Let us pray. God, We are busy people. We need reminders. We need help remembering what is important. In this time of silent confession, we will try to slow down our thoughts and be present with you, Loving God. If something needs to be confessed, we will silently share it, God, and then continue in silence. We will be still and be with our God.
(a time of silent prayer)
God, silence is hard. Confession is hard. Faithful God, you stay with us through all the difficult parts of life. You have heard our confession and been with us in our silent prayers. For your faithfulness and love, we are grateful. Amen.
Our good news is this-The steadfast love of God never ceases. God’s mercies never come to an end. They are new every morning. Great is God’s faithfulness. (Lamentations 3: 22-23).
Today’s picture was taken at the amazing Camp Albemarle. This is a place I highly recommend for retreats and summer camp.
Thanks! I needed these words this morning.