Recently, I said something ridiculous. Not ridiculous funny. I mean why in the world did that come out of my mouth?! Sharing the details would not make it any better, so just picture that thing you would never say out loud. I said it. And I felt terrible. I worried. I was mad at myself. I didn’t know how to fix it. After much worry, anger, and frustration, I realized what was missing from all my thoughts. I had not forgiven myself! I was beating myself up over and over and reliving the moments. The only way to move on was to forgive myself. Today, I encourage you to forgive yourself for something you have done or forgotten to do. I encourage you to be kind to yourself as you are being kind to others. Let yourself know that tomorrow you will get another opportunity to be kind, so why not start by being kind to yourself?
Forgiving One, We ask for forgiveness when we harm each other and when we hurt you. Why are we so slow to forgive ourselves? As you forgive us, Merciful God, for the wrongs that we have done to you and to each other, remind us to forgive ourselves. Teach us your way of compassion and kindness to each other and to ourselves. Help us to love ourselves and our neighbors. Remind us that each one of us is created in your image and is beloved. Amen.

Photo by Felix Koutchinski on Unsplash