Last Sunday, my youth had time to play and pray. We divided into two groups. Each group spent half an hour playing minute to win it games and half an hour engaging in these prayer stations. All of the prayer stations I’m sharing here were created by Rethinking Youth Ministry. I made some adjustments and adaptations to make them work for my youth in the our space. You could easily make these prayer stations in your home. I hope seeing these stations will sustain you through this Advent season.
Chain of Prayers
Items Needed-
Strips of red and green construction paper
Stapler or Tape
Copy of the Chain of Prayers instructions
On a table set out the items needed. This could be done with youth sitting around a table or on the floor depending on the layout of your space.
Chain of Prayers (instructions)
Sometimes it is easier for us to write down our prayers instead of saying them outloud.
Use these strips of paper to write down the names of people, places, events, or anything else you’d like to lift up to God in prayer.
Connect your prayers to the prayers of others by looping them and stapling them. By connecting our prayers, we remember that we are a community who cares for each other and for all of God’s children.
“I thank my God every time I remember you.”
-Philippians 1:3
Items Needed-
On big paper write-What are you waiting for this Advent season?
On a second piece of big paper write-What do you think God is waiting for this Advent season?
Sticky Notes
Waiting instructions
Hang your two big pieces of paper on the wall (blue painter’s tape works well for this).
Hang the instructions near the big pieces of paper.
On a table nearby, place the sticky notes and the pens. You’ll see from the picture that my youth decided to ignore the sticky notes and just write on the big pieces of paper. This worked out fine!
Waiting (instructions)
Using the sticky notes and pens, answer the questions on these large pieces of paper.
If others have already answered, spend a few moments reading their answers.
Say a prayer for that which you are waiting and that which you believe God is waiting.
“The Lord is good to those who wait for the Lord,
to the soul that seeks the Lord.”
-Lamentations 3:25
Hope, Peace, Joy, Love
Items Needed-
Tealight candles
4 signs (hope, peace, joy, and love)
Copy of Hope, Peace, Joy, and Love instructions
On a table (away from flammable objects) set out the signs of the words of the Advent season and the instructions. To one side of the table place the candles and lighter.
Hope, Peace, Joy, Love (instructions)
In the season of Advent, we light our Advent candles which remind us of the gifts that Christ brings to the world. Spend a few moments thinking about these words and what they mean.
What are you most in need of in your life right now-hope, peace, joy, or love?
Which of these do you feel called by God to share with others in their lives right now?
Carefully, take the lighter and light two candles. Place the candles by the words that answer the two questions.
Share a prayer thanking God for the gifts of hope, peace, joy, and love and asking for the courage to share those gifts where they are most needed.
Again Jesus spoke to them, saying, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness but will have the light of life.”
-John 8:12
The Nativity
Items Needed-
A nativity set that the youth can touch.
Pieces of paper (at least one for each youth)
colored pencils or markers
Copy of the Nativity instructions
Set out the nativity scene on a low table where youth can sit on the floor and see the scene. Hang or place the instructions where they can easily be seen. On the floor have a container of markers and pieces of paper.
The Nativity (instructions)
Take some time to look at all the characters in this story. You can pick up the characters and hold them in your hands or examine them.
As you look at the characters, with whom do you identify?
The expectant mom
The worried father
The scruffy shepherds
The traveling magi
The angels sharing good news
The animals wondering what is happening
Use the pieces of paper to draw yourself into the story of the nativity. Who are you and how are you participating? The next time you see the nativity scene think of how you fit into this story.
“Let us go now to Bethlehem and see this thing that has taken place, which the Lord has made known to us.” -Luke 2:15b
This looks great! I will file this away until we have more children/youth. Thank you!
Hi Rachael,
I’m glad you like this. It could work well for adults too. I’ve heard of a church who does prayer stations once a quarter in worship in place of their sermons. You can also save it for later.
Thanks for reading!