On Sunday when I led the children’s moment at church, we lit the hope candle and talked about being quiet. I shared with them how my sister and I were asked to play the quiet game on long road trips when our parents had reached their limits on our sisterly bickering. And I asked them to share how they find moments of quiet in our busy lives especially this busy season!
I hope while you are preparing for the birth of Jesus that you find moments of quiet this season. You know I would recommend you make a cup of tea, sitting by the tree, and have a prayerful quiet moment. And if that is too much for you this season, simply pause and give thanks for a moment of silence while waiting for the return of our Prince of Peace.
Originator of Hope, This season of preparing is filled with so much noise. Much of it is joyful noises-carols, laughter, conversations. And yet sometimes it is just too much. We long for quiet. We long to feel hope. We long for your return as the Prince of Peace in our lives and in this world. So, quiet our hearts and our minds and focus them on you. Renew our hope. And guide us back into a close relationship with the One who inspires our hopeful silence. Amen.