Recently, I was asked to pray at a local service for veterans. These are the prayers that I shared for that gathering.
Holy One,
We are thankful to call this country home. Today we gather to honor and remember those brave individuals who kept and continue to keep this country free. Most of us will never be able to understand the challenges faced by those who serve. Open our ears to hear the stories of those in our armed services when and if they want to tell their stories. Open our eyes to notice the needs of our veterans. Open our hearts to welcome the veterans back to this country we all love. Be present with us in this time, Holy One, as you are present with our veterans and those currently serving. Amen.
Eternal One, we are grateful for this time today to be able to remember and give thanks for all of our veterans. Remind us to be thankful for our veterans everyday not just on special days like today. Send your blessings and love on our veterans and their families as we continue to acknowledge the gifts that they shared for our country. Thank you, Eternal One, for your love for all your beloved children and may we share that love and compassion with each other. Amen.