Worship Words-Jesus, Have Mercy!

In our gospel reading for this Sunday, Mark 10:46-52, Bartimaeus who is identified as a blind beggar cries out to Jesus and asks for mercy. “Jesus, have mercy on me,” he shouts. When I read this passage today, I thought about the many times I need to shout, “Have mercy on me.” And, the many times I need to whisper to myself, “Have mercy on yourself. Be kind to yourself. You are God’s beloved and all those things for which you blame yourself are weighing you down. Jesus, have mercy on me as I try to have mercy on myself.”


What I love about this story is that people tried to get Bartimaeus to be quiet. Does he listen? No, he gets louder. He advocates for what he needs. Too often, I keep quiet when I need to speak out on my own behalf. If this applies to you too, I invite you to read this story, admire Bartemaeus’ bravery, his faith in Jesus, and his wisdom in knowing that he deserved to be heard. After reading this story, pray this prayer with me.


Jesus, have mercy on me.

Jesus, have mercy on us.

Give us the courage to speak up with strong voices when we aren’t being heard. Remind us that we all need to stand up for ourselves to ensure our basic needs are met and we are treated with respect.


(Louder this time)

Jesus, have mercy on me.

Jesus, have mercy on us.

Give us the courage to speak up with strong voices when we aren’t being heard as we shine light on injustice in the world. Remind us that we all need to stand up for each other to ensure everyone’s basic needs are met and every one of us is treated with respect.


(Even louder this time.)

Jesus, have mercy on me.

Jesus, have mercy on us.

Jesus, we are going to keep crying out until our faith makes everyone in this wonderful, unequal, hope-filled, and needy world well.


Worship Words-We Are Forgiven


On Sunday, the Cooperative Youth Ministry will be talking about and practicing forgiveness. Since forgiveness is on my mind today, I wrote this prayer of confession. Whenever I write a prayer of confession, it is always a joy to write the assurance. This is the time in the service when you get to showcase God’s amazing mercy and forgiveness. May we all forgive as extravagantly as we have been forgiven.

Loving God, We seek forgiveness from you, from each other, and from ourselves. Our sins may be different. What unites us is our honest declaration that we have sinned as individuals and as a congregation. We come together as a community to confess our sins and seek forgiveness and reconciliation. Hear now our silent prayers of confession.

Friends in Christ, Hear this good news. God hears our prayers. God forgives us. Now our work is to forgive ourselves and each other and strive to be a reconciling community of faith. Amen.

Worship Words-A Prayer for When You are Feeling Overwhelmed



How do you do it? How do you keep everyone accounted for? How do you love us all? How do you find time to rest and renew too?

Some days, there is too much to do. The to do list gets longer and longer. (Feel free to insert the list of things that are currently overwhelming you). There seems to be no end in sight.

How can I possibly find time for Sabbath? If God the Creator, Redeemer, and Sustainer of the World takes Sabbath, who am I that I don’t need Sabbath?

So, I will try God! I will put down my to do list, cell phone, all that distracts me from you and I will just be. Amen.


Worship Words-A Prayer for Beginnings, Endings, and All the Times in Between


One year ago, I was saying good-bye to the people with whom I had prayed, laughed, cried, grieved, grown, learned, eaten, worshiped, meetinged, retreated, camped, sang, holidayed, and worked for seven years. Seven years is a long time in ministry. New babies were born who were in elementary school by the time I left. Young children had entered the youth program. Those who started the youth program with me had moved onto college. Relationships changed as some people met and fell in love. Some people married and some people divorced. Some people who loved the church died and we grieved together and we remember them. Wonderful new people joined the church in those seven years. And some people left too. So much happened in those seven years.

Today, I’m preparing for a beginning. Starting on October 1, I will be the Director of Cooperative Youth Ministry at Christ Congregational Church (UCC) and Takoma Park Presbyterian Church (PCUSA). I’m looking forward to this new opportunity and the many possibilities ahead. I’m excited to focus my energy on youth! I’m ready to plan mission trips, Sunday night gatherings, retreats, and so much more.

Whenever I think of endings and beginning this quote from Hope Floats also comes to mind. “Beginnings are scary, endings are usually sad, but it’s the middle that counts the most. Try to remember that when you find yourself at a new beginning. Just give hope a chance to float up. And it will, too…”

I know that most of life is the ordinary or in between time, and yet today I’m thinking about how both endings and beginnings are an important part of our journey too.

Let us pray-

God of beginnings, endings, and all the times in between, I wonder what you were thinking as you created all that we know. Beginning are scary and exciting because a big blank space of possibility is before us. In moments of beginning, remind us we are your beloved and even if we fail you love us still.

Faithful God, Endings are hard. It hurts to say good-bye to those we love. We grieve endings. Let us grieve, Loving God, for some endings are forever and others were necessary. In moments of ending, remind us we are your beloved and even as our hearts break you love us still.

Eternal God, Much of our lives are the times in between-going to school or work or having nowhere to go, wondering what to eat for our next meal, paying bills, doing homework…In the midst of the ordinary, open our eyes to the extraordinary gift of life. Let us hear laughter and stories. Let us see smiles and tears. Let us smell bread breaking and flowers blooming. Let us taste foods that delight us. Let us feel love from you and all those we love. In the times between, remind us we are your beloved and everyday has the possibility of beginnings, endings, and ordinary times. Amen.






Worship Words-Help, Thanks, Wow and Prayer Post-Its!

Help, Thanks, Wow and Prayer Post-Its!

Recently, I was asked to provide a worship time for a great group of youth. The following is what we did. This worship worked well with the youth and could also be adapted to use in your home. At home, you can modify the worship piece as needed and hang smaller pieces of paper (if desired) on which you can hang your post-its. Enjoy and let me know how you used these worship words.


Supplies Needed-

3 pieces of posterboard.

In big letters, write Help (on one), Thanks (on one) and Wow (on the last one).



Painters Tape or some other safe way to attach the posterboards to the wall.


Before the worship time begins, hang your posters in three different places around the room. Near each station, provide plenty of post-its and markers and a space to write.


Call to Worship/Opening

From many places, we come together

to learn,

to laugh,

to experience community.

This is a safe space where we can ask questions, share our stories, listen to each other, and grow our faith. A new group is forming this weekend. We have said good-bye to some friends and welcomed new ones. While we will share experiences and grow closer this year, we will always have room for more youth and caring adults to join.


Opening Prayer

As a new year kicks off, we prayerfully ask God’s blessing on our time together this weekend and the year ahead.

God, we know you are already in this space. Open our eyes to see you in each other and in ourselves. We thank you for everyone who is here tonight. Thank you for the gifts they bring and the memories we will create together. We thank you for this safe space to gather and be who you created us to be. Amen.


Tonight we are going to pray together. I’ll explain more about how our prayer time will work in a few minutes. First, I invite us all to listen to these Scriptures that talk about how and when to pray or are prayers themselves. Let us hear God’s word.

[Read more…]

Worship Words-Sermon, Jesus Welcomes Children and So Do We!


Mark 9:33-37

Then they came to Capernaum; and when he was in the house he asked them, “What were you arguing about on the way?” But they were silent, for on the way they had argued with one another who was the greatest. He sat down, called the twelve, and said to them, “Whoever wants to be first must be last of all and servant of all.” Then he took a little child and put it among them; and taking it in his arms, he said to them, “Whoever welcomes one such child in my name welcomes me, and whoever welcomes me welcomes not me but the one who sent me.”


I love stories where the disciples’ humanity shines through. These twelve faithful followers of Jesus were walking along not listening to Jesus, not debriefing something Jesus had said, not coming up with great questions to ask Jesus. Instead of any of these things, they spent their time arguing. What do the disciples of Jesus argue about you might wonder? They argued about which one of them was the greatest. The good news for us today is that, despite actions like this, Jesus never gave up on the disciples and Jesus never gives up on us. We mess up just like the first 12 and there is forgiveness and another chance.

The Scripture tells us Jesus sat down. …Here’s how I see it. Jesus sits down. Palm to forehead, maybe he shakes his head for a few moments. He sighs a big sigh and then spends a few minutes doing some deep breathing. He doesn’t immediately go to the next lesson. Nope. Sometimes, we all need a minute to think about what we have done and what we should have been doing. When he is ready and hopefully when the disciples are ready to listen, Jesus says, “Whoever wants to be first must be last of all and servant of all.”

Now, I picture the disciples shaking their heads, sighing, and trying to figure what this means and why things are so backwards. They wanted to be first, best, greatest, and Jesus is telling them to be last and a servant. While they are still trying to understand his words, Jesus does something even stranger. He welcomes a child into their midst. He offers a big extravagant welcome to a child. Jesus keeps surprising the disciples even when they should know to expect the unexpected from Jesus. Jesus welcomes tax collectors, prostitutes, people with physical disabilities and mental illnesses, women, and now children. One could almost assume that Jesus is telling his disciples then and his disciples today that we are to welcome everyone.

Picture these scenes playing out in the sanctuary…

A mother brought her children to church regularly. One Sunday, this mother asked to speak with the pastor. She was crying as she told the pastor how someone had asked if her family could sit elsewhere because her children were distracting and making it hard to worship God.

A child is so excited that it is time for church. He runs as fast as he can to get to the sanctuary. An usher stops him to remind him not to run in God’s house.

6 children would arrive at church each week, all related, all delivered to church by an extended family member They joyfully sang and participate in worship. People began to talk about them because they needed to brush their hair, wear season appropriate clothing, and bathe more often. One woman didn’t join in the judgment or gossip. Instead, she started inviting all the kids at church for special hair time before worship. She brushed and styled anyone’s hair who wanted. She didn’t single out the ones who others thought needed help. She welcomed all and loved the children. What if the other two stories I told you had an ending like this one?

[Read more…]

Worship Words-Wisdom Call to Worship and Opening Prayer



One-Wisdom is calling.

All-Are we listening?

One-Wisdom is begging us to pay attention.

All-Are we listening?

One-Wisdom is crying out.

All-Are we listening?

As I offer our opening prayer this morning, I invite you to try something different. Keep your eyes open and look at those worshiping with you. Let us pray- God, we are listening for you. Speak to us. Help us hear your Wisdom. God, we are looking for you. Help us see you in others including those who share our worship space this morning.  God, we want to act on what we see and hear, so fill our hearts with compassion for your children around the world and this beautiful planet we call home. Amen.


These worship words were inspired by this week’s reading from Proverbs 1:20-33.


Worship Words-Finding Balance


In 2006, I traveled with clergy from the Wisconsin Conference of the United Church of Christ to San Cristobal de las Casas, Mexico for an education mission trip. For ten days, we learned from people and organizations working and living in this part of the world. While tidying my house as part of the KonMari method, I found notes I took on this trip.


Thursday 25 July 2006 Bible Study with Doris

Jeremiah 2: 14-19 and Isaiah 65: 20-25

How can one find balance? Balance doesn’t have to be a daily thing. You can’t have balance everyday. The goal is to have balance in God’s time. At time you need to be prophetic (like Jeremiah) and at other times you need to comfort (like Isaiah). What is God telling you to do now? The balance comes overall not daily.


These words from 9 years ago were new to me when I read them recently. I found affirmation and inspiration in the idea that to achieve balance does not mean we need to be all things in every moment. In God’s time and overall in our lives, we can strive for balance. At times, we will need to comfort those in need. At times, we will need to stand up and speak out for each other. At times, we will need to rest and renew ourselves. What a welcome message for our over-scheduled culture. God is not calling you to do everything now. God is calling you seek a balance overall about how you are living in the world.


Creating God, You didn’t create the whole world in one day. Why do we think we need to do everything in one day? Be with us as we seek to find balance in the way we live as your disciples. Give us a spirit of justice and compassion. Challenge us and soothe our hurts. Open our eyes to the beauty of your creation and the ways we are ruining it. Balance us, O God, for this journey is long. Amen.



Worship Words-A Benediction

photo 5-3

May love rain down on us, so we know why God calls us beloved.

May challenges and questions fill our days, so we know the Spirit of Wisdom and Creativity who walks with us.

May many opportunities to see Jesus in each other arise, so we practice compassion, justice, and mercy as Jesus did.

Go out into God’s world knowing you are never alone and always loved. Amen.


This benediction was published on liturgylink on August 20, 2015.

A Prayer for Back to School

photo 4-26

Back to school time is fast approaching where I live. In churches, this time of year (often) means a return to regular schedules. Any group that takes a break for the summer is getting ready to start again. When I think about the children and youth of the church, I am always aware of our responsibilities to them. We promise in the baptismal covenant with these words.

“Do you, who witness and celebrate this sacrament, promise your love, support and care to the one about to be baptized as he/she lives and grows in Christ?

Congregational Response- We promise our love, support, and care.”

(United Church of Christ Book of Worship, 139).

We promise in our Safe Sanctuary covenant to protect our children and youth as we help them live into the baptismal promises. As the new school and program year begins, I think churches should welcome and celebrate this time of year, and we can do that by sharing this prayer.

One-I’d like to invite all of our children and youth to please come up front. If you would sit or stand facing the congregation. We’d like you to be able to see all those adults out there.

(after the children and youth are up front)

Today, we are going to pray for you as summer ends and a new year of school and church begins. You may have already started back to school or may not be in school yet. You may be changing to a new Sunday School class or starting youth group for the first time this year. As so many things in our lives change, some things do not change. All of those people out there have promised to help you grow and know God loves you.

I invite the teachers to stand. Anyone who teaches here at church, youth group leaders, and teachers in our schools please stand.

Teachers-Dear God, we surround these children and youth with our love and support for the coming year. Give them a spirit of curiosity. Give them time to play and learn outside in your creation. Give them a sense of wonder at how much they know and how much there is to learn. Give all of us who teach a spirit of compassion as we journey with our students. Amen.

One-Teachers remain standing. Parents and guardians please stand.

Parents and Guardians-Loving God, give us patience on hard days. Remind us you love our children even more than we do. Give our kids a spirit of kindness in a world that isn’t always kind. Give our kids strength to stand up for what is right. May they always know how much you love them and we love them. Amen.

One-Parents, guardians, and teachers keep standing. Now, I invite the rest of the congregation and any of our guest to stand.

All-God, remind us of the promises we made to protect and love these children and youth. Help us to live those promises daily. Bless all these children and youth that they may know your love and share it with others. We promise to keep these children safe, give them opportunities to know you, and involve them in the life of the church with God’s help. Amen.

One-Look out at all those people who love you and have prayed for you. I hope you will remember how much your church family loves you and how much God loves you as we start a new year together.