While sitting poolside enjoying the shade and summer temperatures, I was observing the kindness of vacationers. People of varying ages were talking kindly with each other. A nice person held a door for a couple using rolling walkers. A man engaged in conversation with a child getting up the courage to jump in the deep end. Smiles were all around.
I called my friend to say that observing these interactions had renewed my faith in humanity. And she said maybe I need to run away to the pool more often as a reminder that not everyone is dying.
It was eye opening to hear my own words come from a dear friend. Each month at our hospice orientation, I encourage new employees to do what brings them joy to fill their spirits because after a hard week at hospice we all need a reminder that not everyone is dying. Sometime I get a little pushback from this statement saying that we are all dying at some point. True! We will all die at some point. For many, I would even say most of us, it probably won’t be soon. I use this statement in orientation as a reminder to look at the life all around us. A reminder to find goodness in others and within ourselves. A reminder to laugh and enjoy this amazing gift of life.
The truth was that I think I needed that reminder more than I realized. So, maybe I need to head to the pool more often to sit in the shade with a good book and enjoy how kind we can be to each other. And if I needed this reminder, I am guessing some of you did too!
Giver of Life and Conquerer of Death! We thank you for today. For an opportunity to see the beauty of creation, we are grateful. Open us up to realize what you are telling us today and may we receive the message you have for us. Send people into our lives to help us when we are in need and don’t even know it. Remind us of the seasons of life and help us to acknowledge your continuing presence with us through the good and hard and everything in between! Amen and Amen!