Hearing What Needs to Be Heard and a Prayer

This week I was talking with a friend who asked me how things are going. I replied with life is hard. And she said every time I have talked with you lately you said life is hard. She wasn’t arguing with me or disputing what I was saying. She was pointing out that she has been listening to me and has heard a common response from me over the last few months. 
This was a wake up call for me. It was a reminder to be aware of my words and outlook. I made myself step back and see why I kept saying the same thing. 
Since that time, I have been more aware of my answers. I add and plus a second word to describe how even in the midst of challenges life is good. Life is hard and beautiful. Life is hard and funny. Life is hard and wonderful. This small change has changed me and encouraged me to look for the good among the hard.
Gracious and Loving God, Thank you for the people you put into our lives to keep us on track. Open our ears to words we may not want to hear. Open our eyes to see the wonder of creation and the gift of life you give us each day. Open our mouths to sing your praises as we thank you for the hard and beautiful lives we lead. Give us the strength and courage and motivation to keep moving forward for you. Amen.

A beautiful art therapy project by my dear friend, Susan Harry.

Early Morning Memories

If you know me in real life, you know I am not a morning person. I can get up early in the morning, however, I prefer to wait until the sun is up before I get up. This morning I was up before the sun as was my hard working husband. We leave for a much needed vacation soon, and have a long to do list that must be accomplished before we leave. So in order to check things off that list, we got up before dawn.

One important task for me was to ensure that my Woodstock Windchimes from my best friend were carefully moved before work on the deck began. I don’t know how long ago she gave these to me. I do know that they have hung outside my each place I have lived and called home. When I hear them, I think of her and I smile.

So taking them down is one way I say good-bye to a home. We have purchased a new home where new memories will be made. Our move is just across town to a beautiful new place that will be a lovely home for myself, my husband, and my wonderful mother-in-law. We have much to celebrate as we prepare to create new memories, and we all will be bringing with us (too much stuff and) many memories. This morning as I packed my wind chimes I gave thanks for the people who have walked this journey with me as well as the people who will join me on the next chapter of my journey.

Creator God, You made us in your image and you gave us the ability to be in relationship and to remember. Thank you for those amazing gifts. In changing times, you are our constant companion. In challenging situations, you seek to steady us. Thank you, God, for memories and for the time to make new ones. Thank you for this day, and thank you for the gift of life. Amen.

Tidying Up (Again)

Earlier this week, my husband suggested we watch Tidying Up with Marie Kondo on Netflix. Halfway through the first episode, he paused the show and said, “Are you ready?” My bewildered look was enough to let him know I was unsure for what I was supposed to be ready. He said, “We start with the clothes.” Looking at the clock and seeing it was 8:45pm on a work night, I wondered from where this burst of energy and excitement came. So, together we decided to modify the plan and begin some of the clothes that night as sleep is important. Now, after two nights of tidying all of the downstairs clothes have been sorted (we find ourselves in a complicated season of life with clothing upstairs and downstairs). Seven bags of clothing and shoes are ready to move on to new homes.

My long time readers may remember that this isn’t my first time time tidying. I reviewed the book and tidied up back in 2015. Keeping up with tidying is challenging. When I do this process (whether it is exactly as suggested or with my own variations), it is freeing. I smile when I see a piece of clothing that has been a part of important celebrations like the dress I wore to a wedding or the shirt I wore to my Grandma’s birthday party. And just because something played an important role in my life does not mean it still sparks joy, so I smile, remember, and thank the item for its time with me.

So despite all that must be done in the day, we are taking the time to take evaluate what we have and what we need. It is challenging and it is exciting too. If you are feeling overwhelmed with all the stuff living in your home, you might try this book or show and spend some time tidying up!

Gracious God, Why do we hold on to stuff we don’t need? Why do we let our stuff control us? Free us, Holy One, from the power our stuff has over us. Help us to surround ourselves with what sparks joy and to let the rest go. Amen.

Prayers to Start the Work Day

I was asked for help by the staff of a local assisted living facility. They were feeling like they needed prayers or devotions to start off their morning meeting, and they didn’t know what to do. So, I wrote these prayers for them. I hope they will be helpful to you this week too.

Loving God, Be with us today. Give us patience and compassion. Help us to do our work with love as we care for those you have entrusted to us. Open our ears to hear the stories shared no matter how many times we have heard the same stories. May the work that we do be pleasing to you. Amen.

O God, It is another work day and my attitude is not what it needs to be. Help me to put aside for awhile all that needs to be done when the workday is done. Watch over my loved ones while I work so that I may focus on the work that is here and the people that need me. Guide my steps and actions. Amen.

Holy One, We know that today is going to be a good day because you woke us up and brought us to this place. So thank you for all the blessings you give us each day. Thank you for this work that you have given me to do. Help me to do it to the very best of my ability. Amen.

Gracious God, As we start this work day, we bring thoughts of things that didn’t get done yesterday and all there is to do today. It is overwhelming. How can we possibly do it all? Remind us, O God, that you are with us. Help us to prioritize and be efficient. Help us to slow down too when needed. With your help, Holy One, this day won’t be as hard as we imagine. Amen.

Thank you, God, for giving me work to do that makes me feel fulfilled. Help me to see that I am an important person at this place and the work I do matters. Inspire me to do my work well. Open my eyes to times I can help my colleagues to do their work better. And remind me to thank my coworkers for the good work they do and to graciously accept their thanks for work I do well. Thank you, God, for this team that is working together toward our goals. Amen.

Forgive Yourself

Recently, I said something ridiculous. Not ridiculous funny. I mean why in the world did that come out of my mouth?! Sharing the details would not make it any better, so just picture that thing you would never say out loud. I said it. And I felt terrible. I worried. I was mad at myself. I didn’t know how to fix it. After much worry, anger, and frustration, I realized what was missing from all my thoughts. I had not forgiven myself! I was beating myself up over and over and reliving the moments. The only way to move on was to forgive myself. Today, I encourage you to forgive yourself for something you have done or forgotten to do. I encourage you to be kind to yourself as you are being kind to others. Let yourself know that tomorrow you will get another opportunity to be kind, so why not start by being kind to yourself?

Forgiving One, We ask for forgiveness when we harm each other and when we hurt you. Why are we so slow to forgive ourselves? As you forgive us, Merciful God, for the wrongs that we have done to you and to each other, remind us to forgive ourselves. Teach us your way of compassion and kindness to each other and to ourselves. Help us to love ourselves and our neighbors. Remind us that each one of us is created in your image and is beloved. Amen. 

Photo by Felix Koutchinski on Unsplash

An Ash Wednesday Prayer

The season of Lent began this week with the observation of Ash Wednesday. I love the practice of having ashes placed on my forehead and consider it a privilege to place ashes on someone else. Seeing so many people with ashes on themselves gives me pause each year.

“What are human beings that you are mindful of them? Mortals that you care for them?” (Psalm 8:4).

So this Ash Wednesday, I am hoping to spend some time in silence giving thanks for a Creator that loves me despite my shortcomings and flaws. My prayer will be that I can be more kind to those I meet remembering that although their flaws are more obvious to me that only means that my flaws are very obvious to them. I am hoping to carry this prayer through the season of Lent.

Creator, Redeemer, Sustainer, Today we wonder along with the psalmist- “what are humans beings that you are mindful of them?” How is it that you keep loving us even when we fail to love ourselves and each other? What is going to change our attitudes towards ourselves and each other? What is going to remind us that we are beautiful in your sight and created in your image? Slow us down today, Loving God, and remind us how big your love is for all that you have created. Open our eyes to see your creation. Open our minds to see the good in the people you place in our lives. Open our hearts to see ourselves as your beloved. God, there is so much brokenness in this world. Help us to be the ones who mend it with your help. Give us courage, hope, and strength for there is much work to do as we embark on our Lenten journey. Amen.

Photo by Ahna Ziegler on Unsplash

What is bringing you joy today?

In a world where bad news dominates the air waves, it is important for us to spread good news. It is vital for us to share what brings us joy. So today, I encourage you to be someone who is looking for the good and points out what you see to others. The joy or good news you share doesn’t need to be huge or earth shattering. It is life changing because we will be the ones vocalizing that there is still goodness and joy in this world among all the negativity that is shared.

(Please know that I am not suggesting that we ignore the news or the events happening around us. I am encouraging us to be people who share joy where we see it while being aware that there is much that needs to be changed in our world.)

I will share what is bringing me joy today. This cup which is a perfect blend of my love of tea and my husband’s love of pharmacy. It makes me smile each time I see. I wanted to share this with you and encourage you to share what is bringing you joy today. May you find peace and joy on your path today.

Asking for Money and Thanking God for Money

Recently, I was part of a conversation where pastors asked for a new call to offering and prayer of dedication. I felt inspired to write something a little bit different.

Call to the Offering

The church isn’t good at asking for money in ways that inspire people. Often we give because we are supposed to or its the right thing to do or we’ve always given. Some of us don’t give much because we give elsewhere at places that are better at making us feel like our hard earned money will be used well. Today I encourage you to look around this sacred space. Notice where your money is going-to provide a worship opportunity in a comfortably cooled/heated space, to provide educational times so we can all grow in our faith, to provide equitable salaries for all who work here, to share God’s love with those outside this space through food pantries, after school programs, AA groups, and so many other ways. Think about the good your money does when you give it to your church as we share a moment of eyes open and looking around in silent reflection. And now, we will receive this morning’s offering.

Prayer of Dedication-

Holy One, Receive this offering we give to you and your church because we want to help spread your good news within these wall and in our community and throughout the world. Bless the work that will be done with this money as we seek to open our eyes, ears, and hearts and become the body of Christ at work in the world. Amen.

An Advent Prayer (for the days when you aren’t feeling it)

I am not putting my Christmas tree up this year. I hung up lights outside that were shining brightly each night. Recently, they stopped working and while I could climb on a ladder and attempt to fix the problem…I am not. I am not protesting Advent or Christmas. I love both seasons. Instead, I am not doing what other people say I must do simply because other people think I should.

 I am celebrating this season in a way that feels meaningful to me this year. I am lighting my Advent candles and singing along to carols. I am taking time to breathe deeply and slowly down amidst all the hurrying I encounter. I am praying and holding times of silence. I am sitting with others who don’t feel like celebrating in expected ways this year. 

My hope for you is that you mark this season in way that feels authentic for you. I pray that you find peace, joy, and love this season too.

Loving God, You know us and you love us. Be with us this Advent. Draw us near to you as we smile and laugh or as we cry and scream. Wherever we find ourselves this Advent season, you are there. Whether our celebrations are the same as every year or if there is someone or something missing this year, please accept the best of ourselves that we offer to your service. Be gentle with us, Gracious God, and remind us to be gentle with ourselves. In the holy name of the one about to be born to us anew, we pray. Amen. 

A Tea-Filled Advent

Advent is one of my favorite seasons of the church year. Over the years I have observed the season in many different ways. I have written Advent Hopeful, Peaceful, Joyful, Loving, and Christmas Eve Benedictions and Words of hope, peace, joy, and love. I have shared Advent Prayer Stations and Advent Candle Lighting Rituals featuring hope, peace, joy , love, and Christmas.

This year I am enjoying a tea of the day calendar.

I found my tea calendar at Uncommon Goods.

And so far, I have enjoyed the first tea. A fun, fruity green tea was a great start to the season.

So however you are observing the season of Advent, my prayer for you is that you will find the hope, peace, joy, and love of this season in your life. Blessings to each of you this Advent!