November 1 or the Sunday closest to it is the day that we remember and give thanks for the saints in faith who have lived and shared God’s love with us. We would not know of God’s goodness unless we had been told by those who have gone before. I love this special, holy day when we say thank you for their lives and remember those who names we know and treasure as well as those who we never knew.
I invite you to light a candle or multiple candles for the saints who have supported you in your faith.
God of All Ages, We give thanks for your saints today who are now with you.
For the saints who loudly proclaimed your word, so we might know you better, we give you thanks!
For the saints who sang your praises and taught us the songs of faith, we give you thanks!
For the saints who showed up each time the church door was open and volunteered by making snacks and counting the offering and mowing the lawn and cleaning the bathrooms, we give you thanks!
For the saints who held babies in the nursery, made crafts with the toddlers, read stories to the children, attended lock ins with the youth, and ensured that no matter the age that everyone knew they were safe and loved at church, we give you thanks!
For the saints who loved you quietly and worked behind the scenes to see that the church was beautiful and ready each Sunday, we give you thanks!
For every single person of faith who preserved in keeping their faith even when times were hard, we give you thanks!
Thank you, God, for all of your saints. Give us strength to be the saints of today who are sharing your love with all those in our lives. Amen.