Call to Confession-Like the ten with leprosy, let us cry out to Jesus to notice us and have mercy on us.
Prayer of Confession (in unison)-Jesus, we need you today. We need you to see us. We need you to recognize the real us. You know our faults and our failures. You know the things we did that we wish we had not done and the things we neglected to do that may have lightened the load for another. See us as we are. And then, Jesus, we cry out to you “have mercy on us”. As we pray for your mercy, hear now the silent confessions of our own hearts. (time of silent prayer). Jesus, you hear us and you see us. You hear what we are willing to say out loud and the prayers that we hold in our hearts to afraid to let anyone else know. You see and hear and you love us still. Have mercy on us, Loving Savior. Amen.
Words of Assurance-Like the ones who were healed, we have a choice. We can return to Jesus and say thank you for the gift we have been given or not. The good news I share with you is this-you are a beloved child of God who is seen and heard and forgiven. The mercy of Jesus has been poured out upon you. And now, it is your time to decide how you will respond to that gift. Using the example of the one leper who returned, you too can lead a life steeped in thanksgiving and gratitude for God’s love and forgiveness in your life.