Lenten Prayer (Center us!)

As the Season of Lent is coming closer to the end, we know what is coming, O God. Holy Week will soon be here. Normally that includes waving of palm branches, communion and washing of feet, and that Friday that is called good even as it breaks our hearts. We are feeling uncertain and sad not knowing what this Holy Week will be, Loving God. Slow us down from looking ahead and plant us right here and now. Give us the words that need to be prayed and if there are none, God, sit with us in holy silence. In this time and place, we are resting in your presence.
(Sit in silence for a time. How long you remain silent is up to you. Even a few moments can refocus you. I like to recommend for beginners of sitting in silence to sit until you feel uncomfortable and then sit awhile longer. Notice your breathing and be aware of any words or thoughts that come into your head. Thank God for them. Thank God for any people who enter your thoughts. And when it is the right time for you, end the prayer).
God of silence and beautiful noise, we are thankful for this time of prayer which has centered us in you today. Help us to remember and be renewed by this time with you and give us strength to face the day. Amen.

Lenten Prayer (Keep on going)

This is a season of trying, failing, and trying again, O God. We come to the season of Lent with such lofty goals of how we will do all the things to strengthen our relationship with you. And often by this time in Lent, we may have given up as we realize that we cannot do all things. Inspire us, Faithful God, to do what we can with your help. Awaken us to where we can grow and change and know you better. Help us to leave behind the pieces that are not important. This season is not over and there is still time and hope for us. For your love, mercy, and forgiveness, we are grateful, Holy One. Amen.

Lenten Prayer (Send us Peace!)

To prepare for this prayer of peace, settle yourself somewhere that brings you peace. It may be a favorite place in your home. You might go outside or sit near a window where you have a good view. And if it is not possible to move to a peaceful location to pray, close your eyes for a moment and imagine your peaceful place. Now join me in prayer.

Holy and Loving God, We your children are in need of peace today. When it feels like chaos reigns, remind us that you are in control. When our schedules and calendars no longer apply, focus us on what is most important. When the news seems grim, help us to shut off the tv, set our smart phones down, and give ourselves a break from constantly receiving instant information. We your children, O God, are in need of your peace today. When the future seems uncertain, send us your peace. When worry is our first response, send us your peace. When hope is distant, send us your peace. For your peace which passes all of our understanding, we pray. Amen

Lenten Prayer (Slow us down!)

Holy One, As we observe this Lenten season, slow us down. Open us to seeing and hearing what is happening around us. Remind us that our to do lists will wait and we should spend a bit more time with you. Push us to get outside more to observe your amazing creation. With deep cleansing breaths and slower steps, we are awaiting your words for us this day. Show us that the things we see as obstacles in our path may actually be you encouraging us on a new path. Gracious God, help us to be present in each moment this week to see what will be revealed. And now, to help slow us down, we will take three deep breaths and then end this prayer with a big AMEN!

Lenten Prayer (Let this Be a Season of Openness to God)

Loving God, The season of Lent has begun. Whether this is our first Lent or we have observed so many Lenten seasons that we can no longer count them, we want this to be a time we are more open to you, Gracious God. Open us to hear your voice leading us and inspiring us. Open us to see you in each other in this place and everywhere we go this Lenten season. Stir our hearts to be ready for change. We see the brokenness around us and in our own lives, so help us to be healers. We will trust in you that this Lenten season will renew us to do your work faithfully. Lead us, God, and we will follow you. Amen.