A Time of Silence
Our lives are full of noise. As I write this the washer is spinning, a man is installing a new shower door in our bathroom using power tools, and our air conditioner is running. Amidst all this noise, I’m thinking about silence. Maybe I’m thinking about silence because it is so hard to find. While writing this last sentence, my phone rang. Silence is hard to fine.
This picture was taken at a place that does silence well, The Taize Community. Miraculously, thousands of people became and remained silent when entering the worship space there. It was amazing.
As we pray this prayer, remember somewhere you have enjoyed the sound of silence. Picture that place as we pray.
Holy God, our lives are filled with noise. With all the noise, it is hard to hear what is important. Speak to us in this time of silence.
Holy One, how are we to stop for silence when there is so much to do? We look to you as an example because you rested. You created Sabbath. And now we rest in you for a time of silence.
Compassionate One, so many voices call our names, beg for our attention, cry out for mercy. The needs expressed by your children overwhelm us. Our needs overwhelm us. God, you provide. Let us silently be with you without asking for anything.
Loving God, you understand that silence is hard. Even in this prayer, our minds have wandered. We have looked at the clock. And you were with us in this silence. In the noisy and quiet times of our lives, we can rely on you. Help us to seek out silence. Help us to listen to the voices and sounds in our lives so we may hear your voice and and the voices of your children. Amen.
Dear Susannah,
your thoughts help me feel peaceful! keep up your good work!
Mary d.
Dear Mary,
Glad that I can help you feel more peaceful. Thank you for the support.