A Morning Prayer
Often I hear from hospice patients that they are thankful that God woke them up this morning. And I know this is one way of saying they are thankful for another day of life. I, too, am thankful for this day of living. I am not a morning person and find it difficult to be thankful for being woken up! I share with you a morning prayer that recognizes we have a variety of feelings about mornings.
God of Early Mornings and Late Mornings, We give you thanks for another day of life. No matter if we jump out of bed ready for another day or if we prefer to linger in our comfy spots as long as possible. Thank you for the people who can smile in the morning and the people who need a little help from a shower or caffeine to bring about a smile in the AM.
You have given us this day. Let us find joy in this day. You have given us this day. Help us to share love this day. You have given us this day. Keep us mindful of the opportunities this day presents to us.
God, you have woken us up for another day of life. Be with all of us this day as we prepare for whatever we may encounter. Send us forth in peace. Amen.