What to Wear to Church?

I have a confession to make. I wear jeans to church. For most of you, this may not seem like something I need to confess. Let me give you the background. In my family, we went to church every Sunday during my childhood. Our nicest clothes were our church clothes. I remember new dresses for Easter and shiny church shoes. When I started working in churches, I continued to dress very nicely for Sunday worship. I was leading worship and wanted to look the part. Now, things are different. I must dress nicely Monday-Friday for work. I want to wear something different on the weekends, and so I wear my jeans. As I got dressed for church recently, I said to my husband, “I am wearing jeans today.” He reminded me that I told him that God doesn’t care what we wear to church. I believe that and need to live into the belief for myself. So with apologies to my grandmother who might not like it, I wear jeans to church. And upon further reflection, I don’t think a confession is needed for this wardrobe choice because God does not care what I wear to church. I am working to get on God’s page with this one.

My hope for all of us is that we spend much more time growing our faith on Sunday mornings and much less time worrying what we or anyone else is wearing to worship!


Today is All Saints’ Day


Today is All Saints’ Day. This is a day when we remember and give thanks for everyone throughout the centuries who has shared their faith with the next generation. Today we are thankful for our ancestors of faith in biblical times, the saints we’ve known in our lives, and everyone in between. When we say saints, some people think that only applies to certain important people of faith. In fact the opposite is true. We are all saints of God doing our best to live our faith and share our faith with others.

Today, I encourage you to take a moment to remember a saint you have known who is no longer with us and a saint you never knew. You can give thanks for someone whose name you know or someone whose name is now known only by God. As people of faith it is important for us to remember that our faith was passed down to us and it is our job to pass it on to others.

I’d love to know more about the saints you are remembering today.

Book Review-The CEB Women’s Bible

While I did not need another Bible, I was delighted to have the opportunity to experience this Bible. I have been enjoying this translation for a few years. The Common English Bible (CEB) is available on the Bible app I use, so I often read it with my hospice patients. I find this translation to be easy to read and understand.
This Women’s Bible contains study helps and other information about the women of the Bible. And all of the extra information was written and edited by women. Each book of the Bible is introduced in a succinct summary. Each chapter begins with a brief reflection. The best parts are the portraits of women throughout the Bible. Each portrait introduces us to a woman (named or unnamed). The portraits share what we know about each woman and remind us how much is still unknown. This Bible includes an index of every woman-including those whose names we do not know. While reading through the text, you’ll enjoy and learn from the articles. These are short pieces on a variety of topics like pregnancy, divorce, sin, shame, and in-laws. Some extra goodies at the end include questions to be used each Sunday with the lectionary, one-month Bible overview reading plan, New Testament in 90 days reading plan, Bible in one year reading plan, and maps too.
Many of my clergy friends have a verse or story they look up in new translations to see how it measures up for them. When I get a new Bible, I turned to Luke 8 and read about the faithful followers of Jesus. I love seeing the name Susanna in the Bible and knowing that there were women following Jesus from the beginning. This Bible includes a portrait of Susanna.
I recommend this Bible for anyone hoping to learn more about the women in our sacred text. I recommend this Bible for anyone who wants to try the CEB. If you, like me, always wondered what the women were doing and thinking in Biblical times, this is the Bible for you.

I’m looking forward to exploring the #CEBWomensBible more, so I can continue to discover more about my female ancestors in the faith and pass along their stories to the next generation.


I received a copy of this Bible in exchange for an honest review.

Worship Words-Believe and Have Peace

In my work as a hospice chaplain, I am often asked to read a Scripture. Usually, the request is for Scriptures that are familiar, that are comforting, that answer the question what happens when we die. Again and again, I find myself returning to these words of Jesus. These words are familiar. These words bring comfort by reminding us of God’s love for us all the days of our lives and that God has prepared a place for us. Death doesn’t need to be feared. Jesus came to bring peace. Here is Jesus speaking in John 14.


John 14

Jesus the Way to the Father

‘Do not let your hearts be troubled. Believe in God, believe also in me. In my Father’s house there are many dwelling-places. If it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to myself, so that where I am, there you may be also. And you know the way to the place where I am going.’ Thomas said to him, ‘Lord, we do not know where you are going. How can we know the way?’ Jesus said to him, ‘I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. If you know me, you will know my Father also. From now on you do know him and have seen him.’

Philip said to him, ‘Lord, show us the Father, and we will be satisfied.’ Jesus said to him, ‘Have I been with you all this time, Philip, and you still do not know me? Whoever has seen me has seen the Father. How can you say, “Show us the Father”? Do you not believe that I am in the Father and the Father is in me? The words that I say to you I do not speak on my own; but the Father who dwells in me does his works. Believe me that I am in the Father and the Father is in me; but if you do not, then believe me because of the works themselves. Very truly, I tell you, the one who believes in me will also do the works that I do and, in fact, will do greater works than these, because I am going to the Father. I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If in my name you ask me for anything, I will do it.

The Promise of the Holy Spirit

‘If you love me, you will keep my commandments. And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Advocate, to be with you for ever. This is the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees him nor knows him. You know him, because he abides with you, and he will be in you.

‘I will not leave you orphaned; I am coming to you. In a little while the world will no longer see me, but you will see me; because I live, you also will live. On that day you will know that I am in my Father, and you in me, and I in you. They who have my commandments and keep them are those who love me; and those who love me will be loved by my Father, and I will love them and reveal myself to them.’ Judas (not Iscariot) said to him, ‘Lord, how is it that you will reveal yourself to us, and not to the world?’ Jesus answered him, ‘Those who love me will keep my word, and my Father will love them, and we will come to them and make our home with them. Whoever does not love me does not keep my words; and the word that you hear is not mine, but is from the Father who sent me.

‘I have said these things to you while I am still with you. But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you everything, and remind you of all that I have said to you. Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled, and do not let them be afraid. You heard me say to you, “I am going away, and I am coming to you.” If you loved me, you would rejoice that I am going to the Father, because the Father is greater than I. And now I have told you this before it occurs, so that when it does occur, you may believe. I will no longer talk much with you, for the ruler of this world is coming. He has no power over me; but I do as the Father has commanded me, so that the world may know that I love the Father. Rise, let us be on our way.¹


Jesus says so much to his disciples (those listening then and us sitting here now) in this chapter. Jesus offers us words of comfort and instructions on how to live. Jesus promises us we will never be alone. Jesus leaves us with his peace which passes all understanding. And in the midst of these awe-inspiring words, some of the disciples speak.


Too often, we give the disciples a hard time for asking silly questions and making mistakes. I love the disciples because I see myself in them. They ask the questions I, too, have asked. Jesus has just promised a prepared place for the disciples and tells them they know the way. Thomas said to him, ‘Lord, we do not know where you are going. How can we know the way?’ Thomas is asking for a map or directions so he knows where to physically find Jesus. What is hard for Thomas and us to understand is that Jesus is our map just not in the way that Thomas imagined. Jesus uses Thomas’ question to get even more profound. “I am the way, the truth, and the life.” Thomas is not wrong with his question. Jesus is our way and leads us in truth to life. Theologian, Gail O’Day, describes these verses in this way, “To recognize Jesus as the truth is to affirm that as the Word made flesh, Jesus makes the truth of God available to the world. It is to acknowledge that one’s relationship with Jesus is relationship with the liberating truth of God, that Jesus’ life and ministry are the ultimate witness to God’s truth. Jesus is the “way”, the promise of the possibility of unity with God, because in him one meets the truth of God…Jesus is life because Jesus brings God’s gift of life to the world. Jesus is “the way” because he is the access point to God’s promise of life”.² For all of us who identify as Christians, we know God because of Jesus. Jesus is, for us, the way to God, the truth we build our lives on, and the life we live now and in eternity.


The next disciple to speak, Peter, doesn’t ask questions, he makes a demand. “Show us the Father.” I wonder how Jesus felt by this point-knowing he didn’t have much time left with his disciples. Imagine yourself as a teacher. It is the last week of class and a student asks questions about something you covered months ago. And this concept was important. Everything you taught in the class hinged on the concept the student did not get. I imagine this is how Jesus feels. Come on, disciples; please listen because this is super important. I’ll go over it one more time. I am in the Father and the Father is in me. The words I say are because the Father dwells in me. When I speak, you hear the Father. When I act, you see the Father. All this time we’ve spent together, I have been showing you the Father.

A third disciple asks a question, “Judas (not Iscariot) said to him, ‘Lord, how is it that you will reveal yourself to us, and not to the world?’” Jesus answers-When you love someone and respond to that love with action, you see that person in those you meet and in memories you shared. A personal example of that-My best friend, Kristi, died more than four years ago from colon cancer. I don’t see her physically anymore. I do hear her voice giving me advice. I remember her when someone does something she would do or says something she would do. When I have pizza on Thursday nights or hear the Friends theme song, I remember her. The same is true for those of us who love Jesus. Because we love him, we look for him in others. Because we love him, we care for each other. Because we love him, we remember what he said. Others do not see him because they are not looking.


Jesus tells his disciples, “If you love me, you will keep my commandments.” Love God. Love each other. That’s all. Why don’t the disciples ask a clarifying question here? Help us out disciples because this is a lot to do in a simple sentence. Loving each other is hard. I know I am hard to love. Now I do not know you all-I’m just basing this next statement off every other person I’ve ever known-you all may occasionally be hard to love too! Jesus didn’t leave us any wiggle room here. If we love Jesus (and like Peter will say later in this same Gospel-yes Lord, you know that we love you), then we must keep his commandments. Do we hear this as Jesus demanding we keep the commandments or as a reminder that living the commandments is how we live out our love for Jesus? We respond to Christ’s love for us by keeping the commandments. It isn’t easy. It is how we put our faith in action. So, we will continue to love each other and God.


This Scripture brings us comfort and leaves us with many questions. What does believing in God look like? What do we mean when we say we believe in God? In his book, Nine Essential Things I’ve Learned about Life, Harold Kushner³ argues that belief used to mean something different than it means today. Using the examples given by Kushner (115), here’s how today’s passage would begin. Cherish God and be loyal to me, or Care about me and love me. Our ancestors in the faith spent less time worrying about whether or not God exists and more time trusting in the goodness of God. That is the difference in the way some people hear these words. God doesn’t need us to believe in God’s existence. God wants us to be relationship with each other and with God. God wants us to rely on each other and God. So when we say we believe in God, we are saying we trust God, we rely on God, we listen for God, our whole life is lived as a response to God’s love for us. Saying I believe in God and meaning all these things may make it easier for us to live out the first line of this text. Our hearts are not troubled because we believe in God. Our hearts are not troubled because we love God. Our hearts are not troubled because we rely on God. And yet there is much in this world to trouble our hearts and upset the peace Christ brings. How do we answer that? We put our trust in God and we work together to lessen the troubles of each other. We love Jesus and we work together to keep his commandments. We listen and look for the Holy Spirit and we work together to live out our faith.


Advocate, Spirit of Truth, Holy Spirit are all descriptors used for the One who is with us even as Jesus returns to the Father. Other translations use  descriptors like counselor, intercessor, comforter, and strengthener. Jesus promises us One who will be with us on the journey in the way we need. When we need a listening ear and good advice, the Holy Spirit is our counselor. When we need to pray and have no words, the Holy Spirit is our advocate. When we need a reminder we are loved, the Holy Spirit is our comforter. When we need strength and courage, the Holy Spirit is our strengthener.


Also in his book Kushner said, “Religion is like love. The difference between religion as feeling or believing and authentic religion as how you live out your faith is like the difference between love as a teenage girl’s crush on her favorite pop singer and love as the relationship between a husband and wife who have shared years of good and bad experiences and know how to reach out to each other to gladden or to comfort. The first is a pleasant fantasy; the second is life-defining” (106-107).³ And this life-defining relationship is what Jesus was creating with his disciples. He taught with his words and deeds every day he was with his disciples. Hopefully, our faith is life-defining for us too. With the words of Jesus, the example of our ancestors in the faith, the pray-ful companionship of our fellow congregation members, we have a wealth of help available to support us in our continued faith formation.


In our country, we hear divisive messages everyday. We could be led to believe that we have nothing in common with our neighbor. Jesus tells us this is not true. All those we meet are our neighbors and we are called to love all through our actions, deeds, and thoughts. Kushner said this about belief-“Belief exists inside a person. As such, it has the power and tendency to separate a person from his neighbors, who believe differently. But authentic religion connects people rather than separates them into the elect and the misguided, the saved and those who walk in darkness. The primary function of religion…is to bring people together rather than to separate them, thereby increasing their joy and diluting their sorrow. For that to happen, one’s theology has to escape from the prison of self and translate into sacred deeds shared with others, deeds sanctified by having the fingerprints of God all over them” (117).³


This week I was sitting with a woman who is dying. She is a woman of strong faith and as she feels her own death coming nearer she has many questions. I read her the first few verses of this text and she asked how do I know that He has a place for me? And I said, Because God loves you more than you know and we can trust these words of Jesus. “Do not let your hearts be troubled.”


We hear this Scripture at funerals. What is it about these words or what words are here that provide us (the living) so much comfort when we are saying good-bye to one we love? Is it that these are the words that Jesus spoke to his disciples as he was preparing to leave them? He knew the words of comfort they needed to hear. And to this day, these words bring us comfort. These words told the disciples what they would need to do when Jesus was gone. And they tell us, his disciples, what we need to do since he is gone from our sight too. These words of Jesus are a gift to his first disciples and his disciples today. They challenge us. They comfort us. They give us courage as we walk our faith journey. Amen.


This sermon was preached Sunday, October 9, 2016 at Community of Joy  in Salisbury, Maryland.

¹The Scripture is the New Revised Standard Version from http://bible.oremus.org.

²Gail O’Day,”The Gospel of John” in The New Interpreter’s Bible volume 9. Nashville, Tennessee: Abingdon Press, 1995, 742-743.

³Harold S. Kushner, Nine Essential Things I’ve Learned about Life. New York: Alfred A Knopf, 2015.



I believe we all need to listen more to that voice inside of us that urges us to do kind things for others. Some call this voice your conscience. Some call this voice inspiration. I think the voice is the Holy Spirit. I encourage you to listen when the Holy Spirit nudges you toward kindness.
Here’s a recent example. I was looking through pictures on my phone. I saw one of a trip my friend and I took, and this picture made me smile. I sent it to my friend thinking if it made me smile I bet it will make her smile too. I felt something encouraging me to send her the picture. She responded with, “I am truly blessed to call you my friend! I needed this.” You might call this a coincidence. I call it God at work in our lives.
So I urge you to listen this week. Where are you being encouraged to share kindness? What is the Holy Spirit whispering in your ear? How can you lighten someone’s load or spread joy?
I’d love to hear your stories of how you listened and what happened.

A Fork in the Road Means Big Changes

Up on the watershed
Standing at the fork in the road
You can stand there and agonize
Till your agony’s your heaviest load
You’ll never fly as the crow flies
Get used to a country mile
When you’re learning to face
The path at your pace
Every choice is worth your while

Watershed by the Indigo Girls 


Today is the beginning of a new adventure for me. I’ve accepted a full-time position at Coastal Hospice as a Spiritual Counselor. On Monday-Fridays, you’ll find me visiting people in their homes and in facilities as they live out their last days of life. I’ll be spending my time talking, laughing, crying, praying, reading Scripture, serving communion, and listening to patients and families who are facing hard decisions, saying good-bye, praying for a different outcome, and living each day they have been given. I will be walking with people who have deep faith and people who don’t believe in God. I will be listening to their stories and helping them to fulfill last wishes. It is hard and a great joy. It is a privilege to be invited into one’s home, to sit by someone’s bed, to hold a hand, and share a hug. This is where God is calling me to be and the work God is calling me to do.

In order to answer this call, I must end my time with the Cooperative Youth Ministry of Christ Congregational and Takoma Park Presbyterian Churches. It is hard to leave the amazing youth, parents, staff, and congregation members I have gotten to know over the last year. I had hoped to walk with them on their faith journey for many more years. Sometimes to say yes to one thing we must say no to another. This is where I find myself today. As I say yes to Coastal Hospice, I must say good-bye to CYM at the end of September. As I live through this transition and follow this fork in the road, I ask for your prayers-for me, for my loved ones, for the youth of CYM, and for the patients, families, and staff at Hospice. In thanksgiving for your prayers, I will pray for all of you who find yourself wondering where God is calling you and if you have the courage to answer. Be brave, readers! Answer God’s call. Take the “path at your pace” and remember “every choice is worth your while”.

Celebrate Another Year of Life!


If you know me in real life, you have heard me talk about my sister. She’s been an important part of my life since she arrived when I was about 4.5 years old. Today is her birthday! I love to celebrate birthdays because I believe they are one way we thank God for the gift of our lives. Today I am doing a little more celebrating than usual. This past year was hard for my family. Shortly before Thanksgiving we discovered my sister had colon cancer. We spent the week of Thanksgiving (including Thanksgiving Day) in the hospital as she had surgery to remove the cancer. Next came 12 rounds of chemotherapy! Finally in June, the chemo was done and scans showed that the cancer was gone! It has been a tough year and we have so much for which to be thankful! Today, I want to say Happy Birthday to my little sister.

A Prayer for Another Year of Life!

Faithful God, For another year of life, we give you thanks and praise. It is a joy to see the candles glowing on the birthday cake because it reminds us of how much we have to celebrate. For family, friends, laughter and tears, we give you thanks for another year of life! Thank you for siblings who walk this journey with us, who know our oldest jokes, who support our dreams, and who always love us. Thank you, God, for my sister, Becky. Amen.

Quiet Time with a Cup of Tea or Not


As you read this, I am nearing the end of our week long mission trip. I have spent the week working, learning, sharing God’s love, and living among the people of Atlanta and my youth. I’d love to say I prepared for this week by spending the week before resting and relaxing. The morning I wrote this I fixed myself a cup of tea and breakfast. I moved to a quiet place in my house to write a thoughtful piece on the importance of silence and quiet time with God. And then my awesome niece came into the dining room watching a you tube video on her Dad’s phone and shooting me with a Star Wars toy. So, I threw my plans out the window to spend time with my niece and realized that this is great preparation for the mission trip. I spent months planning the mission trip. I know it isn’t going to work out exactly as I planned. I can either be mad that things are not going the way I planned or be flexible and look for God working in my life.

Creating God, I long for quiet time and my life to go according to plan. You break into my life through laughter and disruptions to make me look up from my to do list and see those around me. Give me the courage and patience to be flexible. Remind me to look for you in those I meet. When Plan A doesn’t work, God, be with me as I move on to Plan B or C. In the quiet, noisy, and all the in-between times of life, you are with us, Loving God, and we are thankful for your faithfulness. Amen.

Passing It on to the Next Generation

My paternal grandmother died in 2013. She taught me about love and faith in the way she lived and the words she said. I have wonderful memories of time we spent together. I miss her. A few weeks ago as I was spending time with my family, I discovered my sister is telling her daughter stories about our Grandma. She is teaching her daughter words and phrases our Grandma said. She is passing her memories on to the next generation.

We are all called to do this. Instead of worrying about the demise of the church, share your faith story and share our faith stories. Pass what is most important to you on to the next generation. This is our joy and our calling.

Faithful God, From generation to generation, you loved us. Thank you for our ancestors in the faith who shared your love with the next generation. Thank you for older generations who told us stories about you. Thank you for children who learn and who teach us. Thank you for your faithful love and mercy through the generations. Remind us how much we love to hear and tell your story. Amen.

My Grandma posing with her great-granddaughter in January 2012.

A Prayer to Pray While Avoiding What Needs To Be Done

We all have things we’d rather not do. My list includes dusting, washing windows, folding laundry, mowing the grass, running, and many others. At the very top of my list is packing! And at this very moment I am typing this I should be packing for a trip. By the time you read this, I will be celebrating the birthday of a very special five-year old. In order to do this, I need to pack tonight. In fact, right now would be a good time to pack. And I’m avoiding doing it. To tell the truth, I’m not the best packer. I make lists and take way too much. I go without my list and forget very important things. I believe we all have gifts and I acknowledge that packing is not one of mine. Sometimes I let my husband pack what I pick out, and that always results in half the stuff I think I need not making it into the suitcase. I’m not sure when I began to dislike packing so much. I know that I avoid packing until it can no longer be avoided.  So I thought what if I wrote myself a prayer to use when I have to do something I don’t want to do. Maybe it would help me pack, and if I shared it maybe it would help others complete a task they think is terrible. So the next time you are faced with a task you’d rather avoid, try this prayer and see if it helps!

God, It’s me. You know I don’t want to do what needs to be done. I’ve convinced myself I’m not good at it. I’ve avoided this for too long and just need to do it. Help me, please! Move my feet in the right direction. Guide my movements and make them quick, so I can get this over with as soon as possible. Patient God, there are too many other things I’d rather do at this moment. Maybe if I take a quick break. No! God, Keep me on track! Help me to finish this task that I am dreading. With your help, Loving God, I can finish this task. Give me strength. Grant me perseverance. Let this be done soon. Amen.
