For as long as I can remember, I have been a great sleeper. Not just good, a great sleeper. I would fall asleep quickly when the lights went out and sleep until morning. I could take a nap on the weekend and still sleep at night. I could sleep in the car, on a train, or an airplane. Sleeping came easy to me.
Now I find myself in a season of life where this is not the norm for me anymore. I am up in the middle of the night most nights lately. Sometimes only for a short while and other nights for hours. While I hope this is a passing phase, I am missing my identity as a great sleeper.
In the middle of the night while I am awake, I alternate between trying to go back to sleep and attempting to be productive. I read. I write. I pray. I worry about things outside my control. I ponder how to fix major and minor problems. I get up for a drink of water or cup of tea. And I hope for the time when a full night of sleep will become a regular occurrence again.
God of all hours, you hear our prayers no matter what time they come to you. Bring precious sleep to all in need of it. Soothe our worries and calm our fears. Fill us with the peace that passes all understanding. Hold us in the palm of your hand until rest returns and when morning comes may we wake feeling refreshed and ready for the new day. Amen.

What a great piece. I was reading…zzzzzzzz. Zzzzzz. Zzzzzzz. Zzzzzz. Snort. Snort. Snuck. Zzzzzzz. Zzzzz.
I have the same problem….especially when I am at home alone. When I am at my sister’s house, I go right to sleep. I have tried breathing and counting exercises. In the future, when I am alone at home, I will repeat your prayer. Hopefully it will work for me.
I’m so sorry. I have lots of nights like that but I don’t have to get up most mornings so I sleep as late as I can. I do better if I get out of bed and move someplace else. That’s all the help I can give you.
Thank you all for your kind comments. I hope you find good rest most nights. I am continuing to hope this is a short season of my life and I return to being a great sleeper again soon.