A Prayer for Jury Duty

I have jury duty the entire month of July. I might be more excited than the average person about fulfilling my civic duty.

Also, I might have gotten called in and then not gotten selected. I did enjoy getting to see the process unfold, and there is still time this month for me to make it on a jury. Fingers crossed.

This whole experience inspired me to write a prayer for jury duty. Although it is often a hardship to have jury duty, it is a right for citizens of the United States to have an impartial group of peers decide if they did or did not break the law. So, the next time you are called to serve, try to keep a positive attitude even while it is disrupting your life. You might even enjoy it like I did.

Gracious God, You encourage us not to judge one another. And yet, that is just what is being asked of jurors. Grant us a sense of calm and listening ears. Give us patience as we hurry up and wait to see if we will be selected for the jury. If picked to serve on the jury, help us to remember that each person here is your beloved child. Send us your spirit of peace. Let us listen for your voice as we make this important decision. Amen.

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