Benediction on Luke 24: 36-49
Italian Grey
An Easter Call to Worship for All Ages
Tea with a Friend
This week I had the pleasure of enjoying a cup of tea with a friend. I love tea. I love good conversation and time with my friends. So tea with a friend was the perfect way to spend part of the afternoon. I enjoyed a chai tea latte with oat milk at my favorite local coffee shop, Rise Up!
I am ready for the seasons to switch over from a cold, long Winter to a long awaited Spring of blooms (and sneezes) and buds (and sneezes) and pollen (and sneezes). I am looking forward to sunshine and warmer temperatures.
Wherever you find yourself this week, I hope you will take the time to have a favorite beverage with a friend and engage in some good conversation. I think taking the time to listen and talk together is what we all need right now.
God, You created us to be in relationship with one another. So slow us down over a cup of tea. Open our ears to listen to each other. Close our mouths so we begin by listening and after we have listened open our hearts to share honestly. And then, inspire us to do this regularly. To make time for each other. To build up the relationships in our lives and to create new ones. Thank you, God, for cups of tea to inspire conversations. Amen.
Thankful for the Rain
Building the Tabernacle as I Read My Way through the Bible
A Cup of Tea and an Update
I was asked by one of my regular readers what was going on as he had noticed that my writing has become a little less regular lately. And the answer I gave him and I give you is that 2018 has been a hard year so far. I have been spending time grieving the death of a loved one and caring for a loved one who is ill. It has been hard. I have wanted to write and have not been able to find the words. I am hoping that I can begin to write more regularly. At some point, I may write more about all that has happened this year, but not yet as I am still living through it and processing it.
This week I enjoyed a cup of tea in this mug my sister gave me for my birthday. Holding a cup of tea in my hands is like a hug across the miles from my sister. As the weekend approaches, find a little time to be thankful for someone who brings joy to your life. Have a cup of tea, take a deep breath, and know you are loved.
Getting Back on Track This Lenten Season
Today is Ash Wednesday. This is the first of our 40 day journey toward Easter. There are many ways to observe this season, and I invite you to consider waiting, using post-its, or whatever method works for you to use this time intentionally to grow in your faith. I will be removing 40 things from my home as I do each Lent. And, I will be getting back on track with a few spiritual practices that I have been neglecting. So on this Ash Wednesday, I ask for forgiveness for the ways I have fallen behind in what I intend to do. This Lenten Season will be a time to reset, begin again, and extend the same grace to myself as I extend to others.
However you plan to observe this season I hope this time will help you grow in your faith and strength your relationship with the Creator. Peace be to you, this Lenten Season.
Happy Birthday to Me!