The season of Lent began this week with the observation of Ash Wednesday. I love the practice of having ashes placed on my forehead and consider it a privilege to place ashes on someone else. Seeing so many people with ashes on themselves gives me pause each year.
“What are human beings that you are mindful of them? Mortals that you care for them?” (Psalm 8:4).
So this Ash Wednesday, I am hoping to spend some time in silence giving thanks for a Creator that loves me despite my shortcomings and flaws. My prayer will be that I can be more kind to those I meet remembering that although their flaws are more obvious to me that only means that my flaws are very obvious to them. I am hoping to carry this prayer through the season of Lent.
Creator, Redeemer, Sustainer, Today we wonder along with the psalmist- “what are humans beings that you are mindful of them?” How is it that you keep loving us even when we fail to love ourselves and each other? What is going to change our attitudes towards ourselves and each other? What is going to remind us that we are beautiful in your sight and created in your image? Slow us down today, Loving God, and remind us how big your love is for all that you have created. Open our eyes to see your creation. Open our minds to see the good in the people you place in our lives. Open our hearts to see ourselves as your beloved. God, there is so much brokenness in this world. Help us to be the ones who mend it with your help. Give us courage, hope, and strength for there is much work to do as we embark on our Lenten journey. Amen.

Ash Wednesday Benediction – Tea and Theology
[…] Wednesday is this week. I invite you to reread An Ash Wednesday Prayer and A Reading for Ash Wednesday. This year I share a blessing as you observe Ash […]