A Post-Vacation Prayer

After spending a lovely week with my family, it is back to regular life today. I am sure you have had similar experiences when it feels challenging to make the transition from extra special to ordinary. Here’s the prayer I am praying today!

God of Big Events and Regular Everyday Life, Thank you for special times when we get to step out of the normal routines and do something different. Thank you for family and friends who we love. Faithful God, when the big event ends and it is time to return to regular everyday life, remind us that you are still with us. Your love for us doesn’t change. Help us to hold our memories close. Give us peace within the ordinary times and tasks. And when this day is done, grant us good rest so we can do it again tomorrow. Amen.

Love spending time with these two!

One Comment

  1. This prayer really speaks to my heart! ! I often find it hard to go back to my normal routine after spending quality time with my family. It’s a wonderful reminder that God is with us during both special occasions and everyday life. Thank you for sharing these words – they’re exactly what I needed today as I get back into my regular daily rhythm.

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