Lent is here! Woohoo or maybe just woo.

The season of Lent (the 40 days not including Sundays that lead up to Easter) begins today. Very few people call this their favorite season of the church year. On the Everything Happens podcast, Kate Bowler called Lent a “bummer” because we know what is going to happen. Jesus is going to be betrayed. Jesus is going to die.

Lent is a bummer and also a realistic season. Parts of our lives have been a bummer too. Things don’t always work out like we planned. Life is hard. Somedays we are lonely, sad, mad, frustrated, and so many other “negative” emotions. We have learned over our lifetimes that happy emotions are good and sad emotions are bad. Nope. They are all our feelings. There are not good emotions nor bad emotions…just emotions.

So, join me in embracing this season of real life. Let’s sit in the sad. Let’s mourn what has been lost or never was. Let’s give up the idea that our life must be perfect. And let’s commit again to following Jesus even when where he leads isn’t exactly where we’d prefer to go. Let’s follow Jesus together.

Faithful God, these ashes on our heads are a reminder that we have failed and that is okay. These ashes are a reminder that our time on earth is limited and that is okay. These ashes are a reminder that you created us and we are all made in your image and called your beloved. In these next forty days, walk with us Jesus as we go where you lead. Forgive us and remind us to forgive ourselves. Amen.