Today would have been my buddy, Rev. Kristi Foster’s 44th birthday. She died at the age of 39 from colon cancer. She was fearless with an amazing love of life and a strong faith. Her family and friends were so important to her and you knew she loved you. In celebration of her life, I’m sharing this list I created in 2013 of some of the times I miss my friend!
Moments when I miss my friend-
when I listen to a CD you made
when life is awesome
when life stinks
when something funny happens
when I need to make a big decision
when I can’t believe what one of God’s beloved children just did/said
when it is Thursday pizza night
when a Friends reference seems appropriate
when The Amazing Race is on
when I just want to hear your voice
when I have to go camping
when I make salsa-with or without a wooden spoon
when I have a veggies only day
when I enjoy a glass of wine I know you would enjoy
when I have a guess what my niece did story-Aunts rock!
when I’m lost and in need of a reminder of my call
when I need a laugh or a good cry
when I need a partner in crime
when I discover a fun new place to eat, hear a great new song, or see a fun new tv show
when my long hair drives me crazy and I want to chop it off-I remember I started growing it out to donate as soon as I heard you had cancer
whenever the Blue Women sing
when I remember one of our crazy trips (Geneva, Taize, Scotland, road trips!)
when I pull something out of the trash to recycle it
when I use cloth napkins
when I cannot remember something I know you would remember in great detail
when I hear your voice still saved on my voicemail
when I remember my wedding or your wedding
when I wear stripes
when I see your picture.
Loving God, thank you for all those we love. We miss those who are gone. Today, I am missing my dear friend. Thank you for the many years of friendship we had. I lift up to you in prayer all who love her and miss her. Mend our broken hearts. Amen.