Book Review-Everything Happens for a Reason and Other Lies I’ve Loved by Kate Bowler

I have been reading this book for so long because I didn’t want to hurry through it and finish it. I was sad when I came to the last page because I loved the book so much that I wanted it to go on and on. (If you love this book like I do, please listen to her podcast, Everything Happens with Kate Bowler. And when searching for the exact name of her podcast, I learned there is a podcast called Everything Happens for a Riesling which I have not listened to although the name makes me laugh).

If you believe that everything happens for a reason and find comfort in that belief, then I am not here to change your mind. The author of this book would encourage you to not say those words outloud to others as they may not find them comforting. This book is what happened when one person learned that she had non-curable cancer and her whole world view needed to be reexamined.

In these pages, you be challenged in what you believe and how you support others who are suffering. You will laugh at the absurdity of life. You may cry as you remember that we were never told that life is fair even though we’d life for it to be.

“What if rich did not have to mean wealthy, and whole did not have to mean healed? What if being people of “the gospel” meant that we are simply people with good news? God is here. We are loved. It is enough” (21).This book is for people who read a sentence like this and want to hear more of the story.

“Everyone is trying to Easter the crap out of my Lent,” I say to my friends though gritted teeth and tears” (134). It is a book for people who love Easter and know real life contains so much Lent that doesn’t need to be rushed through.

I encourage you to read this book, and then we can talk more about it.

A November Ritual

Each year on November 14, I light a candle on a piece of dessert. It isn’t my birthday, and yet I blow out the candle. I do this for my best friend. November 14 is her birthday and for the last seven years she has not been alive to celebrate her birthday. So, I celebrate it for her. I make or prepare a dessert. I light a candle. I remember her and give thanks for our friendship. Then, I blow out the candle and enjoy that dessert. I tell stories about her to anyone who will listen. I laugh and cry. I miss her and wish she was here to enjoy her birthday dessert with me.

I share this with you because this yearly ritual is healing and helpful for me as I continue to grieve my friend. I encourage you to remember those you love who have died and find meaningful rituals to help you mark important days. If you have a special way you remember a loved one, I’d love to hear about it.

Loving God, When our hearts are breaking and we miss our loved ones, you are here. When another special day comes and our loved one isn’t here to celebrate, you are here. Be with us as we remember and give thanks. Be with us as we cry and ask why? However we honor those we love, be present with us, Gracious God. Amen.

This year’s birthday dessert.

Prayers for Our Veterans

Recently, I was asked to pray at a local service for veterans. These are the prayers that I shared for that gathering.

Holy One,
We are thankful to call this country home. Today we gather to honor and remember those brave individuals who kept and continue to keep this country free. Most of us will never be able to understand the challenges faced by those who serve. Open our ears to hear the stories of those in our armed services when and if they want to tell their stories. Open our eyes to notice the needs of our veterans. Open our hearts to welcome the veterans back to this country we all love. Be present with us in this time, Holy One, as you are present with our veterans and those currently serving. Amen.

Eternal One, we are grateful for this time today to be able to remember and give thanks for all of our veterans. Remind us to be thankful for our veterans everyday not just on special days like today. Send your blessings and love on our veterans and their families as we continue to acknowledge the gifts that they shared for our country. Thank you, Eternal One, for your love for all your beloved children and may we share that love and compassion with each other. Amen.

Celebrate with Me!

Today I am celebrating 15 years of ordained ministry.

On this day 15 years ago, I was surrounded by family and friends and colleagues in ministry in one of the churches that raised me. After years of hard work, education, and training, we gathered together to worship and give thanks to God for my call to ministry. While I planned the service (including music and Scripture I love), the service was a time of worship with a focus on God.

In the fifteen years since that day, I have served three churches in three different states and now am serving as a hospice chaplain. I have led confirmation retreats, stayed up too late during youth lock-ins, laughed with children, preached countless sermons, served communion while reminding each person present that each one is welcome at the table and a beloved child of God, taught many Sunday School and youth group lessons, listened to so many stories and kept confidences, been invited into people’s homes where I was treated like family, and also participated in more than a few meetings. How do you sum up 15 years? I have been privileged to watch children grow into youth and now into adults. I have cried with you when loved ones have died. I have baptized children and youth and officiated wedding and funerals. I have been inspired by the faith I have witnessed in people of faith of all ages.

And despite that long list, so many things and events went unmentioned. I could talk for hours about mission trips or games of sardines or most memorable memorial services. Instead, I will thank you for whatever part you have played in this journey I have been on for these past fifteen years. Thank you!

God, I am grateful for my call to ordained ministry. It has been a challenge and a joy to serve so many different people over these past fifteen years. Thank you for the strength to continue on and to follow where you lead. Thank you for the surprises that meet me each day. Continue to be with those you love who have been part of my journey. With gratitude for all that has happened that has made me who I am today, I look forward to the next fifteen years knowing you, Gracious God, will be sustaining and equipping me. Amen.

Praying for Sleep

For as long as I can remember, I have been a great sleeper. Not just good, a great sleeper. I would fall asleep quickly when the lights went out and sleep until morning. I could take a nap on the weekend and still sleep at night. I could sleep in the car, on a train, or an airplane. Sleeping came easy to me.
Now I find myself in a season of life where this is not the norm for me anymore. I am up in the middle of the night most nights lately. Sometimes only for a short while and other nights for hours. While I hope this is a passing phase, I am missing my identity as a great sleeper. 

In the middle of the night while I am awake, I alternate between trying to go back to sleep and attempting to be productive. I read. I write. I pray. I worry about things outside my control. I ponder how to fix major and minor problems. I get up for a drink of water or cup of tea. And I hope for the time when a full night of sleep will become a regular occurrence again.

God of all hours, you hear our prayers no matter what time they come to you. Bring precious sleep to all in need of it. Soothe our worries and calm our fears. Fill us with the peace that passes all understanding. Hold us in the palm of your hand until rest returns and when morning comes may we wake feeling refreshed and ready for the new day. Amen.

Prayer of Confession (Luke 17: 11-19)

Call to Confession-Like the ten with leprosy, let us cry out to Jesus to notice us and have mercy on us.

Prayer of Confession (in unison)-Jesus, we need you today. We need you to see us. We need you to recognize the real us. You know our faults and our failures. You know the things we did that we wish we had not done and the things we neglected to do that may have lightened the load for another. See us as we are. And then, Jesus, we cry out to you “have mercy on us”. As we pray for your mercy, hear now the silent confessions of our own hearts. (time of silent prayer). Jesus, you hear us and you see us. You hear what we are willing to say out loud and the prayers that we hold in our hearts to afraid to let anyone else know. You see and hear and you love us still. Have mercy on us, Loving Savior. Amen.

Words of Assurance-Like the ones who were healed, we have a choice. We can return to Jesus and say thank you for the gift we have been given or not. The good news I share with you is this-you are a beloved child of God who is seen and heard and forgiven. The mercy of Jesus has been poured out upon you. And now, it is your time to decide how you will respond to that gift. Using the example of the one leper who returned, you too can lead a life steeped in thanksgiving and gratitude for God’s love and forgiveness in your life.

Queen of Tarts (from David’s Teas)

One recent morning I needed a cup of tea to jump start my morning. It seemed a good morning to try a new tea. I made myself a cup of Organic Queen of Tarts. What a fun new tea. A strong fruity smell woke me up quickly and made me smile. Next I enjoyed the delicious fruit-filled taste. Yum.

I love this tea. It is fun and fruity and a great way to get one’s morning started. So, try something new it just might brighten your day!

Laugh Everyday

In the chaos of life, we all need reminders. This week my reminder came from a coloring book. Life is busy with many things that need doing. It can be easy to forget to stop. This week I colored this paper, and I laughed. So I encourage you to laugh everyday, it is good for you.

Creating God, What makes you laugh? Does a good joke make you laugh so hard you cry like it does for me? Is it children speaking their minds and saying what adults won’t say that make you chuckle? How about a prank or a gag? God, remind us of what makes us laugh and help us to laugh. When life is good, we need to laugh. When life is hard, we need to laugh. Inspire us with laughter today. Amen.

A Sermon On Luke 13: 10-17

Sermon for August 25, 2019

Luke 13: 10-17

Who are we in this story? Who are you in this story?Cast of characters-

  • Jesus
  • Woman who is healed
  • Person in the religious establishment of the day
  • Person in the crowd following Jesus

Most adults will not pick to describe themselves as Jesus in a story as that might be assuming I’m thinking too highly of myself. Now, kids and youth will be glad to play the part of Jesus in a story. They know that Jesus gets the fun lines and gets to do the cool actions. If you are Jesus in this story, you get to speak the words of healing and lay your hands on the woman as a sign of blessing and healing. Pretty cool, huh? And later in our story you as Jesus are going to answer the religious leader and tell that person they are wrong and here’s what they should be doing. All in all not a bad part to play in today’s story.

Who doesn’t want to be the woman who is healed? You have been ailing for 18 years unable to stand up straight. By now you have adjusted to this. You don’t ask to be healed because you probably just try to blend in with the crowd so no one teases you. Jesus sees you. That is one of my favorite things about Jesus-he sees people. He sees this woman who most people probably ignored both because she was a woman and because she was a person with a physical disability. So you are simply going about your day and you are seen. With some simple words and a touch of his hands, Jesus heals you. You stand up for the first time in years and begin praising God. Although you don’t appear anymore in today’s story, your life is forever changed because Jesus saw you.

Person in the religious establishment of the day. It is easy to see this person as the bad guy of the story. You are described as being indignant. And you share what you know to be true that anyone can be healed any other day of the week except the Sabbath because we cannot work on the Sabbath. You are a faithful person who lives by the Torah. You have studied and worked hard to live in the correct way. And then Jesus answers you in a way you wouldn’t expect and tells you that you are wrong. And you feel shame or humiliation at being corrected.

A person in the crowd following Jesus. Your only line is that you are “rejoicing at all the wonderful things that Jesus was doing”. A pretty good part in our story. You are following Jesus and cheering him on.

So who are you in this story? Who do you identify with?

Probably not Jesus as most of us want to be like him and yet don’t feel like we can say we identify as him.

Maybe you can identify with the woman who needs to be healed. Most of us would love to be healed from something. Maybe a relationship that has left you feeling broken. Maybe your life isn’t what you hoped it would be. Maybe you are grieving the death of someone and that emptiness inside you is too much. Maybe you are angry at things beyond your control and you can’t let go of your anger. Maybe your body is no longer allowing you do things you used to enjoy. If we think about it for a bit, everyone would like healing. Everyone would like to have their need acknowledged and their brokenness restored. And my hope is that if we are healed, we will react as the woman did in our story. She praised God. She knew that God is the only one who can heal our wounded souls and so she offered up her praise.

Who doesn’t want to identify as part of the crowd following Jesus? What a gift it would be to follow Jesus learning from him, watching him heal, hearing him teach and preach, and seeing him see people and things that the rest of us overlook.  

You might have noticed that I skipped over the third person in the story-the synagogue leader. I prefer to say person in the religious establishment of the day. If we call this person, the synagogue leader it is easier to think that we have a little less in common. We could easily call this person pastor, church council president, Sunday School teacher, youth minister, choir member, person who sits in the third pew at church every Sunday. That’s right. This person is us. Please notice that I said us. This person is me and you. I am a rule follower. I love rules. I love knowing what I am expected to do so I can do it. I pride myself on doing what I am supposed to do when it is expected to be done. And I am very hard on myself when I cannot meet those expectations.

And maybe that is why I love the church. We are a place and a people full of rules. Some of them are written down in our constitutions and bylaws and covenants. These are the ways we govern ourselves and what makes everything work in our church. Many of our rules are unwritten and just the way we do things. Let me tell you about one of those unwritten rules in a church where I served as their youth minister. The youth loved to play sardines. Do you know this game? First of all, shut off all the lights in the church and then one person hides. Everyone else is seeking that hidden person and when you find the hidden person, you hide with that person. So as more and more people are crowded into one space, you are like sardines in a can. The game ends when only one person is still seeking. So I sent the youth off to play and then was walking through the darkened church to ensure everyone was okay and having fun. I went into the sanctuary and was quickly told by one of the youth-we aren’t allowed in the sanctuary for playing games it is only for worship time. This was an unwritten rule of the church that was so established that no one even thought to tell me until that moment as everyone just knew it. Every church has unwritten rules like this.  

Don’t worry fellow rule followers. Jesus isn’t instructing us to throw out all the rules. Jesus is encouraging us to think about the rules that govern our lives. A day of Sabbath makes good sense as our bodies need rest and time to worship and renew. And we are called to love each other. Would Jesus have been loving this woman as he loves himself if he had not healed her? Jesus could have asked her to come back tomorrow when it isn’t the Sabbath and then I will heal you. He didn’t. He reacted out of love.

How might we act out of love when we are living out our faith?

Jesus gives us several ideas of how to do this in today’s Scripture.

1-See each other. Look at the people you know and those you don’t yet know when you meet them this week. I recommend starting slowly as this can be overwhelming. Start by doing something you wouldn’t normally do. For example, ask your cashier at the grocery store how her day is and maintain eye contact as she answers. This shows that you are seeing her and care about her answer. Notice the people who are easy to overlook as you go about your busy life.

2-Observe the Spirit of the law. I’m using Spirit here with a big/capital S. Look and listen for how the Spirit is encouraging you to live as a person of faith. God has given each of us gifts and we are expected to utilize them. And sometimes God encourages us to use our gifts on Sunday because it will make life better for someone else. How can you use the gifts God has given you to lighten the load of someone else? How might you accept a gift someone else is trying to share with you? How is the Spirit pushing you to live with mercy, kindness, and love?

3-Consider how we can best be the church. Where might the Spirit be calling us to change the way we have always done something because it will make it easier for someone else to fully participate in the life of faith? Where might the Spirit be breathing new life into a ministry or idea and helping it flourish and blossom if only someone or many someones step up to help? And is the Spirit telling us that we need to thank everyone who supported a ministry and end it because it is no longer meeting the needs of this congregation?

This Scripture calls us to consider our actions and our inactions from a variety of perspectives. From the establishment, where life is good and we are familiar with how things should work. What do we need to change to make things more accessible for all of God’s children? From the crowds following Jesus and soaking up his witness-soon they will be called to go out into the world and proclaim the good news. How do we take what we hear and experience in worship on Sunday mornings and live it out the rest of the week? From Jesus who kept his eyes open to see the people in need and the problems in society that needed to be called out. May we be so compassionate and brave. And from the perspective of the woman who was healed who was called a daughter of Abraham and seen as a beloved child of God for the first time in too many years. May we see ourselves and each person we meet as a beloved child of the Living God.

One theologian (Karoline Lewis) shared that she imagined this woman praising God with the first eight verses of Psalm 103. I will end with those words and the prayer that we may feel so amazed by the wonders of our God that we too are called to praise God using these words.

Bless the Lord, O my soul,
   and all that is within me,
   bless his holy name. 
2 Bless the Lord, O my soul,
   and do not forget all his benefits— 
3 who forgives all your iniquity,
   who heals all your diseases, 
4 who redeems your life from the Pit,
   who crowns you with steadfast love and mercy, 
5 who satisfies you with good as long as you live
   so that your youth is renewed like the eagle’s. 
6 The Lord works vindication
   and justice for all who are oppressed. 
7 He made known his ways to Moses,
   his acts to the people of Israel. 
8 The Lord is merciful and gracious,
   slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love. 

Sermon preached on August 25, 2019 at Immanuel UCC in Cambridge, Maryland.

Liturgy for Luke 13: 10-17

Call to Worship

One-You are welcome here.

All-We are welcome here.

One-Jesus calls us to come as we are.

All-Jesus asks us to open our hearts and be ready to let him change us.

One-Come to this time of worship not knowing how God will speak to you today.

All-We come ready to hear God’s word and to follow Jesus where he leads.

Invocation-Too often, we put you into a small box and pretend we can easily describe you, Amazing God. You created the heavens and the earth. You love humans and you love fish, birds, and animals. Why do we try to shrink you down to a more manageable size when you are bigger than we can imagine? Help us to see you in each other and to hear your words in the music of this place. Help us to know you better through the Scriptures and the wonder of creation. Shape us and mold us, O God. Amen. 

Invitation to Offering-All that we have and all that we are is a gift from our Gracious and Loving God. Each week when we collect our offering we have an opportunity to respond to God’s goodness in our lives. Let us now give with kind and generous hearts trusting that what we give changes us and those who receive it.

Prayer of Dedication-Receive these tithes and offerings, Holy One, as a thank you for all you have given to us. We do not know the impact these gifts will have on people here in this place and our siblings around the world we will never meet. Multiply and use these gifts just as you use us to do your work in this your world. Amen.