20 Years of Ordained Ministry!

20 years! What an amazing journey this has been. I have served in four different church positions and been a hospice chaplain. If you had told me 20 years ago, that this is where I would be today…I probably would have answered like Sarah with laughter (Genesis 18:12).

As I read over the words of the service of Ordination to Ministry from the UCC’s Book of Worship, these words caught and held my attention.

“Will you seek to regard all people with equal love and concern and undertake to minister impartially to the needs of all?”

And I answered, “I will, relying on God’s grace.”

It has been a joy and a privilege and a challenge to answer and live into the call to ordained ministry these past twenty years. I give thanks to God regularly for those who nurtured my call when I was young, those who stretched and molded my faith, those who welcomed me into their lives as their pastor and chaplain, and those who supported and those who continue to support me on this journey.

I love that I was ordained on Reformation Day as it reminds me of the many that have gone before in the faith. And the Scripture that was read and preached that day continues to bring me hope and strength and challenge, Luke 24:13-35. It is the story of the road to Emmaus. I’ll sum it up for you. It is the day of the resurrection and Jesus walks with two of the faithful. They do not recognize him. He tells the story of faith and still they do not recognize him. When do they finally know it is Jesus? When he breaks the bread at the table with them, they finally know this is Jesus. I love the beauty and simplicity of this story. Where is Jesus among us and I don’t recognize him? When I gather at Christ’s table are my eyes and heart open to see who is standing beside me?

These last 20 years have been full of every single emotions. As I look back at where I have been I will not even try to guess where I will be 20 years from now. I am thankful that God keeps me guessing and always keeps the journey interesting.

For All the Saints

November 1 or the Sunday closest to it is the day that we remember and give thanks for the saints in faith who have lived and shared God’s love with us. We would not know of God’s goodness unless we had been told by those who have gone before. I love this special, holy day when we say thank you for their lives and remember those who names we know and treasure as well as those who we never knew.

I invite you to light a candle or multiple candles for the saints who have supported you in your faith.

God of All Ages, We give thanks for your saints today who are now with you.

For the saints who loudly proclaimed your word, so we might know you better, we give you thanks!

For the saints who sang your praises and taught us the songs of faith, we give you thanks!

For the saints who showed up each time the church door was open and volunteered by making snacks and counting the offering and mowing the lawn and cleaning the bathrooms, we give you thanks!

For the saints who held babies in the nursery, made crafts with the toddlers, read stories to the children, attended lock ins with the youth, and ensured that no matter the age that everyone knew they were safe and loved at church, we give you thanks!

For the saints who loved you quietly and worked behind the scenes to see that the church was beautiful and ready each Sunday, we give you thanks!

For every single person of faith who preserved in keeping their faith even when times were hard, we give you thanks!

Thank you, God, for all of your saints. Give us strength to be the saints of today who are sharing your love with all those in our lives. Amen.

Sink or Float (Matthew 14:22-33)

Helping make the Bible understandable and relatable can be a challenge. Here’s a fun way I encourage our children/youth to engage in this story of Jesus walking on water from Matthew 14:22-33.

So I did this both as a kid’s sermon in worship and as a longer outside activity for youth on our family faith night. Both were fun!

You will need a clear pitcher or clear bowl if doing this inside during worship or a kiddie pool if attempting outside during youth group. And a bunch of things you are okay getting wet as we are going to drop them in the water to see if they sink or float. I recommend looking around your space and finding a variety of things.

Invite all gathered to guess whether each object will sink or float and then have them place it into the water.

Then read the story from Matthew 14:22-33. I recommend reading it twice. The first time read it as written. The second time read it while pausing to ask questions. Notice that Jesus took time to be quiet in prayer (Matthew 14:22-23). Do you ever need time to be by yourself in silence? Jesus was walking on the water toward the boat (Matthew 12:25). Try to imagine how you would feel if you saw someone walking on water. Peter asks to join Jesus on the water (Matthew 12:28). If you were in this story, would you do the same or would you be like the other disciples watching from the boat? Peter notices all the scary things around him and begins to sink (Matthew 12:30). When have you ever become frightened when you saw where you were and what you were doing?

This story reminds us to trust in Jesus even when we feel like we are sinking or are overwhelmed or scared. Jesus never leaves us. (This is where I ended the kid’s message in worship).

For the youth activity, we made “ourselves” as a reminder that with Jesus we float and can handle the big waves of life. We used a collection of random items from the supply closet including styrofoam balls, rubber bands, pipe cleaners, and googly eyes. Everyone had fun creating and then took their creations home as a reminder of that night’s story.

And a prayer to end the night-

God of the Wind and the Waves and Silence, you never leave us. You never abandon us. Even when life is hard or scary or unfair, you walk beside us on the water and lift us up when we start to sink. We are grateful for your constant love and support. Give us the strength we need for today. And thank you for this community of faith which supports and loves us too. Amen.

Midweek VBS Prayer for the Volunteers

If you find yourself halfway through VBS, this prayer is for you. If you have VBS later this summer, save this prayer for when you need it. If you are done with VBS for the year, you can say this prayer knowing you made it. If you aren’t doing VBS this year, pray for those who are because we need it!

Faithful God! What a week! And it is only Wednesday. Thank you for a great week so far. Acknowledging, the week has not been perfect. It has been good because children of all ages have seen and heard that they are loved. We, the volunteers and staff, are tired. It is a good tired. We know we have been doing your work. We know you have been present here. You have opened our hearts so we can love you more. You have increased our patience when it was needed in hard moments. You have given the volunteers courage to show up the first day and keep coming back. Holy God, give each one of us what we need for the remaining days of VBS. Help each of us to see you in each other. We will thank you and praise you with our laughter, our singing, and our prayers. Bless us as we share your love with everyone who enters the doors of your house. Be our rock and our redeemer. Amen.

Wedding Reception Prayer

Later today I will be celebrating the marriage of two lovely people. And as I was preparing a prayer for the reception, I thought I would share it here in case it would be helpful to anyone else who is needing a prayer for a wedding reception.

Loving God, On this day when love brings us together, we thank you for your constant love for us. We thank you for bringing —— and —— together and blessing their love today. Continue to guide and support them as they begin this new chapter of their life together. God, we thank you for this joyful feast. Watch over all of us and keep us safe as we celebrate the gift of love and especially the love between —- and ——. Amen.

A Prayer for When You Are Up Before the Sun

God! Why am I awake and the sun has yet to make an appearance? I wish I was sleeping in my bed! Instead I am awake. My mind is whirling with today’s to do list. Outside it is still dark.

Loving God, it feels like we are the only two up in the whole world…except the birds. I can hear them outside. They are awake and awaiting dawn as well. Give me the same conviction as the birds, so I will feel confident that the sun will rise and a new day will dawn. Even if it dawns after I have begun my day.

God of sunrises and sunsets, whenever we are awake, you are awake. Keeping watch. Loving us. And offering us your peace. Let us reach out and accept your loving kindness. Amen.

A To Do List Prayer

I was just telling a friend that my to do lists are full and not getting shorter. And that is right, I said to do lists. More than one to do list! I love making lists because writing things down helps me to remember and checking things off is so satisfying!

So when you find your lists full and too much to do, take a moment and pray!

Loving God, I can’t imagine what your to do lists must look like. You have so many things and people occupying your time and energy. And yet, you always have time for me. Help us to remain productive when needed and to not become burdened by our lists of tasks. There will always be more to do. You remind us that rest is essential. So encourage us to honor the Sabbath even if it means we need to write it on our lists to make time for rest and you. Forgive our busyness and our mindset that more to do is better. Send your spirit of peace upon us to remind us which things are more important and which things can wait for another day. Slow us down and reorient our priorities, we pray. Amen!

Giving Thanks for Where I Have Been…

As I was preparing to preach last week, I was sorting through my stoles to find one to wear on Sunday morning. I took time to look at beautiful stoles made by people I love and places I served. I enjoyed remembering stories behind stoles that were purchased for me to mark special occasions. This beautiful stole caught my attention and held it.

This beautiful stole was made by the saints of St. Giles to remind me of my years with them. As I looked at the carefully created squares, I pictured the children, youth, and families as they were 10 years ago when I was with them. I prayed for them imagining where they might be today. And I gave thanks for my time serving the children and youth and adults of that church hidden in the woods.

Faithful God, For the places we have been and the people we have journeyed with, we give you thanks! Thank you for sweet and hard memories. Thank you for children and youth who have grown now. Thank you for adults who are keeping the faith and thank you for those who are now with you. For the gifts that help us remember, we give you thanks. Bless your saints near and far. Amen.

Confession and Forgiveness for Exodus 20

It has been awhile since I have had the opportunity to write liturgy (the words of worship). It feels good to write again and be back in a church where I will (occasionally) be preaching. This is the time of confession and forgiveness for the week I am preaching on the 10 commandments.

Call to Confession-

No one likes to admit that they have done wrong. One of the most beautiful parts of worship is that each week we come together and acknowledge our mistakes. As we confess, we seek to be forgiven by God, by each other, and by ourselves. And so in honesty and humility, we pray together.

Holy One, you instructed us in how to live and we have chosen our own paths. Direct us back to your way. Forgive us, we pray. And help us to forgive each other as we seek to live as those who are created in your image. Amen.

Assurance of Pardon-

Friends in Christ, there is no better news that this. God has heard us. God has forgiven us. God loves us. May our thoughts and actions reflect that forgiveness and love.

A Silent Retreat

Have you ever attended a silent retreat? I would highly recommend it, and I also think that they might not be a fit for everyone.

A dear friend invited me to join a silent retreat she was leading at her church. It was held on a Saturday from 10am to 4pm. And I loved it.

We gathered together to talk about the plan for the retreat. She gave us time to center ourselves and then one last chance to speak…and then the quiet began.

I had packed a bag with letter writing supplies, a spiritual book, a journal, and coloring book/colored pencils. My goal was not to feel like I had a to do list which is so hard for me because I love a good list.

I started reading some of my favorite Scripture verses Lamentations 3:21-26. I read these verses slowly and from different translations. Then I wrote them down noticing the words that were similar and different. I was wondering how long it had been since I read the book of Lamentations, so I read it too!

I went for a walk outside slowing my pace and noticing the sounds and sights around me. All of the sudden I thought of how my sister and I used to walk on parking lot lines and painted curbs like they were balance beams. And so, I did this. I giggled out loud (whoops, sorry silent retreat). I slowly walked all around the church property feeling young. And then the bells started playing hymns. They were announcing it was noon and time for lunch. I sang along in my head to words inscribed on my heart from my childhood.

Lunch felt awkward. To sit around tables with people and not talk was hard. Do I make eye contact? Do I look away? What should I do? Maybe read the ingredient list on my food to pass the time.

After lunch, time for coloring and prayer and writing letters and reading and sitting and walking. The time passed so much more quickly than I imagined. It felt like a gift to spend this much time in silence with God.

I encourage you to try something new to you to stretch your spiritual muscles.

Renewing God, we pray that you renew us as we try something new. Give us courage and patience as we stretch our spiritual muscles. Remind us that you will be with us as we embark on things previously undone. In silence and peace, we come before you. Amen.