Winter Spice

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This may be my favorite winter tea. When I open the envelope, it smells like a winter kitchen. Drinking it makes me feel warm and content. I highly recommend this tea for a cold winter day!

Tea Party


On vacation this week, I was invited to a tea party. We dined on Sprite (my hostess does not like tea) and blueberries. We talked about important topics like how delicious the Sprite was and how much fun we were having. In the midst of our tea party, my eight-year old hostess said, “I take tea parties very seriously.”

As I was thinking about this tea party, it reminded me why I love tea. Whether I drink tea alone or with friends, drinking tea slows me down. It reminds me to sip, to enjoy, to savor. I hope you take the time to day to slow down and enjoy a cup of tea.

Cranberry Tea

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This is a drink that we would have regularly at Christmastime when I was young. I made a batch yesterday and loved how the house smelled. This would be great to serve if you are having a big get together. This recipe provides lots to drink and makes your house smell very welcoming.

When I made this yesterday, I was surprised by how sweet it is. When I reheated a cup this morning, I added a little water to dilute the sweetness. I’d suggest lessening the amount of sugar when you try this recipe.

I’m sharing the recipe as my Mom gave it to me. Give it a try!

Cranberry Tea
1 Qt.  Cranberry juice cocktail                                          1 1/2 cup sugar
3/4 cup fresh squeezed O J                                              1/2 cup red hots
1/4 cup lemon juice                                                           2 qts water
Heat cranberry juice, red hots and sugar over medium heat until sugar and red hots are dissolved.  Strain O J and lemon juice
and add to cranberry mixture.  Add 2 qts water.   Heat over low heat.  Serve hot.

Candy Cane Hot Cocoa

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I know this is not tea. I love hot cocoa too. And we are smack dab in the middle of candy cane/peppermint season, so I wanted to share a delicious gift I received last Christmas. I have a crafty friend who makes amazing homemade gifts. Last year she created different flavors of fudge, vanilla, this hot cocoa, and lots of other delicious treats I cannot even remember but throughly enjoyed.

In this busy, busy season, take time today to sit down with a favorite beverage. You might sit by a window and watch snow fall. You might sit by a candle and watch the flame dance. You might sit at your favorite coffee shop and watch people hurry past you. Just sit for a minute and enjoy a drink that makes you happy. And maybe give God a prayer of thanksgiving for the person who created your drink. God, Thanks for my dear friend who made me this tasty cocoa mix that provided many yummy beverages. Amen.

My Favorite Tea Shop

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McNulty’s is an experience. It is a small shop filled with rows of glass containers each containing a different kind of tea. You’ll want to lift many lids and enjoy the smells of the teas. If you have questions, they will be happy to answer them. And when you’ve find made your selections, your teas will be poured into their white bags for you to take home and drink.

My favorite tea from McNulty’s is Flowery White Pekoe. It is full of flavor. It almost tastes like flowers (but in a good way).

If your life or travels don’t take you to Manhattan, you can order McNulty’s online. It will arrive quickly for you to enjoy.

Wild Orange Blossom and Youthberry


This week’s tea was a delicious gift from a dear friend. She knows how much I love tea, so she shared this fabulous blend with me. Of course, she also got herself some too because it is that good. I like this tea because of its beautiful color and taste. It isn’t too much orange, and it doesn’t taste too fruity. It has orange and berry and other flavors mixed in too.

I’d like to thank my friend for this tea and for our many tea dates when we’d sit together for hours drinking tea and catching up. Our drive times for tea dates has recently gotten much longer. Even though I don’t get to see you in person as much as I’d like, please know that I think of you when I drink a cup of tea.

Dear readers-find someone to join you for your next cup of tea. Have a conversation. Sit awhile. Catch up. Warm up on the inside and outside.

Pumpkin Spice Brulee

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Since it is the time of year when all things pumpkin are consumed, I thought I would try this tea. It smelled and tasted delicious. It does contain milk which may  not appeal to some people. I found it very easy to drink. I’ll be having some more of this tea during pumpkin season!


Lady Grey

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A friend introduced me to this delicious tea and now I’m a big fan. I find it smoother and easier to drink Earl Grey. I have shared this tea with numerous people and every one of them has gone out and bought some of their own. Try a cup of Lady Grey tonight and pick up a good book to go along with your tea.