Shortly before Christmas, my husband’s Grandma died. Her death was the third family member we said good-bye to in 2018. While we found much joy throughout the year, it was a year filled with many hard, grief-filled days.
My Mother-in-law asked if I would read Scripture, pray and do a faith eulogy at Grandma’s service. I consider it a privilege to be asked to participate in a special moment like this.
Here are the words I shared at her funeral and I am sharing them with you on what would have been her 90th birthday.
I was asked to speak about Grandma Clark and her faith. Many of you have known her much longer than I have. I first met her 13 years ago when her grandson now my husband, Richard, asked me to come home with him for Christmas to meet his family.
Grandma was a women of faith who relied on her faith and hard work throughout her life. Her faith and her family are what sustained her when she needed to make difficult decisions. Her faith strengthened her when she said goodbye to loved ones resting in the assurance that she would see them again.
For some time, Grandma has been ready to be with Jesus. As it became more difficult for her to be as independent as she wanted to be and we all know that she wanted to do everything by herself and didn’t want to ask for any assistance. As she had to relinquish more and more independence, she would ask why am I still here? And her daughter Mary would tell her that God needed her to stay here with us a little longer and when God was ready she would be called home. That finally happened. And even though she was ready, I am not sure we were.
We will remember her determination and strength. We never forget her fierce independence and how she fought to keep control of all that she could by living alone as long as possible and not wanting to give up her car.
My hope is that we all will continue to tell her story and remember her through our laughter and tears.
And we take comfort in knowing that she is not in pain anymore, that she now can move and walk without any challenges, and that is reunited with her loved ones who have gone before her.
So today and in the coming days, rely on your faith and your family as Grandma did as the strength and support to help you through the hard days and the joy that is with you on the good days.

Happy new year. First it’s my condolences to your father in-law and the rest of you all for loosing grandmother before celebrating her 90th birthday.
Second, that message of “rely on your faith and your family” is very personal and practical for me in the circumstances we live through in our faith and community.
Blessings as you continue being blessings to many in this new year. Amen.
Thank you so much for your support and kind words. -Susannah
Dearest Susannah,
You are awesome! I have finally read your eulogy, and it is still as wonderful as it was the day we buried her. Than you for the inspiring thoughts and for helping me make peace with mom being where I know she truly wanted to be forever,
You are most welcome. Thank you for the privilege of allowing me to speak on behalf of the family at her service. I love her and I love you too. -Susannah