Hope and Quiet in Advent

On Sunday when I led the children’s moment at church, we lit the hope candle and talked about being quiet. I shared with them how my sister and I were asked to play the quiet game on long road trips when our parents had reached their limits on our sisterly bickering. And I asked them to share how they find moments of quiet in our busy lives especially this busy season!

I hope while you are preparing for the birth of Jesus that you find moments of quiet this season. You know I would recommend you make a cup of tea, sitting by the tree, and have a prayerful quiet moment. And if that is too much for you this season, simply pause and give thanks for a moment of silence while waiting for the return of our Prince of Peace.

Originator of Hope, This season of preparing is filled with so much noise. Much of it is joyful noises-carols, laughter, conversations. And yet sometimes it is just too much. We long for quiet. We long to feel hope. We long for your return as the Prince of Peace in our lives and in this world. So, quiet our hearts and our minds and focus them on you. Renew our hope. And guide us back into a close relationship with the One who inspires our hopeful silence. Amen.

For All the Saints

November 1 or the Sunday closest to it is the day that we remember and give thanks for the saints in faith who have lived and shared God’s love with us. We would not know of God’s goodness unless we had been told by those who have gone before. I love this special, holy day when we say thank you for their lives and remember those who names we know and treasure as well as those who we never knew.

I invite you to light a candle or multiple candles for the saints who have supported you in your faith.

God of All Ages, We give thanks for your saints today who are now with you.

For the saints who loudly proclaimed your word, so we might know you better, we give you thanks!

For the saints who sang your praises and taught us the songs of faith, we give you thanks!

For the saints who showed up each time the church door was open and volunteered by making snacks and counting the offering and mowing the lawn and cleaning the bathrooms, we give you thanks!

For the saints who held babies in the nursery, made crafts with the toddlers, read stories to the children, attended lock ins with the youth, and ensured that no matter the age that everyone knew they were safe and loved at church, we give you thanks!

For the saints who loved you quietly and worked behind the scenes to see that the church was beautiful and ready each Sunday, we give you thanks!

For every single person of faith who preserved in keeping their faith even when times were hard, we give you thanks!

Thank you, God, for all of your saints. Give us strength to be the saints of today who are sharing your love with all those in our lives. Amen.

A Prayer for the Lollygaggers

A friend sent me a card in the mail recently where she talked about the joy of lollygagging. This is a word I love to use in a positive way. I think we need more time to lollygag! (Also, I just learned that it is sometimes spelled lallygag. I am sticking with the way I have always heard it).

On some recent time away from my normal routine, I took time to lollygag! It was glorious. I read in the morning instead of jumping out of bed and hurrying to the shower. I drove down a two lane road even though a four lane highway was near by and would have had me at my destination faster. I sat in a comfy chair at a bookstore and read part of a book that I then purchased. I played board games with my husband! It turns out that I am good at lollygagging when I let myself do it.

So give yourself permission to lollygag, whatever that might look like for you! Move slower. Look around at creation. Linger over a cup of tea (or coffee, if you prefer).

God! You taught us to rest and we are often not good at it! Slow us down. Help us to make time to lollygag. Remind us that life is to be enjoyed and not just hustled through from one task to the next. Show us that we are enough as we are. It is okay to put our work down at the end of the day. It is good to laugh with loved ones. It is necessary to spend time in conversation with you. Bless us as we lollygag, Gracious God. Amen.

A Prayer for Jury Duty

I have jury duty the entire month of July. I might be more excited than the average person about fulfilling my civic duty.

Also, I might have gotten called in and then not gotten selected. I did enjoy getting to see the process unfold, and there is still time this month for me to make it on a jury. Fingers crossed.

This whole experience inspired me to write a prayer for jury duty. Although it is often a hardship to have jury duty, it is a right for citizens of the United States to have an impartial group of peers decide if they did or did not break the law. So, the next time you are called to serve, try to keep a positive attitude even while it is disrupting your life. You might even enjoy it like I did.

Gracious God, You encourage us not to judge one another. And yet, that is just what is being asked of jurors. Grant us a sense of calm and listening ears. Give us patience as we hurry up and wait to see if we will be selected for the jury. If picked to serve on the jury, help us to remember that each person here is your beloved child. Send us your spirit of peace. Let us listen for your voice as we make this important decision. Amen.

A Prayer for the Week Before VBS!

VBS (Vacation Bible School) is one of the best weeks of the year. The church is filled with laughter, singing, people of all ages, and so much love. It is also (usually) hot, hot, hot! And someone is going to have a meltdown. It might be a child. It might be the person in charge of ensuring all goes well at VBS!

So as churches prepare for the biggest week of the year, join me in praying for things VBS.

God, it feels like this prayer should come with hand motions or decorations or lemonade as it is a prayer about VBS. Help all of us to remember what is most important is that every person who comes through the church doors needs a reminder that you love them. This is true for the kids hustling into the room and the kids hiding behind a parent. You know this is true for the person who brings the snacks, leads the singing, helps with crafts, and the brave one who agrees to keep games under control. The whole point of this week is for everyone to know you love them. You created each one in your own image. So no matter what happens at VBS, remind us that you love us. Give the adults strength for the week. Give your children of all ages open hearts to experience your goodness. And when Bible School is over, give us all good rest after a wonderful week of loving each other and you well. Amen!

Wedding Reception Prayer

Later today I will be celebrating the marriage of two lovely people. And as I was preparing a prayer for the reception, I thought I would share it here in case it would be helpful to anyone else who is needing a prayer for a wedding reception.

Loving God, On this day when love brings us together, we thank you for your constant love for us. We thank you for bringing —— and —— together and blessing their love today. Continue to guide and support them as they begin this new chapter of their life together. God, we thank you for this joyful feast. Watch over all of us and keep us safe as we celebrate the gift of love and especially the love between —- and ——. Amen.

Post-it Countdown

I love post-its. I love countdowns. What is the best? Obviously, combining these two loves together. I am nearing the end of my first semester back at school. To celebrate and motivate myself, I made a post-it countdown. As of today, 4 more classes and 5 more assignments are between me and a few weeks off before summer classes! Woohoo!

So, when you are nearing the end of your energy or excitement for something, why not try a countdown? It feels good to physically remove the number from the stack and know that you are closer to the end!

I have used post-its for Lenten countdowns in church (great time to use purple). I made my niece and nephew a countdown when they were driving to see me four years ago. There is no limit to how many ways post-it countdowns can help motivate and inspire you.

Inspiring God, some days we need an extra push. Some days we need an extra reminder that we are moving on the right track and this season isn’t forever. Thank you for post-it countdowns and other fun ways to help us keep on going! With your help, we can do this. Amen!

A Prayer for When You Are Up Before the Sun

God! Why am I awake and the sun has yet to make an appearance? I wish I was sleeping in my bed! Instead I am awake. My mind is whirling with today’s to do list. Outside it is still dark.

Loving God, it feels like we are the only two up in the whole world…except the birds. I can hear them outside. They are awake and awaiting dawn as well. Give me the same conviction as the birds, so I will feel confident that the sun will rise and a new day will dawn. Even if it dawns after I have begun my day.

God of sunrises and sunsets, whenever we are awake, you are awake. Keeping watch. Loving us. And offering us your peace. Let us reach out and accept your loving kindness. Amen.

A To Do List Prayer

I was just telling a friend that my to do lists are full and not getting shorter. And that is right, I said to do lists. More than one to do list! I love making lists because writing things down helps me to remember and checking things off is so satisfying!

So when you find your lists full and too much to do, take a moment and pray!

Loving God, I can’t imagine what your to do lists must look like. You have so many things and people occupying your time and energy. And yet, you always have time for me. Help us to remain productive when needed and to not become burdened by our lists of tasks. There will always be more to do. You remind us that rest is essential. So encourage us to honor the Sabbath even if it means we need to write it on our lists to make time for rest and you. Forgive our busyness and our mindset that more to do is better. Send your spirit of peace upon us to remind us which things are more important and which things can wait for another day. Slow us down and reorient our priorities, we pray. Amen!

Giving Thanks for Where I Have Been…

As I was preparing to preach last week, I was sorting through my stoles to find one to wear on Sunday morning. I took time to look at beautiful stoles made by people I love and places I served. I enjoyed remembering stories behind stoles that were purchased for me to mark special occasions. This beautiful stole caught my attention and held it.

This beautiful stole was made by the saints of St. Giles to remind me of my years with them. As I looked at the carefully created squares, I pictured the children, youth, and families as they were 10 years ago when I was with them. I prayed for them imagining where they might be today. And I gave thanks for my time serving the children and youth and adults of that church hidden in the woods.

Faithful God, For the places we have been and the people we have journeyed with, we give you thanks! Thank you for sweet and hard memories. Thank you for children and youth who have grown now. Thank you for adults who are keeping the faith and thank you for those who are now with you. For the gifts that help us remember, we give you thanks. Bless your saints near and far. Amen.