Recently I was sitting by the bedside of a woman who asked me to pray with her. I prayed. We opened our eyes and she said I have never been good at praying in front of other people. I said would you like to practice with me? I would be glad to hear your prayer. So, she prayed slowly in her own words. When she ended her prayer, she thanked me and I encouraged her to keep praying by herself and with others.
Imagine my joy when her nurse shared with me her story from visiting this woman the very next day. This newly confident pray-er had asked the nurse if the nurse would listen to her prayer. The nurse said she prayed with confidence and a sense of peace.
What opportunities do we have each day to affirm each other? To remind each other to step outside our comfort spots and do what scares us a little. Look for times to receive this gift and to share it.
Holy One, some days it feels like we have to be perfect in order to try. Remind us that you accept us as we are and you see the good in us. Help us to hear kind words from others and believe them. Inspire us to affirm what we see in someone else. You don’t ask for perfection instead you ask for our efforts. Today, Loving God, we give what we have because it is all a gift from you. Hear our prayer. Amen.