Just what you need another reminder to slow down in the busy, busy, busy month of December. I hope you can see this prayer not as a reminder and instead an invitation. An opportunity to pause and breathe. Time to be aware of what is around you. A moment to just be in this time that has become so focused on doing.
Let’s begin by finding a comfortable spot near the Christmas tree. I recommend a blanket and a cup of tea to complete the scene.
And now take a few minutes to soak in the beauty of the Christmas tree. Notice the lights that brighten up the space and the tree. What ornament catches your attention? Focus on that ornament and the memories attached to it. And when you are ready, join me in prayer.
God of All Creation, For the beauty of this season, we thank you. When the grass is brown and the leaves litter the ground, you invite us to bring a symbol of life and light into our homes as a reminder that new life is coming. May the light shining from our Christmas trees inspire us this season to be lights for others and to slow down and pay attention to each other. Slow us down, Holy One, in this time of hurrying so that we may notice you and notice each other. Breathe into us the breath of new life reminding us why we celebrate each December. By the light of this tree, we pause and give thanks. Amen.