Counting Down Sleeps

I shared a version of this reflection with my coworkers at Coastal Hospice as part of our ongoing weekday inspirational calls. I am thankful for those calls where I can hear the reflections and prayers of my colleagues as well as take the time to reflect and write from my heart.

When I was young, my paternal grandmother was the epitome of a grandmother. She baked my favorite cookies. She read me bedtime stories. She rocked dolls and ate pretend meals cooked up by my sister and me. She took us to church each Sunday. She loved her grandchildren fiercely.

Sadly, I never had the privilege of living close to either set of my grandparents. Instead we would spend about a month each summer with each side of the family. While I didn’t see my grandparents on a daily basis, I was part of their daily lives for a month each summer and then for shorter visits throughout the year.

In order to help her grandchildren prepare for an upcoming event, my grandmother taught us to countdown the sleeps until a big day. Instead of how many days until we visited, we would be asked how many sleeps until a visit?

I have attempted to pass this way of anticipating an upcoming exciting event down to my niece and nephew. I want them to know the same excitement I felt as a child when I was too excited to sleep when waiting for something good to happen.

And recently my heart was warmed and I began to feel that same excitement when my mother said, how many more sleeps? I did the countdown and shared the number.

My mother’s question is a reminder that we are never too old to count down sleeps in anticipation of something which is worth the wait!

You are welcome to borrow our family ritual and start counting down the sleeps. Or create a ritual of your own that helps you feel that sense of excitement as you prepare yourself for someone or something worth the wait!

God, We want things instantly. We are not good at waiting. Slow us down. Remind us that waiting is preparing. In waiting we may learn. Help us to move from our time to your time and trust in your goodness. Give us patience in a world that doesn’t always have time for patience. Slow us down as we begin to count toward those things and people worth the wait. Amen.

Grandma and two of her granddaughters.

Return to What You Love

Have you had a time in your life when you didn’t want to do something you enjoyed doing? A time when you lacked the energy and ambition to do something which normally feeds your soul? You might have noticed that the hours turned into days and the days turned into weeks. I have been struggling with this lately as I have had no interest in writing. Normally, I enjoy writing reflections on life and faith, prayers and words for worship, and book reviews and then I share those writing with each one of you. We are not here to analyze why I haven’t been writing as that is not the point of this time. Instead I want to reflect on how I started writing again in the hopes that this might inspire you when you are not able to do what you long to do.

1-Give yourself time. (We all need a break now and then even from those things we feel called to do. Give yourself permission to stop for a time. Breathe deeply and be patient with yourself).

2-Reflect on what is blocking your ability to proceed. (When you are ready, take an inventory of your days. How are you spending your time and how would you like to spend your time? When your inspiration returns is there time in your schedule to do what you love? And if your reasons for taking a break from something you love are emotionally or spiritually related, talk with someone you trust who can listen and affirm you).

3-Jump, run, or walk back into that task or activity you love. (After giving yourself time, try to come back. Go as slowly or quickly as is comfortable for you. Try it. If it doesn’t feel right, return to steps one and two until you are ready. And if it fits like your favorite pair of pants, then smile and be glad and keep doing what you love).

As with all things I write, I needed this today. I am hopeful that these words might support you through a tough time and remind you that you are not alone.

Join me in prayer-
Creating God, You created us to be creative beings. Some days it is easy to be our creative selves and some days it is so hard. We delight in knowing you are here with us on the hard days as well as on our easy days. Inspire us to use the gifts you gave us for good especially for the good of others. Remind us to be kind with ourselves and with each person with whom we interact this day. In your holy name we pray. Amen.

Go Outside and Try Again!

Late in 2019, I was introduced to “1000 Hours Outside“. This is the encouragement to increase the amount of time spent outside to lessen the amount of time spent in front of screens/inside. It was created to encourage taking children outside more and evolved to include adults too. I jumped into this idea with both feet on January 1st. I began to track my time outside. I printed the countdown sheet where I could cross off every hour until I reached my goal of 1000 hours. You will not be shocked to know that I did not make big progress toward my goal in the cold, wet days of January.
And for those of you who love math, 1000 hours averages about 2 hours and 45 minutes a day. This has been a long year, so you may not remember that January 2020 on the Eastern Shore of Maryland was not a month that inspired me to sit outside or hike outside or be outside.

My excitement for this project turned to disappointment and discouragement. And, I quit. I took my countdown worksheet and I crumpled it up because I was so defeated. I recycled it.
That isn’t the end of the story. This idea of getting outside more-of intentially choosing to be outside-stayed with me. As 2020 unfolded in ways none of us dreamed possible, I had more opportunities to be outside. We are now being encouraged to eat outside and be outside more and more.
What could be seen as a massive failure-I have no idea how many hours I spent outside this year because I stopped counting in January-could instead be seen as taking someone else’s idea and making it work for me. Because this idea has stayed with me, I find myself feeling pulled to be outside more to sit and watch the clouds, or walk through my neighborhood or the local park, or even to do yardwork not because I love yard work and instead because I love how good it looks when the work is done.

I hope my failed attempt to keep track of how many hours I spent outside this year inspires you to look at something in your life that could be considered a failure or an unfinished project or something you never started because it would never end and you make it work for you. Do it in your own way. Try it. Let the ideas of others in and use them in ways that work for you.

God of All Creation,
We can be too hard on ourselves for those things we call failures. Help us to reframe our ideas as opportunities. Use our creativity to create new paths instead of obstacles. Push us outside of our comfort zones to places where we might change and grow. When we do go outside, open us to experience the wonder of creation. We give thanks to you, God, for being part of your creation and being your beloved children. Amen.

Sitting outside giving thanks for the beauty.

Psalm 19-Call to Worship

This call to worship is done responsively with the worship leader beginning and the congregation responding with words from Psalm 19. Selected parts of the Psalm are used and the translation is New Revised Standard Version.

Leader-Look! Listen!

Congregation- The heavens are telling the glory of God; and the firmament proclaims his handiwork.

L-Look! Listen!

C- The law of the Lord is perfect, reviving the soul; the decrees of the Lord are sure, making wise the simple;

L-Look! Listen!

C-The precepts of the Lord are right, rejoicing the heart; the commandment of the Lord is clear, enlightening the eyes;

L-Look! Listen!

C- The fear of the Lord is pure, enduring forever; the ordinances of the Lord are true and righteous altogether.

L-Look! Listen!

C- Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable to you, O Lord, my rock and my redeemer.

Cultivating a Sense of Wonder

When was the last time you used your sense of wonder? When was the last time you stared in awe at an object and were amazed by it? When was the last time you watched something and wondered how does that work? How long has it been since you saw two or three or four things and thought if I put them together they will create something new?
For some of us and unfortunately for probably many of us, the demands of life impinge on our time to develop our sense of wonder. Many children do not let anything get in the way of their time to create and explore. In fact, this is how my nephew earned his nickname, Crafty Sam. One rainy summer day when he was visiting, he saw one of his three favorite objects a cardboard box. He asked for his two other favorite things Scotch tape and a pair of scissors. He sat down on the floor and got to creating. What his Aunt sees as a pile needing to be recycled is for him a collection of cardboard waiting to be transformed by his imagination. So, I sat down beside him and asked how I could assist. He held up a box and said this is going to be a clothes hamper. And like too many of us adults do, I began to doubt. That box is too small to be a clothes hamper. I don’t need another clothes hamper. And, I pushed those questions down and instead asked him what clothes would go into this new clothes hamper. And Crafty Sam said, “Obviously, small clothes like socks and underwear because it is a small hamper.” I sat on the floor and took followed his directions for the pattern he saw in his head. I guess I did a good job because that day I earned the nickname, Crafty Suz. 
That small clothes hamper created with only part of a shoebox, a pair of scissors, lots of Scotch tape, and a sense of wonder sits on my dresser. I have learned that if I place a pair of dirty socks in it as requested by its creator then I forget to wash those socks. So for creativity to meet practiciality, it is now home to my socks without friends which you might call socks searching for their partners.
What can we learn from Crafty Sam, other children, the more creative types among us? Cultivate your sense of wonder. For you, that might be creating something from ordinary objects like Crafty Sam. You might take all the leftovers in the fridge and create a new, and hopefully delicious, meal. You could take that box of memories and make a scrapbook. Another idea is going outside and listening. Close your eyes and hear the sounds around you and imagine what you aren’t seeing. Or stare up at the sky for awhile and watch the way it changes when we simply pay attention. Let yourself daydream using the what ifs from your life, and if in that time you discover something you want to change, change it. 
I recognize that after reading this you are returning to regular life which left me pondering how to conclude in a way that encourages a sense of wonder combined with the necessity to do what must be done this day, and so as I contemplated how to conclude this time I thought I should leave you with a three step plan of how to include wonder in your daily life. And then I realized (and not as quickly as I should have realized) that I was falling right back into my old routines with no room left for my sense of wonder. So, I am not going to tie this up in a box and a bow for you with all the answers and instead I’m going to encourage you today and in the coming days to cultivate your sense of wonder-by looking, listening, feeling, tasting, and smelling the ways you can explore and experience that which exists around you.
Creative One, Life gets busy and we hurry and rush and keep our eyes trained on the next thing that must be done. Slow us down. Distract us with a bird or a flower or a cloud in the sky. We feel this need to be productive at all times. Slow us down to listen to another person, to read a book, write a letter, look at a picture. Slow us down and remind us to be and to breathe. Amen and Amen.  

Crafty Suz assisting Crafty Sam in making a creation.

Good Tired-A Reflection on Harry Chapin’s Quote

I shared this reflection this morning with a group of Coastal Hospice staff. I hope you find it as meaningful as they did.

As I was driving home from work last night, I sighed and said out loud to myself in the car, “I am tired.” And I paused to reflect on what type of tired I was feeling…was I good tired or bad tired? 

Let me step back for a moment and explain. When I was a child, one of my favorite cassette tapes we listened to as a family was Harry Chapin’s Greatest Stories Live. My sister and I learned every word to every song on that tape. Harry Chapin’s best known song is Cats in the Cradle which he wrote and sang and many singers have covered that song throughout the years. To this day, he is my favorite singer and songwriter even though he died when I was young. 

In addition to writing many, many songs some of his albums also include quotes like this one.

My grandfather was a painter. He died at age eighty-eight, he illustrated Robert Frost’s first two books of poetry, and he was looking at me and he said, “Harry, there’s two kinds of tired. There’s good tired and there’s bad tired.” He said, “Ironically enough, bad tired can be a day that you won. But you won other people’s battles; you lived other people’s days, other people’s agendas, other people’s dreams. And when it’s all over, there was very little you in there. And when you hit the hay at night, somehow you toss and turn; you don’t settle easy.
It’s that good tired, ironically enough, can be a day that you lost, but you don’t even have to tell yourself because you knew you fought
your battles, you chased your dreams, you lived your days and when you hit the hay at night, you settle easy, you sleep the sleep of the just and you say ‘take me away’”.”

And as I reflected on this quote and my day, I realized I was good tired. I have a job where I can utilize my gifts and talents. And this is my hope for you. I hope the work you do leaves you good tired knowing that you as part of the hospice and palliative care team are working with people at a difficult time in their lives and you can make it a little less difficult. What I love about this work is being part of a large team—most of whom I do not know the intricacies of your jobs, and what I do know is that each one of us is needed to ensure that we can promote dignity and quality of life for patients and families who face life-limiting conditions.

My hope is that the next time you are feeling tired at the end of the day you take a moment to determine if you are good tired or bad tired. If you find yourself bad tired, please consider how you can put more of yourself into your day. We need you and the gifts you bring. The world needs you and the love you have to share. And if you determine you are good tired, give thanks for a good day, “settle easy and sleep the sleep of the just.” 

Let us pray together-Holy One, Too often we find ourselves tired from work and life and responsibilities and so much more that fills our days. As you have made us all unique and full of different abilities, help us find ways to share ourselves with others so that at the end of day we can rest easy. Amen. 

A Prayer for the Less than Ordinary Days!

My life has not been ordinary for the past few weeks. And I know we can all say that our lives have been less than ordinary for most of this year. This is a prayer for those days that are not ordinary.

Loving God, We need you today. Our plans have flown out the window as we are coping with the unexpected. It feels like we do not have an anchor and we are floating in the sea unable to see land. Rescue us! Anchor us! Bring us safely to shore.
We wonder if our hopes will ever come to reality. God, guide us through this day with changing expectations. Guide us! Hold us! Love us!
Remind us that nothing can separate us from your love for us! Nothing! So even when things are upside down and backwards, you are with us. While we wait for direction, be our gps turning us around when we start down the wrong road.
The questions keep piling up, and we seek answers from you, O Wise One. Answer us in your time while giving us the patience to keep on waiting even when the wait seems so long.
We long for the ordinary days to return, and until they do be with us, Loving God, every single day. Amen.

Trinity Benediction

Last night I had a dream where I was leading worship. I must be missing in person worship more than I had realized. For all of us dreaming of returning to worship with handshakes, hugs, singing, and no worries of sharing germs, I offer this benediction.

Go in love. Know you are created in God’s own image and loved more than you can imagine. Share that love!

Go in peace. Follow in the footsteps of the Prince of Peace seeking to be peacemakers in all you do.

Go in hope. Listen for the guidance of the Holy Spirit as you live into your calling.

Go out sharing love, peace, and hope!

Psalm 139 Benediction

Sunday’s Psalm reading is Psalm 139:1-12 and 23-24. In the challenging and odd time, we all need a reminder that wherever we are God is present. God does not abandon us nor ever stop loving us. This is good news. I encourage you to read the Psalm and then speak out loud for yourself and those you love this benediction.

As you go out into the beauty of God’s world or stay in your homes, know God sees you. As you do your part to keep others safe in this time, know that God is with you. As you pray for your friends, family, and people you do not know, know that God hears your joys and cries of pain. As you begin a new week with God, know that God is leading you in the way everlasting. You are created in God’s own image, and you are God’s beloved. Amen.

Fishing (Again)

I would like to talk about fishing. Growing up, my grandparents would take my sister and I fishing in a pond on their farm. We would load up all the necessary supplies into the pickup truck and then set out driving a little ways on the road and then through the field until we came to the fishing pond. Everyone would get their five gallon bucket and fishing pole. And I also brought a book. I wanted to be back at the house reading and had to fish. So, I would cast my line into the pond, see that my bobber was steady, sit on my bucket, and pick up my book. Someone would yell my name when my bobber went under. I would sigh and set down my book so I could reel in a fish. As you can tell this was not an activity I enjoyed.

Recently, my husband thought we should start fishing. All of the trips to the fishing pond came back to mind. Reluctantly, I agreed to fish with him. And I cannot tell you how surprised I was to discover that I am enjoying it. I find it so relaxing to stand on the dock, casting into the water, and slowly reeling it in. I find myself breathing slower and can feel my body relaxing as I fish. I have been watching sunsets and birds flying overhead. Lest you think I am a true fisher person. I am still happiest when I do not catch anything and can just enjoy the rhythm and action of casting out and reeling it in over and over.
So you can hear this reflection as an encouragement to try something again. Try something you didn’t enjoy and maybe this time you will. Disclaimer-you may still dislike the activity, and that is okay too!
Or maybe you will hear this as a call to go outside and soak in the beauty of nature.
Possibly, you are hearing a reminder to rest because God rested on the seventh day and your body needs rest too.
Holy One, we give you thanks this day for memories and new experiences. We are grateful for sunsets and time in your creation. We ask for strength to do the work you have called us to do. And as one of my hospice patients would always remind me, we can’t just pray for ourselves we have to pray for everyone else God loves too. So God, we remember your children around the world today. Ease the suffering. Mend the broken hearts. Feed those who are hungry and comfort everyone who is scared. Strengthen those fighting for justice and increase our compassion for each other. Hear our prayer and the prayers of all who call to you. Amen.

Sometimes a fish jumps on the line even when you just want to enjoy not catching anything.
Last night’s catch