Worship Words-Jesus, Have Mercy!
In our gospel reading for this Sunday, Mark 10:46-52, Bartimaeus who is identified as a blind beggar cries out to Jesus and asks for mercy. “Jesus, have mercy on me,” he shouts. When I read this passage today, I thought about the many times I need to shout, “Have mercy on me.” And, the many times I need to whisper to myself, “Have mercy on yourself. Be kind to yourself. You are God’s beloved and all those things for which you blame yourself are weighing you down. Jesus, have mercy on me as I try to have mercy on myself.”
What I love about this story is that people tried to get Bartimaeus to be quiet. Does he listen? No, he gets louder. He advocates for what he needs. Too often, I keep quiet when I need to speak out on my own behalf. If this applies to you too, I invite you to read this story, admire Bartemaeus’ bravery, his faith in Jesus, and his wisdom in knowing that he deserved to be heard. After reading this story, pray this prayer with me.
Jesus, have mercy on me.
Jesus, have mercy on us.
Give us the courage to speak up with strong voices when we aren’t being heard. Remind us that we all need to stand up for ourselves to ensure our basic needs are met and we are treated with respect.
(Louder this time)
Jesus, have mercy on me.
Jesus, have mercy on us.
Give us the courage to speak up with strong voices when we aren’t being heard as we shine light on injustice in the world. Remind us that we all need to stand up for each other to ensure everyone’s basic needs are met and every one of us is treated with respect.
(Even louder this time.)
Jesus, have mercy on me.
Jesus, have mercy on us.
Jesus, we are going to keep crying out until our faith makes everyone in this wonderful, unequal, hope-filled, and needy world well.