Finding the right words to say is important to me. I spend much energy considering how you will receive the words I offer and how they will impact you. Our words matter. This is true is everyday. This is true at the holidays.
I don’t know everything you are going through. I can’t. Just like you can’t know everything that is running though my head and heart. So how do we share holiday greetings when we don’t know how our greetings will be received? We do the best we can with what we know.
I can’t give you all the answers on how to share greetings with others in the holiday season, and I don’t know how you will be feeling when you read these words. I leave you with this blessing that I hope will be meaningful to you today.
Christmas is here with the mix of emotions it brings. God is with us today whether we are sad, mad, glad, lonely, thankful, or whatever emotion we name to describe us today. And because God is with us your feelings are valid and valued. You can laugh and cry today. You can sing the songs of Christmas off key or turn off the music. You can observe this day in whatever way works for you this year. God is with us. God loves us. Amen.

Quick response……..Helpful as usual…