Seeing Psalm 23 with New Eyes

Seeing Psalm 23 with New Eyes
When we hear something familiar, sometimes we stop listening. We think I’ve heard this before and I know it. In church we might think, I don’t need to listen because I grew up with this text. I understand. Our sacred texts were not meant to be read once or twice and ignored forevermore. Instead we were meant to immerse ourselves in these words and see what new meaning comes to us. We need to listen with our ears, our minds, and our hearts to hear and learn how God is revealing God’s own self to us in this place and time.
When I first thought about this way of looking at the Scripture, I thought it would be good for a kid’s time (children’s sermon) during worship. As I reflected on it more, I thought youth and adults need to have fun with Scriptures too. This could be applied to youth group, any age Sunday School class, a Bible Study group, in your own personal devotion time or even in place of the sermon one Sunday. So many options exist.
My idea is simple with so many ways to change it up to fit your circumstances. The simplest application is giving everyone a sheet of white paper and some crayons. Encourage them to listen while you read the Scripture (in this case, Psalm 23) and then use the paper to capture their illustration. You might read it a few times. You could read it a verse at a time and encourage everyone to keep adding to the illustration.
Of course, you could do this with play dough or pipe cleaners or fabric scraps or magazines and scissors or out in nature with leaves and sticks or with trash you collect while walking outside. The whole point of this idea is to take something that seems so familiar and help ourselves to see it with new eyes.
Make yourself new to us in old, familiar words. Open us to seeing you in new ways. Give us the courage to be creative and listen to our hearts. Lead us where you want us to go and at the end of the day bring us to a place of rest beside green pastures and still waters. Amen.

Benediction on Luke 24: 36-49

Benediction on Luke 24: 36-49
Just like the disciples we are seeking Jesus. We want to have our minds opened so that we might understand the Scriptures. We want to sit and eat with Jesus. We want to hear Jesus say, “Peace be with you.” And that is why we come to this place each week-to learn, to grow, to be in community, and to seek peace. As we go out in God’s amazing world this week, open our minds to what others are teaching us, sit and eat with people we love and people we do not know, be filled with peace and share that peace with those we meet. Go now in peace. Amen. 

An Easter Call to Worship for All Ages

I remember the joy of Easter morning when I was young. My sister and I always had new Easter dresses (that sometimes needed a winter coat on top) and candy hidden around the house that we could hunt after Easter services. I remember sanctuaries filled with Easter lilies and joyful songs to celebrate this important day.
I wanted to create a call to worship that shared that same excitement and joy as I remember from my childhood. My idea is that the congregation will respond by saying Alleluia and each time they say it they will get louder. So the first time, it needs to be whispered and by the end everyone should be yelling. This call to worship will work for all ages because the congregation doesn’t need to read along just repeat Alleluia louder and louder. While some people may not approve of yelling in church, if there is any day for Christians to shout for joy it is Easter morning!
One-Mary Magadelene came to the tomb and saw that the stone had been rolled away.
One-She ran to tell the disciples and they went to the tomb. They saw that the tomb was empty and went home.
One-Mary wept outside the tomb and angels asked her, “Why are you weeping?”
One-Jesus asked Mary, “Why are you weeping?”
One-Jesus called Mary by name and she recognized him.
One-Mary went and told the disciples, “I have seen the Lord!”
One-Today we celebrate the risen Christ in our midst and share the good news once again.
This Call to Worship is based on John 20:1-18 from the New Revised Standard Version.

Thankful for the Rain

Today I am thankful for the people in my life who remind me of things I need to hear. In my work, it is much easier to do my job on sunny, warm day. No need to worry about a coat as I rush from my car to the front door where I might stand there shivering until someone invites me inside. No need to worry about where to park my car when the driveway and street are full of snow. No need to open the umbrella and avoid the puddles on my way back to the car.
You won’t be surprised that as I write this it is raining outside and cold. I know I need to put on an extra sweater, grab my raincoat, put an extra pair of shoes and socks in the car (just in case the first ones get too wet to wear), make another cup of tea in a to go cup, and hit the road. The weather makes my job more challenging. And on days like this I am reminded of the wise words of one of my hospice patients. Whenever she asks about the weather and I wish for a sunny day, she smiles and says you know the ground needs the rain. We don’t get to pick the weather because we would not think about the plants, animals, and ourselves and how much we need all types of weather. Each time she reminds me to be thankful for the non-sunny days I am humbled by her wisdom and her ability to give thanks in all circumstances.
Today I encourage you to listen for those who are reminding you of what you need to hear. It is often not the words you want to hear, so listen with an open heart and an open mind. As I was writing this today I am reminded of Natalie Sleeth’s Hymn of Promise which tells us that we must wait patiently because there is much more in God’s plan than we can currently see. (I don’t have permission to share the words since they are under copyright, so I encourage you to check them out here!).
God, Help us to be open to the words we don’t want to hear and so desperately need to hear. Remind us that those who are wise are not always who we expect. And give us the courage to say the hard and true things for others who need to hear it. Amen.

Building the Tabernacle as I Read My Way through the Bible

I am part of a group that is supporting each other as we each read the Bible in a year. It won’t surprise you to know that my favorite portions of the Bible are the stories. I enjoyed reading Genesis and most of Exodus. And then, we got to the building directions section. I do not enjoy reading or attempting to comprehend instructions for building furniture, and that is what I feel like we have beginning in the 25th chapter of Exodus. We learn how to build the ark of the covenant, the tabernacle, and the many other sacred items. It is overwhelming and confusing for me. And as much as I was not enjoying this section of the reading, I am reminded of others who might enjoy it. I had a hospice patient whose family described him as someone who loved reading directions and always wanted to know how things work. So instead of struggling through this reading, I imagined he was reading and following the directions. Although it was hard for me to picture the final project with the information provided, I imagined those people who could take these ancient words and build something beautiful. I won’t say that my change in attitude made me enjoy the readings, but it did open my eyes to the variety of gifts and the differences in what brings us joy.
So when you are faced with tasks you do not enjoy this week, picture someone else doing it who might enjoy it. Remind yourself that we all have things we enjoy doing and are good at doing as well as things that are difficult for us and possibly less fun. Those things are not the same for everyone. In our variety of gifts and talents there is room for everyone and we have much to teach each other. So, maybe we all need to do something that challenges us or we don’t think we will enjoy. While you decide what that is, I am going back to reading how to build the tabernacle.
God of All Creation,
You created us with a variety of gifts and talents. You created us as people who read the directions and understand them and others of us who read the directions and have more questions than answers. You created us as those who create beautiful things and appreciate the beauty that can be created. Open our eyes to our own gifts and to the gifts of others. Open our minds to try something new that might challenge us. Open our mouths to say kind things to each other when we step out of our comfort zones. Open us to you, Gracious God, because we need you in our lives. Amen.

A Cup of Tea and an Update

I was asked by one of my regular readers what was going on as he had noticed that my writing has become a little less regular lately. And the answer I gave him and I give you is that 2018 has been a hard year so far. I have been spending time grieving the death of a loved one and caring for a loved one who is ill. It has been hard. I have wanted to write and have not been able to find the words. I am hoping that I can begin to write more regularly. At some point, I may write more about all that has happened this year, but not yet as I am still living through it and processing it.

This week I enjoyed a cup of tea in this mug my sister gave me for my birthday. Holding a cup of tea in my hands is like a hug across the miles from my sister. As the weekend approaches, find a little time to be thankful for someone who brings joy to your life. Have a cup of tea, take a deep breath, and know you are loved.

Getting Back on Track This Lenten Season

Today is Ash Wednesday. This is the first of our 40 day journey toward Easter. There are many ways to observe this season, and I invite you to consider waiting, using post-its, or whatever method works for you to use this time intentionally to grow in your faith. I will be removing 40 things from my home as I do each Lent. And, I will be getting back on track with a few spiritual practices that I have been neglecting. So on this Ash Wednesday, I ask for forgiveness for the ways I have fallen behind in what I intend to do. This Lenten Season will be a time to reset, begin again, and extend the same grace to myself as I extend to others.

However you plan to observe this season I hope this time will help you grow in your faith and strength your relationship with the Creator. Peace be to you, this Lenten Season.

Happy Birthday to Me!

Happy Birthday to Me!
Today is my birthday! I believe that each birthday is a cause for celebration. In fact, if you ask me for my favorite holiday I am going to say my birthday. Every time January 31st rolls around I celebrate. I remember stories of being sick on my birthday when I was young. I remember sleep over parties with my Mom making Grandma’s Cinnamon Twists and Orange Julius for all my friends. I remember eating out with friends. Birthdays deserve to be celebrated.


I would love to share with you the grand plan of how I am celebrating my birthday except life didn’t go as planned this month. So my birthday celebration is on hold as we work on plan b! Maybe my advice for this year is to make plans to celebrate your birthday and be flexible in case the first plan doesn’t work out.


A Prayer of Thanksgiving for Another Year of Life
Amazing God, Thank you for another birthday. Thank you for my parents who brought me into this world and taught me to love you. Thank you for my grandparents, aunt, uncle, cousins, great aunts and uncles, and extended family who loved me and love me still. Thank you for my baby sister who knows me so well and loves me still. Thank you for my church families throughout the years who raised me, supported me, and sustained me. Thank you for my friends who helped shape me into who I am. Thank you for my dear husband for being faithful and all times loving. As I celebrate this new year of life, I know I wouldn’t be who I am without the love and support and challenges from so many people. So, thank you, God, for the people in my life now and in the past.
What a year this has been. Amazing trips to new and favorite places. Time spent with family and friends. Quiet days at home. God, for the ordinary days and extraordinary days, I give you thanks. Thank you for work that I love that challenges me and lets me share my gifts with others. Thank you for the material things that make my life easier. Thank you for giving me a spirit of generosity and help me to be even more generous in sharing what I have.
Thank you, Holy One, for this past year of life and for all the years of my life. I am thankful and excited to see what is next. I know that you will be with me whatever comes next and I am grateful for your abiding presence. Amen.

A slice of apple cake made by my friend, Kelly, for a previous birthday celebration.

A Prayer for all the Not a Morning People

A Prayer for all the Not a Morning People
If you know me in real life, you know I am not a morning person. Rarely do I wake up bright-eyed and bushy tailed. Every weekday morning I have two alarms set to get myself out of bed in time to go to work. I dream of being a morning person and then when I wake up I just want to go back to sleep. So, while I appreciate all of you who prefer to get up with the sun, this prayer is for those of us who struggle every morning to get out of bed and start the day.
God, How is it morning again? Are you sure? Could I just sleep a little longer and then get up? I know you made beautiful sunrises, and I would love to see them if they happened later in the day.
God, you know all things so you know I am not a morning person. I do not jump out of bed eager to greet the new day. So today, God, what I need is the strength to get moving and start my day. Give me patience to listen to all the morning people in my life who can talk without a cup of caffeine. Distract me so I don’t head back to bed. Remind me of all the good I can do for others after a shower and a cup or two of tea. God, mornings are so hard for some of us. Thank you for loving us despite our complaining every single morning. Thank you for the snooze button and days without alarms. Thank you for waking us up to start a new day, and we will try to stop wishing we were all still asleep. God in your mercy, hear the prayers of those who wish the day started at noon. Amen.

Watch for the Wonders and Give Thanks!

Watch for the Wonders and Give Thanks!

Recently I spent some time watching the ocean. I could feel my breathing slow down as I watched the waves crash onto the shore. Little waves tumbled in while big waves came in so hard you could hear their strength. I longed to be out on the beach closer to the beauty of the ocean; however, it is cold where I live. I enjoyed the ocean from inside a warm room. And yet the thick glass separating me from the ocean did not stop me from hearing the waves or experiencing a sense of wonder at the vastness of the ocean.

So I sat and I watched. I gave thanks for the beauty of creation. I asked for protection for all who work on the water. I prayed for forgiveness for the many ways we have harmed our waters and all of creation. And I sat in awe that the God who made the oceans and all that live in them loves me.