Worship Words-A Prayer for Inspiration and Action
As I read the passage of the Transfiguration for this Sunday, these words from Becca Stevens kept running through my head.
“The story of the transfiguration reminds us that before, during, and after their retreat, the disciples were the same, they just became more themselves. Part of the point of that story is to remind us that heaven is no more in the mountains than it is in the valleys. Retreats can be the bridge between having our heads in the clouds and our feet on the ground walking toward justice. We can be inspired on the mountain, but all inspiration fades without action, no matter how vivid the dream” (174).
She begs us to hear today’s story while holding together inspiration and action. Today’s worship words are a prayer for inspiration and action whatever that might look like in your life. May we follow where the Spirit of the Living God is leading us.
God, We are often like Peter. When we are somewhere that we feel your presence we want to stay there. We want to build a home or pull up a chair and stay put. No need to move because we are in the presence of God. Yet you remind that while Jesus spent time in prayer and retreated away from others, he always came back to do the work he was called to do. So, God, we need your help. Once we carve out the time for retreat, we are pretty good at searching for you and finding you. It is the coming back and using what we have learned that is more difficult. So give us strength to act. Inspire us to action so that what we learn can be shared with us. Give us courage to share your love in our daily lives. Open our eyes when we aren’t on retreat to injustice to loneliness to need in the lives of others and in our own lives. We know that you are always present in our lives, Gracious God, and with your help we will be open to seeing you in everyone we meet. Amen.
This is me enjoying the beauty of God’s creation on a brisk day at one of the beach retreats taken by the St. Giles’ Youth.