Giving Thanks for Where I Have Been…
As I was preparing to preach last week, I was sorting through my stoles to find one to wear on Sunday morning. I took time to look at beautiful stoles made by people I love and places I served. I enjoyed remembering stories behind stoles that were purchased for me to mark special occasions. This beautiful stole caught my attention and held it.

This beautiful stole was made by the saints of St. Giles to remind me of my years with them. As I looked at the carefully created squares, I pictured the children, youth, and families as they were 10 years ago when I was with them. I prayed for them imagining where they might be today. And I gave thanks for my time serving the children and youth and adults of that church hidden in the woods.
Faithful God, For the places we have been and the people we have journeyed with, we give you thanks! Thank you for sweet and hard memories. Thank you for children and youth who have grown now. Thank you for adults who are keeping the faith and thank you for those who are now with you. For the gifts that help us remember, we give you thanks. Bless your saints near and far. Amen.