In the chaos of life, we all need reminders. This week my reminder came from a coloring book. Life is busy with many things that need doing. It can be easy to forget to stop. This week I colored this paper, and I laughed. So I encourage you to laugh everyday, it is good for you.
Creating God, What makes you laugh? Does a good joke make you laugh so hard you cry like it does for me? Is it children speaking their minds and saying what adults won’t say that make you chuckle? How about a prank or a gag? God, remind us of what makes us laugh and help us to laugh. When life is good, we need to laugh. When life is hard, we need to laugh. Inspire us with laughter today. Amen.

You always hit the nail on the head. I know I don’t laugh as much as I used to. I miss it.
I hope you find something to laugh about today.