-3, 6-7 from the NRSV)

One: The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light.

ALL: Those who lived in a land of deep darkness— on them light has shined.

One: You have multiplied the nation, you have increased its joy.

ALL: They rejoice before you as with joy at the harvest, as people exult when dividing plunder. 

One: For a child has been born for us, a son given to us; authority rests upon his shoulders.

ALL: He is named Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.

One: His authority shall grow continually, and there shall be endless peace for the throne of David and his kingdom.

ALL: He will establish and uphold it with justice and with righteousness from this time onward and forevermore. The zeal of the Lord of hosts will do this.

Opening Prayer

On this silent and holy night, we gather here to remember the real reason for this season, Jesus our Savior, who was born this night. We pause to remember, give thanks, hear the old story, and sing the familiar songs. In our traditions and rituals, be revealed to us anew tonight, Jesus. Like the shepherds, we are awake and watching for the angels to direct us in the right path. Amen.

Prayer of Dedication

Giver of All Good Gifts, We thank you tonight for the greatest gift of all, Jesus. And so we give joyfully knowing that all we have is a gift from you and you have entrusted us to use what we have wisely. So take what we have given, multiply it, and use for your good work in the world. Amen.

Prayer of Thanksgiving (After Communion)

On this most holy night, we thank you, Gracious God, for welcoming us at your table. May the welcome we received here inspire us to welcome others and to share your love with all we meet. Strengthen us to welcome the Christ Child into our hearts and our homes and our lives this night. May the light which shines brightly tonight live on in our hearts as we seek to be followers of the star. Amen.

An Advent Prayer (for the days when you aren’t feeling it)

I am not putting my Christmas tree up this year. I hung up lights outside that were shining brightly each night. Recently, they stopped working and while I could climb on a ladder and attempt to fix the problem…I am not. I am not protesting Advent or Christmas. I love both seasons. Instead, I am not doing what other people say I must do simply because other people think I should.

 I am celebrating this season in a way that feels meaningful to me this year. I am lighting my Advent candles and singing along to carols. I am taking time to breathe deeply and slowly down amidst all the hurrying I encounter. I am praying and holding times of silence. I am sitting with others who don’t feel like celebrating in expected ways this year. 

My hope for you is that you mark this season in way that feels authentic for you. I pray that you find peace, joy, and love this season too.

Loving God, You know us and you love us. Be with us this Advent. Draw us near to you as we smile and laugh or as we cry and scream. Wherever we find ourselves this Advent season, you are there. Whether our celebrations are the same as every year or if there is someone or something missing this year, please accept the best of ourselves that we offer to your service. Be gentle with us, Gracious God, and remind us to be gentle with ourselves. In the holy name of the one about to be born to us anew, we pray. Amen.