Way to Live: Christian Practices for Teens
Dorothy C. Bass and Don C. Richter, editors
This fall I began a youth ministry position after the program year had begun. I needed a resource that would jump start my planning each week. This book was that lifesaver. In this book, each chapter is written by adult and teens around a topic of faith. When combined with the leader’s guide, each topic can fill a full night of youth group or a Sunday morning class time.
This book is not new. It was published in 2002, so you will need to update some things. However, you will still find that the struggles and concerns that youth face are much the same.
And even if you don’t work with you, this is a good read for anyone. One of my favorite chapters is Stuff. Like so many people, I have too much stuff. This chapter reminded us to think about not just the quantity of your stuff but the quality. Is the stuff you own making the world better for others? Do you purchase stuff that can be used for years, was created in safe environment by people paid a living wage, and is something that brings you joy? “Stuff belongs to God. Stuff is for sharing. God will provide the stuff. Keep the stuff in perspective” (62-63).
This book will open your eyes to God in the everyday questions and situations of life. I highly recommend it to anyone who works with youth. I highly recommend this as a slightly different read for those of you who want to ask questions of God about your regular life. I highly recommend reading this with the leader’s guide and doing the activities and worship described. Give this book a read!
I have also found this book very helpful in my ministry setting.
I am so glad someone else is using it too. You can see from the picture how many post its are marking important things I want to use or try to remember!
Blessings on your ministry!