I love a plan and a to do list. It is Christmas week and I am preaching Sunday. We had company last weekend and have new company coming this weekend. (Neither company cares what the house looks like. I am using their arrivals as encouragement to sort, organize, and clean).
And in the middle of all this, we take my computer to the fix it store to get it working properly. This throws a big wrench into my plans. And I am being flexible and hopeful and positive.
While you might not have encountered this exact list of off-track items, I do know you have had weeks like this. And this prayer is for all of us when our week hits a couple of speed bumps along with a few traffic cones and a detour.
Loving God, you know I had a great plan. You know I love to follow a plan. And you know how poorly my plan is going this week. Give me strength and creativity to enact a new plan knowing that you are at the center of all my plans and working all things together for good. Thank you for showing me that pivoting to a new plan is a great idea when things go off track. And thank you for supporting us when it becomes too much and overwhelming. Thank you for plans A, B, and C! Amen.

Love this one