Midweek VBS Prayer for the Volunteers

If you find yourself halfway through VBS, this prayer is for you. If you have VBS later this summer, save this prayer for when you need it. If you are done with VBS for the year, you can say this prayer knowing you made it. If you aren’t doing VBS this year, pray for those who are because we need it!

Faithful God! What a week! And it is only Wednesday. Thank you for a great week so far. Acknowledging, the week has not been perfect. It has been good because children of all ages have seen and heard that they are loved. We, the volunteers and staff, are tired. It is a good tired. We know we have been doing your work. We know you have been present here. You have opened our hearts so we can love you more. You have increased our patience when it was needed in hard moments. You have given the volunteers courage to show up the first day and keep coming back. Holy God, give each one of us what we need for the remaining days of VBS. Help each of us to see you in each other. We will thank you and praise you with our laughter, our singing, and our prayers. Bless us as we share your love with everyone who enters the doors of your house. Be our rock and our redeemer. Amen.

A Prayer for the Week Before VBS!

VBS (Vacation Bible School) is one of the best weeks of the year. The church is filled with laughter, singing, people of all ages, and so much love. It is also (usually) hot, hot, hot! And someone is going to have a meltdown. It might be a child. It might be the person in charge of ensuring all goes well at VBS!

So as churches prepare for the biggest week of the year, join me in praying for things VBS.

God, it feels like this prayer should come with hand motions or decorations or lemonade as it is a prayer about VBS. Help all of us to remember what is most important is that every person who comes through the church doors needs a reminder that you love them. This is true for the kids hustling into the room and the kids hiding behind a parent. You know this is true for the person who brings the snacks, leads the singing, helps with crafts, and the brave one who agrees to keep games under control. The whole point of this week is for everyone to know you love them. You created each one in your own image. So no matter what happens at VBS, remind us that you love us. Give the adults strength for the week. Give your children of all ages open hearts to experience your goodness. And when Bible School is over, give us all good rest after a wonderful week of loving each other and you well. Amen!