I Hope You Laugh Today!

“Then our mouth was filled with laughter, and our tongue with shouts of joy; then it was said among the nations, the Lord has done great things for them.” — Psalm 126:2 NRSV

My Dad is visiting me, and last night he got a phone call from his grandchildren. I could hear they were telling jokes, so I asked him to put the call on speakerphone. I love when children tell jokes. I love jokes that are well thought out. I love jokes that only make sense to the person telling them. I love to hear the delight in a child’s voice when they tell a joke.

My niece will be 10 this summer, and my nephew finished Kindergarten this week and is six. Their original jokes were as different as they are. And the common trait shared by every joke was joy. They wanted to make others laugh and have an extra excuse to laugh themselves.

Reid (age 6)-How so you make an Aunt Suz? With Slime (cue laughter).

Ella (age 9)-How does a cactus find stuff? It pokes around (cue laughter).

I hope your day includes at least one laugh. Whether you laugh with yourself (we do many silly and funny things), at a joke, at a story, with a friend or alone, I hope this day brings a moment of laughter for you. As a hospice patient who is in his late 90s said this week, “We all need to laugh.” I invite you to take his advice and find some humor in your day.

God of Laughter and Joy, We can take ourselves and our life too seriously. Slow us down and remind us to grin. Then push us to chuckle. When we are ready, give us an opportunity to laugh out loud. And when the time is right, give us a big laugh. Whether we laugh from deep in our bellies or loudly or silently with tears of joy streaming down our cheeks, remind us that laughter is a gift from you. Give us moments of laughter today, we pray. Amen.

Sisters sharing a laugh and big smiles!

This is the Third Quarter

No matter how you are currently feeling about COVID-19, there is one thing on which we can all agree it has affected our lives. Over the past year, it has been a regular topic of conversation and has changed the way we live our lives.

Recently the conversations I have heard have been about what is the right thing to do. If I’m vaccinated, can I do this? How should vaccinated and unvaccinated people interact? When will I get the vaccine? How long will this last? So many questions are focused on what is the right thing to do for myself and for others.

While pondering all these questions, a colleague sent me an article from TIME called “We’re in the Third Quarter of the Pandemic. Antarctic Researchers, Mars Simulation Scientists, and Navy Submarine Officers Have Advice for How to Get Through It” by Tara Law.

The article says that the “third quarter phenomeon” was first named by researchers in 1991 who were observing people living in cold climates who had no choice but to isolate due to the weather. They noted changes in the moods of people nearing the end of their time of isolation. Whilte this is still a theory, it might apply to how some of us are feeling in this 3rd Quarter of COVID-19. Vaccines are rolling out. Restrictions are easing. The weather is improving. What are we to do?

This article talks about the similiarties people felt in isolation and encourages the reader to be aware of how one is feeling. As we can see the light beginning to peak out at the end of the tunnel, you may find yourself “irritable, unhappy, or otherwise off”. This is because we are all tired of how it has been, looking ahead to what is coming, and tired of putting in the extra effort required to continue to isolate and distance.

What helped those in the article? “Focusing on the mission.” As far as COVID-19 is concerned, our mission hasn’t changed. We want to slow the spread and keep each other safe and healthy. This article recommended caring for yourself and doing things to feed your spirit as together we live through this 3rd Quarter of COVID.

Let us pray. Holy One, we are tired. We are tired of being 6 feet apart from each other. We are tired of wearing our masks. We are tired of hand santizing and washing our hand although we will continue to do so. Give us the strength to keep on keeping on. Remind us of your love for each of us and how we are called to care for each other. Help us when it is hard. Thank you for all who have worked so dilligently to beat this virus. Help us to see our small steps as ways we support each other. In your holy name we pray. Amen.


A Prayer for This Day

I wrote this prayer earlier this week. I have prayed it many times lately in thanksgiving for God’s faithfulness whatever the day may bring. Peace to you, this day.

Holy One, On the hard days be our cup of tea and warm blanket comforting us and holding us close. On the easier days be the birdsongs and sunshine reminding us of joy and consistency. On the days in between, give us strength for the journey for whatever we may encounter today. Amen.

A Prayer for a Hard Day

You know those days when you know that need to be aware of God’s presence in your life because it is going to be a hard, hard day? This is a prayer for those days.

God, this day is just beginning and I know it is going to be hard. I know you will be with me. I know it. And I know myself well enough to know that I will need reminders of your presence today. So remind me of your steadfast love, your wisdom, your compassion as this day unfolds. I know there is nowhere that I can go that you are not with me. Remind me of this when the way ahead isn’t easy. When worries creep in and my mind won’t slow down, be the peace that is needed. If a change in plan is needed and my idea of hope must be rewritten, be the solid rock on which I can stand. Remind me, Gracious God, because today of all days I need a reminder that you will never leave me alone. Amen.

Life Lessons from a Six-Year-Old!

Today is my nephew’s 6th birthday. As I have aged, I have found it easier and easier to rush through life from one task to the next without pausing for fun or noticing the world around me. The younger people in my life remind me to slow down and have fun. 

So in honor of his 6 years on earth, I share with you 6 life lessons I have learned from my nephew.

1-Always order dessert when offered! It doesn’t matter if you can finish the whole dessert. Life is filled with many sweet things and we should enjoy them.

Making dirt cake for Grandma!

2-Be crafty! For Christmas, I got this little guy, 6 rolls of Scotch tape because he loves to take a cardboard box, some scissors, and a roll of tape and be creative. You don’t have to make a cardboard car or a holder for your Aunt’s socks without mates. You can look at regular object around your house and find ways to give them new life. Be like Crafty Sam.

Cardboard box, scissors, and tape!

3-Use your cute eyes! Whenever my nephew wants something special like Grandpa’s mac’n’cheese or some extra play time, we encourage him to use his cute eyes. He’ll stop what he is doing and look right at you with the sweetest look on his face. It makes me wonder what if we took the time to look at each other when asking for a favor or help. Slow down and look at another person. See their humanity.

Cute eyes!

4-Say I’m sorry! Lest you think I view my nephew as a perfect child, let me assure you that this energetic 6 year old gets in trouble more than his parents would prefer. He has learned to say he is sorry when he hurts someone else. Do any of us need a reminder today to apologize when we have caused hurt? And maybe a reminder to simply say I’m sorry without excuses-just say I’m sorry when someone else needs to hear it. It isn’t easy when you are six and it isn’t any easier for those of us who are older.

I’m sorry!

5-There’s always time for fun! If you let my nephew plan the activities for a day, be prepared to-run around chasing him or being chased, eat three meals plus snacks, make a craft, run more, build a fort, walk through the woods, run again, color and then run, take a five minute rest which is about 30 seconds for him and then do the whole list again while also playing with dinosaurs, building a puzzle, having a stuffie fight (which means you are tossing stuffed animals at each other and laughing a lot). Just a regular day planned by someone who is 6. I hope you see in that plan that there is always time for fun. How might you add some fun to your day?

Blanket Fort!

6-Say I love you! Everyone wants to hear I love you and it feels good to tell someone you love them. If you aren’t in the habit of saying I love you, why not try it? We all want to know we are loved.

I love you, Grandma!

So that’s your to do list for today-have some dessert, be creative, use what you’ve got, say I’m sorry, make time for fun, and say I love you.

Pray with me.

Creative One, You love us and call us to love others and ourselves. You made us creative beings and ask us to use the gifts we have been given. You created laughter and fun and encourage us to find joy in our days. You remind us to ask for forgiveness when we have done wrong. Continue to walk with us on this journey of life and open our eyes to see those who are brightening our paths by their very presence. Amen.

Taking Down the Christmas Tree

In preparation for taking down the Christmas tree, I sat quietly near it the other night. I shut off all the other lights in the room. I had the whole room to myself. It was peaceful. The light of the tree was brighter than I expected it to be.

I sat and thought about the Christmas season that had just ended as well as other Christmases. The many trees that have lit homes where I have lived and homes that have welcomed me like family. I thought about trees bursting with ornaments and trees we hoped would make it to Christmas. I reflected on the beauty a Christmas tree shares.

When the tree is put away, it looks so empty for a few days and then we return to “normal life”. Knowing that no matter how hard I try this will happen again this year, I wanted to sit with wonder by the tree one last time.

God of Wonders, Increase our sense of wonder that we may be awed by you and your creation. So often we think of wonders as big things. Remind us to be amazed by the little, everyday things in our lives like a Christmas tree in a silent room. Open us today to the wonders around us calling our names. And help us to keep the spirit of Christmas in our hearts when the tree is gone. Amen.

A Prayer for Days When You Have No Words

While I still have hope in 2021 and the possibilities of this new year, it has been a hard first week. I heard the phrase this is not who I want my country to be, and I think that is a fitting description.

On hard days, it can be a challenge to find words for prayer. You know that prayer does not require words. Some days the words won’t come, and this is a prayer for those days.

God, What can I say today? I have no words. The words will not come. I am numb. I don’t know what to say. And at times, I have too many words and they are spilling out of me not always making sense. Hear my prayer of too many or too few words. Listen to my heart. Hear my thoughts. Inspire me to action when words are not working. Strengthen me to stand, sit, or get out of the way whichever is needed. And when a break is needed, help me to rest in you. Amen.

Peaceful Christmas!

Wherever you find yourself this Christmas, I wish you a very peaceful Christmas.

Whatever emotions you are feeling this season, I hope you find moments of peace this Christmas.

However you are observing this season, I pray you know you are loved this Christmas.

Whether we feel prepared or not, the Christ child is being born anew in this world. “And the weary world rejoices!”

May the hope, peace, joy, and love of Advent be with you as we welcome Christ into our lives again!

Getting Through December

We are halfway through the month of December. When I was younger, December was a month full of joy, happiness, and expectations. December meant time with relatives, once a year traditions, good food, and so much love. This wasn’t the same for everyone even when they were young. And as I have aged, I have become more aware of the range of emotions that the month of December stirs up for people. For some, December is a month filled with grief and sadness and regret and loneliness. For some, December is a time of not being able to live up to expectations. For some, December doesn’t bring the peace they long to find.

A song that sums up for me the less discussed feelings of this month is Over the Rhine’s “If We Make It Through December”-“If we make it through December
Everything’s gonna be alright I know
It’s the coldest time of winter
And I shiver when I see the falling snow

If we make it through December
Got plans to be in a warmer town come summertime
Maybe even California
If we make it through December we’ll be fine”

I invite you to keep this idea in your mind as you move about the next half of the month. For so many this month won’t look like they have hoped-families may be celebrating via Zoom instead of together, empty seats will remind us of the loved ones who are no longer with us, finances may be tighter than other years, fears of illness may be causing additional stress, and so many other stresses and worries and fears and concerns and possibilities may be keeping people up at night. And if none of this is true for you, it is true for someone you know and love.

So as much as I would love to end with some cheerful words to made everything work out perfectly like the end of a perfectly scripted Hallmark movie (that was not an attack on Hallmark movies which bring much joy to so many), I am going to ask us to do the hard work. I am going to encourage you to sit with the hard feelings and not rush past them. When this month doesn’t meet your expectations, live in that feeling for awhile. When you are missing your loved ones, focus on the memories for a bit and allow yourself to be sad or cry or miss them. When you can’t imagine how things will work out, be angry and live in the heartbreak. And when you are ready, reach out to someone and share how you are feeling, write your feelings down, say out loud that the month of December is hard for you. If none of what you have read mirrors the way you have ever felt in December, I encourage you to be on the look out for those for whom these words ring true. They need you this month.

Hear again the words of the song as our benediction.

“If we make it through December
Everything’s gonna be alright I know
It’s the coldest time of winter
And I shiver when I see the falling snow

If we make it through December
Got plans to be in a warmer town come summertime
Maybe even California
If we make it through December we’ll be fine” Amen!

Giving Thanks

We can all agree that this Thanksgiving is not like ones we have known in the past. I am not going to tell you how to celebrate this year as you can find many other places and people who have shared information about what are the best choices to make for the holidays.

Instead I want you to be aware of your emotions as you navigate the coming days.

What are you grieving? Write or verbalize those traditions that are not happening for you this year and how you feel about these changes.

Where are you giving thanks? Write or verbalize the people, places, things for which you are giving thanks today.

Where are you finding joy? Write or verbalize the current times you feel joy or memories that bring you joy.

Where are you having moments of peace? Write or verbalize when you feel peace and allow yourself to linger in your feelings of peace.

Let yourself feel the emotions that this reflection brings up. Cry, laugh, scream, smile, and do what you need to do as you live with the emotions that come up this holiday.