I have learned that I need to spend time outside as it calms and grounds me. With the hot temperatures and our deck being under construction, I have not been able to be outside as much as I would like recently! Good news! The temperature has gone down below sweat as soon as you step outside and enough of the deck is finished for me to sit in my comfy chair outside.
I wonder what fills you up when you need a fill up? I wonder what brings you a sense of peace? And how can you find time to spend in that place or activity to renew your soul soon?
God of All Creation, It is good to be outside marveling at a portion of your creation. Help us all to identify and then do that which brings us joy, that which fills our soul, that which inspires peace in ourselves and in your world. For as we renew ourselves, we are better able to serve you and love your creation. Amen.

I went outside once…………..
That really bugged me…………..
I ran into something Fluffy or should I say she jumped over me………………
Remember you grind coffee not tea….
Nice picture waiting and wanting to see it LIVE.
God Bless,,dear…………………….