I love post-its. I love countdowns. What is the best? Obviously, combining these two loves together. I am nearing the end of my first semester back at school. To celebrate and motivate myself, I made a post-it countdown. As of today, 4 more classes and 5 more assignments are between me and a few weeks off before summer classes! Woohoo!
So, when you are nearing the end of your energy or excitement for something, why not try a countdown? It feels good to physically remove the number from the stack and know that you are closer to the end!
I have used post-its for Lenten countdowns in church (great time to use purple). I made my niece and nephew a countdown when they were driving to see me four years ago. There is no limit to how many ways post-it countdowns can help motivate and inspire you.
Inspiring God, some days we need an extra push. Some days we need an extra reminder that we are moving on the right track and this season isn’t forever. Thank you for post-it countdowns and other fun ways to help us keep on going! With your help, we can do this. Amen!
God! Why am I awake and the sun has yet to make an appearance? I wish I was sleeping in my bed! Instead I am awake. My mind is whirling with today’s to do list. Outside it is still dark.
Loving God, it feels like we are the only two up in the whole world…except the birds. I can hear them outside. They are awake and awaiting dawn as well. Give me the same conviction as the birds, so I will feel confident that the sun will rise and a new day will dawn. Even if it dawns after I have begun my day.
God of sunrises and sunsets, whenever we are awake, you are awake. Keeping watch. Loving us. And offering us your peace. Let us reach out and accept your loving kindness. Amen.
I was just telling a friend that my to do lists are full and not getting shorter. And that is right, I said to do lists. More than one to do list! I love making lists because writing things down helps me to remember and checking things off is so satisfying!
So when you find your lists full and too much to do, take a moment and pray!
Loving God, I can’t imagine what your to do lists must look like. You have so many things and people occupying your time and energy. And yet, you always have time for me. Help us to remain productive when needed and to not become burdened by our lists of tasks. There will always be more to do. You remind us that rest is essential. So encourage us to honor the Sabbath even if it means we need to write it on our lists to make time for rest and you. Forgive our busyness and our mindset that more to do is better. Send your spirit of peace upon us to remind us which things are more important and which things can wait for another day. Slow us down and reorient our priorities, we pray. Amen!
As I was preparing to preach last week, I was sorting through my stoles to find one to wear on Sunday morning. I took time to look at beautiful stoles made by people I love and places I served. I enjoyed remembering stories behind stoles that were purchased for me to mark special occasions. This beautiful stole caught my attention and held it.
This beautiful stole was made by the saints of St. Giles to remind me of my years with them. As I looked at the carefully created squares, I pictured the children, youth, and families as they were 10 years ago when I was with them. I prayed for them imagining where they might be today. And I gave thanks for my time serving the children and youth and adults of that church hidden in the woods.
Faithful God, For the places we have been and the people we have journeyed with, we give you thanks! Thank you for sweet and hard memories. Thank you for children and youth who have grown now. Thank you for adults who are keeping the faith and thank you for those who are now with you. For the gifts that help us remember, we give you thanks. Bless your saints near and far. Amen.
It has been awhile since I have had the opportunity to write liturgy (the words of worship). It feels good to write again and be back in a church where I will (occasionally) be preaching. This is the time of confession and forgiveness for the week I am preaching on the 10 commandments.
Call to Confession-
No one likes to admit that they have done wrong. One of the most beautiful parts of worship is that each week we come together and acknowledge our mistakes. As we confess, we seek to be forgiven by God, by each other, and by ourselves. And so in honesty and humility, we pray together.
Holy One, you instructed us in how to live and we have chosen our own paths. Direct us back to your way. Forgive us, we pray. And help us to forgive each other as we seek to live as those who are created in your image. Amen.
Assurance of Pardon-
Friends in Christ, there is no better news that this. God has heard us. God has forgiven us. God loves us. May our thoughts and actions reflect that forgiveness and love.
The Holiday Season is hard. We are faced with so many expectations of what we should do. Pressure comes from all directions about how to have the perfect celebration. Add in grief and things get so much more challenging.
Sadly, this is my third Christmas without my Mom. I am writing this curled up under a blanket made of her shirts, drinking a cup of hot chocolate, and eating a peanut butter blossom cookie.
Our memories of loved ones come back to us in so many ways this time of year. I remember a loved one when I add an ornament to the tree that used to hang on their tree. I keep my grandparents’ Christmas tree that sheds more needles than a real tree because my grandfather’s handwriting is there telling me how to assemble it. And I think of my Mom when I bake peanut blossom cookies.
You see this is my Mom’s recipe. It is called Peanut Blossom Cookies. And it comes with the side note that the peanut butter is optional because Mom hates peanut butter cookies. This is such a perfect memory of my Mom. She was a picky eater. She would change recipes by leaving out what she didn’t like. For example, her version of apple salad or only turkey breast at Thanksgiving are famous and true stories in our family. And I would happily leave out the peanut butter to share a cookie with her. Since I cannot, I will stay under this blanket a little longer and give thanks for my Mom and all my loved ones who I miss especially this time of year.
Loving and Faithful God, At this beautiful and holy time of year, we are filled with a range of emotions. We joyfully prepare to welcome baby Jesus and our hearts ache as we miss people we love. We remember how it has been on Christmases past and know that we cannot recreate those memories. Send the Prince of Peace among us to provide the peace we need today. Send the Holy Spirit to be our comforter and companion. And bless all of us who are missing someone special this Christmas. Amen.
Have you ever attended a silent retreat? I would highly recommend it, and I also think that they might not be a fit for everyone.
A dear friend invited me to join a silent retreat she was leading at her church. It was held on a Saturday from 10am to 4pm. And I loved it.
We gathered together to talk about the plan for the retreat. She gave us time to center ourselves and then one last chance to speak…and then the quiet began.
I had packed a bag with letter writing supplies, a spiritual book, a journal, and coloring book/colored pencils. My goal was not to feel like I had a to do list which is so hard for me because I love a good list.
I started reading some of my favorite Scripture verses Lamentations 3:21-26. I read these verses slowly and from different translations. Then I wrote them down noticing the words that were similar and different. I was wondering how long it had been since I read the book of Lamentations, so I read it too!
I went for a walk outside slowing my pace and noticing the sounds and sights around me. All of the sudden I thought of how my sister and I used to walk on parking lot lines and painted curbs like they were balance beams. And so, I did this. I giggled out loud (whoops, sorry silent retreat). I slowly walked all around the church property feeling young. And then the bells started playing hymns. They were announcing it was noon and time for lunch. I sang along in my head to words inscribed on my heart from my childhood.
Lunch felt awkward. To sit around tables with people and not talk was hard. Do I make eye contact? Do I look away? What should I do? Maybe read the ingredient list on my food to pass the time.
After lunch, time for coloring and prayer and writing letters and reading and sitting and walking. The time passed so much more quickly than I imagined. It felt like a gift to spend this much time in silence with God.
I encourage you to try something new to you to stretch your spiritual muscles.
Renewing God, we pray that you renew us as we try something new. Give us courage and patience as we stretch our spiritual muscles. Remind us that you will be with us as we embark on things previously undone. In silence and peace, we come before you. Amen.
I have always loved the celebration of All Saints Day in the church. In churches I have served, we would give thanks for those who had died from the congregation in the past year. As I was thinking about this holy day, I am thinking of the people I love who have died this year and in years past. For me, this day is a reminder that we are here today because of the people who paved the way for us. I know that I am person of faith because I saw faith lived out in so many wonderfully ordinary people from my first memories until now.
God of All Ages and Times, Your story is told and lived out by your people and today we give thanks for each of them. From the saints who lived centuries before to the saints who recently died, we are thankful for each one of them and how their lives reflected your love. Sometimes it is easy to overlook the regular people who sang the songs and told the stories, and yet they are saints just as much as the people whose names are famous. Today, we remember and give thanks for the cloud of witnesses who faithfully passed down the old, old story to us. Give us the strength, wisdom, and courage to share the story with the next generations. And as we do remind us that this did not begin and will not end with us. We are connected to all who came before and all who will follow. One day each of us will be remembered in prayer by the ones we are teaching today. For these connections, we give thanks to you, God of our Ancestors and God of Today and Tomorrow. Amen.
If you know me, you know I am not someone who wakes up early for fun. I can wake up early. I choose to sleep because sleep is a lovely gift. I am not sure what is happening lately because I have been waking up an hour before my alarm and enjoying the extra time. Yesterday, I wrote a funeral service before my alarm sounded. Today, I am writing my second blog post long before my alarm goes off or the sun decides to show itself. While I don’t know how long my new found morning productivity will last, I am going to embrace it (not sure I have much choice). So, if you find yourself up before the sun, here is a prayer for you!
God, Morning has not even broken yet, and I am awake. I know you are awake as well. Thank you for another day of life. Thank you for walking beside me whatever this day may hold. As I pray, I open my eyes and see that light is beginning to illuminate life outside my window. Thank you for the morning. For all awake already, give them your peace as they go through the day. For those still sleeping, give them peace and good rest. As morning begins to break, give me what I need for today. Amen and Amen.
I have learned that I need to spend time outside as it calms and grounds me. With the hot temperatures and our deck being under construction, I have not been able to be outside as much as I would like recently! Good news! The temperature has gone down below sweat as soon as you step outside and enough of the deck is finished for me to sit in my comfy chair outside.
I wonder what fills you up when you need a fill up? I wonder what brings you a sense of peace? And how can you find time to spend in that place or activity to renew your soul soon?
God of All Creation, It is good to be outside marveling at a portion of your creation. Help us all to identify and then do that which brings us joy, that which fills our soul, that which inspires peace in ourselves and in your world. For as we renew ourselves, we are better able to serve you and love your creation. Amen.
Milli and I enjoying the finished portion of the deck.