Worship Words-Go in Peace!


The benediction is a favorite part of worship for me. Before rushing off to the million things on my to do list, I am invited or inviting other to stop, take a deep breath, reflect on what we have just experienced together, and remember I am a beloved child of God. If I am receiving the benediction, I like to close my eyes and bow my head. This posture prepares me to receive a blessing. If I offering the benediction, I like to look out over the congregation to see the people I love and God loves for one more minute before they hurry back to their lives. Next time you receive a benediction or as you read this one to yourself, I encourage you to take a deep breath and feel the Spirit of God present with you.

As you go out into God’s world, know that God goes with you. You feel and share the love of God when you open your hearts and your homes to people you love and those you do not yet love. You feel and share the peace of Christ when you look another in the eye and listen. You feel and share the compassion of the Holy Spirit when you share what you have with someone who needs it more. Go now in peace. Amen.

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