Book Review-Dancing with Jesus

Dancing with Jesus by Sam Stall

Are you looking for the perfect gift for your pastor? Here it is. In this short board book you’ll find dance moves paired with Bible stories. What’s not to love? Warning-Some people will find this book sacrilegious and inappropriate, however, I think we need to laugh. My favorite dances are The Pilate Shuffle and The Apostolic Conga. In The Pilate Shuffle, you get to shuffle around the dance floor, wash your hands, and act like a chicken (see Matthew 27:24-26 for a sampling of Pilate’s part in the story). To do the Apostolic Conga and bring more people to Jesus, you start a conga line and invite others to join you. It is obviously one way of living out the great commission from Matthew 28: 19-20.

This book makes the people and stories of the gospels come alive (Lazarus even makes an appearance) with humor and wit. I highly recommend this book as a gift for the pastor or seminarian who needs a laugh and, maybe, some new dance moves.


Book Review-Way to Live: Christian Practices for Teens


Way to Live: Christian Practices for Teens

Dorothy C. Bass and Don C. Richter, editors

Scholarly Response-4

Emotional Response-4

This fall I began a youth ministry position after the program year had begun. I needed a resource that would jump start my planning each week. This book was that lifesaver. In this book, each chapter is written by adult and teens around a topic of faith. When combined with the leader’s guide, each topic can fill a full night of youth group or a Sunday morning class time.

This book is not new. It was published in 2002, so you will need to update some things. However, you will still find that the struggles and concerns that youth face are much the same.

And even if you don’t work with you, this is a good read for anyone. One of my favorite chapters is Stuff. Like so many people, I have too much stuff. This chapter reminded us to think about not just the quantity of your stuff but the quality. Is the stuff you own making the world better for others? Do you purchase stuff that can be used for years, was created in safe environment by people paid a living wage, and is something that brings you joy? “Stuff belongs to God. Stuff is for sharing. God will provide the stuff. Keep the stuff in perspective” (62-63).

This book will open your eyes to God in the everyday questions and situations of life. I highly recommend it to anyone who works with youth. I highly recommend this as a slightly different read for those of you who want to ask questions of God about your regular life. I highly recommend reading this with the leader’s guide and doing the activities and worship described. Give this book a read!

God is Disappointed in You by Mark Russell and Shannon Wheeler


God is Disappointed in You

Mark Russell and Shannon Wheeler

Emotional Response-5

Scholarly Response-4

When I opened a beautifully wrapped Christmas present to find this book on CD, I was shocked by the title. While I know God wants us to do better, I do not like the language of disappointed. I believe God loves us more than we can fathom. So, I might have argued with my husband about this present he got me. Once I started listening to the first CD, I realized it was a perfect gift for me. The author shortens each book of the Bible down to a manageable length about 2 to 3 pages. He selects what he thinks is most important (something we all do anyway). I will warn you that there is some foul language in this book, and yet I thought it added an authenticity to the story. The author uses a lot of masculine language to describe God. Not surprising but a place he could have changed things up for the better.
Since I was listening to this while driving, I didn’t have the opportunity to write down a bunch of quotes. My favorite line that sticks with me comes from the book of John. The disciples keep not understanding Jesus and finally at the end Peter gets that the stories that Jesus has told were metaphors. Peter ends John’s gospel by saying, “It’s a metaphor.” One disappointment (see what I did there?) of listening to the book on CD is that I didn’t get to enjoy the cartoons that are drawn to go with each book of the Bible. I hope to see a copy of the book in the future and enjoy the cartoons too.
I recommend this for someone who has always wanted to read the Bible and has never made it all the way through! I recommend this book for someone who has read the Bible from cover to cover and still wonders what was in there. I’d recommend this book for a lively Bible study with a Bible nearby to see what he skipped and changed. I recommend this to anyone who takes his/her faith seriously but not too seriously.

Book Review-Caffeine and Commitment by Steven Case


While searching for inspiration for our weekly youth gatherings, I found this book. Inside you’ll find 18 lessons on themes like dating, employment, gifts, risk and weakness. This book is written to be used in a coffee shop ministry with youth. You could take the book to the coffee shop, open it up, and lead a discussion with little to no preparation. I’m using the book a bit differently. For three weeks in April, we are focusing on the themes of Doubt, Friendship, and Servant. I’m using the book as a guide and jumping off place.

And for Doubt, it was very helpful. We began by playing a game of I Believe It/I Doubt It. I updated the questions found in the book. Here’s an example, according to the CDC 20 Americans are killed each year by cattle. Although it sounds strange, it is true. I had hoped to play a game of I Doubt It (the card game I knew as BS growing up), but we didn’t have enough time. I altered the Table Notes activity by having them draw a picture of themselves and then write or draw their doubts around themselves. While this was happening, I played Nickel Creek’s song, Doubting Thomas. Then we shared some of our doubts with the group. Next we turned to Scripture and read the story of Thomas (John 20:24-29) and to remind us that others doubted too we read Matthew 28:16-17. We ended our time together with a prayer thanking God for accepting our doubts and love us still.

This book is an affordable way to introduce some different topics into your youth ministry. It is part of a whole series of affordable books by this author. It works well as it is written or can be added and changed to meet the needs of your youth. I’m looking forward to using it over the next few weeks to explore more topics. I recommend this book for any youth ministry that needs some new ideas or wants to try something a little different.

Book Review-Medicine as Ministry


Medicine as Ministry: Reflections on Suffering, Ethics, and Hope

Margaret E. Mohrmann, M.D.


Emotional Response-2

Scholarly Response-3

This book has a price tag from Eden Seminary and highlights that end less than halfway through the book. This book reads like it would be better as a series of lectures and maybe that is why I didn’t finish it in seminary. And even though it is short, it was not a fast read for me.

As I was reading this book, my husband, a pharmacist, was presenting at a conference. The topic was “to dispense or not to dispense.” Pharmacists have a “right to refuse” to dispense a medication. A pharmacist might refuse because the prescription looks forged or the patient has refilled too many times recently. Sometimes a medication would not be dispensed because the pharmacist has a religious objection to the medication. My husband was encouraging the other pharmacists to explore how their faith and scientific knowledge influenced their decision to dispense or not dispense. As I listened to a small group conversation about this topic, I heard absolutes and standing firm in faith. For some gathered, changing the circumstances didn’t change anything.

This is the opposite approach from Medicine as Ministry which argues that each person/patient has her/his own story. We cannot treat or participate in the healing without hearing the story. The parts of the book where she focused on each life story were my favorite parts of the book.

Because there are great ideas in this book, I recommend that we need to see each other as those whom God loves when caring for each other. I want to remember the idea that there are times I am the Samaritan and times I need someone else to be the Samaritan. I want to listen for the stories of each life when helping a person make important decisions. Although I highly recommend some of the ideas from this book, I struggle to recommend the book. It was difficult for me to read and finish despite all the good ideas it contained.

“The question is, ‘How shall I live the life I have?’ Health-seeking behavior is not death prevention; it is life enhancement (21).

“We shall not always–in fact, we shall rarely–get from our reading of scripture either direct answers or magical formulas that solve all our ethical problems. Rather, what we shall always obtain there is a dawning understanding of who God is, of how God acts with us, and of how we, therefore, are to act with each other” (59).

Book Review-Great Figures of the New Testament


As one who commutes, I try to use my car time wisely. I was delighted to receive the gift of Great Figures of the New Testament by Amy-Jill Levine. Each of the 24 lectures are about 30 minutes long. This collection is part of The Great Courses series, and I highly recommend it.

Emotional Response-4

Scholarly Response-5

I first heard Professor Levine speak while I was seminary student. When she speaks her intelligence and depth of knowledge shines through and she speaks well to her target audience. In these lectures, she would refer back to something she’d already explained and also give you a quick reminder. This study is perfect for beginning Bible students as well as those who have studied the Bible for years.

She took stories and people I have studied and brought fresh insights. For example in the story of the Good Samaritan, she said that too often when we tell it we don’t emphasize how much the Jews and Samaritans hated each other.  “Who do you despise so much that you’d rather die than let that person help you?” Wow. That made me stop and think more about this story.

The CDs come with a course guidebook which gives you the scope, outline, suggested further readings, and questions for each lecture.

I would recommend these lectures for anyone who wants to dive deeper into the Bible. I would recommend these lectures for anyone who wants a refresher course with new insights into some of the most familiar people in the New Testament. I would recommend these lectures for Bible study groups who like to learn together and for individuals who prefer to learn alone. I highly recommend this course.

Book Review-The Way of Tea and Justice


The Way of Tea and Justice: Rescuing the World’s Favorite Beverage from Its Violent History Becca Stevens

Emotional Response-5

Scholarly Response-5

You know how easy it is to ignore problems other people have? It is easy until you stop seeing the people as other. Until your eyes are opened to the truth. Thoughts like this were why I didn’t want to start reading this book about tea and justice. I love tea. And when my eyes are really opened to the problems that still plague the tea industry, I may have to stop drinking one of my favorites. This makes me sad, and yet I believe I was created to live in relationship with creation and with all those God created. I need to be informed. I need to let my eyes be opened. And so I began to read…

In these pages the author weaves together many stories, and it works. While tracing the history of tea, we journey with the women of Thistle Farms and Magdalene as the idea of a teahouse called The Thistle Stop Cafe is birthed into being. In these stories my eyes were opened to stories different than my own. And yet in the differences, I also found similarities. In these pages you’ll meet women who are seeking to be all God has created them to be. You’ll read about the struggle to create a tea shop where stories and justice are served in each cup. You’ll see faith and the stories of the Bible interpreted through the eyes of one who is called by God to love others, seek justice, and walk humbly with God. And if you are anything like me, you’ll find yourself laughing, smiling, crying, and cheering for the success of this little cafe and all the amazing women. You’ll make yourself another cup of tea and keep reading.

[Read more…]

Book Review-Steeped: Recipes Infused with Tea


Steeped: Recipes Infused with Tea

Annelies Zijderveld


Those of you who know me well will chuckle at the idea of me reviewing a book filled with recipes also known as a cookbook. Despite my lack of any desire to cook anything, I could not resist the opportunity to immerse myself in a book that featured food and tea. So, I made myself a cup of Winter Spice and sat down to enjoy this book.

The author begins with a wonderful introduction to tea including educating the reader about the different types of tea. She tells you how long and at what temperature each tea should be brewed. The first fifteen pages are a primer in all things tea. Just this information makes the book worthwhile.

And if the tea information isn’t enough for you, the pictures are amazing. You’ll enjoy pictures of tea cups and tea pots, foods you’ll want to create, and tea waiting to add flavor to foods. Since this is a cookbook, I should like you know the recipes sound so delicious (each one includes tea in some form) that I might consider cooking one of them up. To show that tea works at any time of day, the recipes are divided into morning tea (breakfast), midday tea (lunch), afternoon tea (snacks), high tea (dinner/supper), and sweet tea (desserts).

Here are the recipes I’m most interested in creating-

Arnold Palmer’s Poppy Seed Muffins pg. 6. This recipe calls for Arnold Palmer Powder which uses English breakfast tea, lemon zest, and sugar in a jar that you seal and shake.  This powder is used to create a lemon poppy seed muffin. 

Green Tea Guacamole with Grapefruit Tea Toast pg. 48. A unique spin on guacamole with balsamic vinegar, kumquats, matcha green tea powder, Sriracha, and the regular guacamole ingredients you’d expect. She recommends putting your guacamole on top of a slice of toasted sourdough bread and topping that with a piece of grapefruit and a thin slice of radish.

Mini Cherry Chai Cream Pies with Sweet Tea Glaze pg. 92. Masala chai sugar is added to the pastry cream and English breakfast sugar is added to the pie crusts.
I’d recommend this book for the tea lover in your life whose tea cabinet is so full she can’t possibly receive one more bag or box of tea. I’d recommend this book for anyone you know who loves to cook with different ingredients. I’d recommend this book as a fun gift to yourself. I’d be glad to lend this book to anyone who wants to try out the recipes and let me taste test!


I received this book free from the author and/or publisher through the Speakeasy blogging book review network. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR,Part 255.


Book Review-Sight in the Sandstorm


Sight in the Sandstorm: Jesus in His World and Mine

Ann J. Temkin

Emotional Response-4

Scholarly Response-4

The concept of this book fascinated me. Almost every chapter shares a story from the author’s life that she parallels to a story from Scripture.  She gives us a glimpse into life in 1st century Palestine while showing us that some things haven’t changed enough. Often she picked a Scripture text to walk alongside her story that was not the one I would have picked. I loved this. I enjoyed guessing what Scripture she’d select. When I was correct, I felt like we were seeing Scripture similarly. When I guessed wrong, I felt like the author was challenging and expanding my reading of Scripture.

I enjoyed her storytelling. She does not simply retell the Biblical stories. She adds details so you can see it. She gives voice to the characters (many whose words and thoughts are not shared with us in Scripture). The connection exists between her stories and the Bible stories because she tells both in the same way and style.

Once we have moved past Palm Sunday, the stories become only about Jesus and life in the 1st century (Chapters 15-17). I was saddened and disappointed by this change. Although the stories of the cleansing of the temple, the Last Supper, the betrayal and arrest, and the crucifixion are difficult, I wanted to know how she would use her life stories alongside these stories. When Easter comes, she returns to sharing her stories again. The book ends with the celebration of Pentecost.

Overall, I highly recommend this book. It is well-researched, well-written, and a fun read. I’d recommend this book to you if you’d like to look at Scripture in a new way. I’d recommend this book to you if you’d like to find a way to relate life today to the life of Jesus. I’d recommend this book to you if you love a good story.


I received this book free from the author and/or publisher through the Speakeasy blogging book review network. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR,Part 255.


Movie Review-Inside Out

Recently my life has not included enough time reading time. This week’s review is a movie that has quickly become a favorite of my four year old niece-Inside Out!

Watching this movie with Ella is like watching the Director’s Cut. She tells you what is happening, who is on screen, and what is going to happen next. It is obvious that she has seen the movie many, many times, and she still asks to watch it every day! Her favorite character is ‘Sgust (aka Disgust).

I’m not qualified to review this movie on Ella’s behalf, so I will tell you why I like it and recommend it for all ages.

Inside Out is the story of a young girl, Riley, and the five emotions (Joy, Anger, Fear, Sadness, and Disgust) who guide her responses to life. This movie offers a visual explanation of our emotional responses and memory making and storage. It attempts to make sense of the complexities that make us who we are. It is a movie that hits close to home as I moved when I was about Riley’s age. You’d have to ask my parents how often Joy was present in my life at that time. I do remember feeling plenty of Anger, Disgust, and Sadness at the prospect of leaving all that was familiar and some Fear about what my new home, friends, and school would be like.

This is a heart-warming story and challenging story about moving, growing up, and the life-long process of discovering one’s self.

When you watch it, I hope you’ll consider-

What are my core memories?

What are my islands of personality?

What emotion guides me the most often?

Enjoy the show!