I am not putting my Christmas tree up this year. I hung up lights outside that were shining brightly each night. Recently, they stopped working and while I could climb on a ladder and attempt to fix the problem…I am not. I am not protesting Advent or Christmas. I love both seasons. Instead, I am not doing what other people say I must do simply because other people think I should.
I am celebrating this season in a way that feels meaningful to me this year. I am lighting my Advent candles and singing along to carols. I am taking time to breathe deeply and slowly down amidst all the hurrying I encounter. I am praying and holding times of silence. I am sitting with others who don’t feel like celebrating in expected ways this year.
My hope for you is that you mark this season in way that feels authentic for you. I pray that you find peace, joy, and love this season too.
Loving God, You know us and you love us. Be with us this Advent. Draw us near to you as we smile and laugh or as we cry and scream. Wherever we find ourselves this Advent season, you are there. Whether our celebrations are the same as every year or if there is someone or something missing this year, please accept the best of ourselves that we offer to your service. Be gentle with us, Gracious God, and remind us to be gentle with ourselves. In the holy name of the one about to be born to us anew, we pray. Amen.

Thank you! This is how I feel. I just printed your prayer/post and I am going to hang it in my house.
I am so glad these words were meaningful to you. I hope they help you this holiday season.