
On this day 9 years ago, I said goodbye to my best friend. I mark this day each year by sharing her stories, being extra kind to others, and enjoying some fun food/beverages. This year will be no different.

Here are some important things to remember about grief.

-There is no timeline on grief. It is not weird or strange that nine years later I still observe this day. It is also not weird or strange if you do not remember the date of a loved one’s death. It is not weird or strange if you find yourself somewhere in between!

-There are many different ways to grieve. You can pick the ways you remember your loved ones who have died. I recommend not judging how others grieve, and not letting comments from others upset the way you are grieving.

-Grieving is hard work. Be kind to yourself on the hard grief days. Be aware of how you are feeling and the things/words that bring your emotions closer to the surface.

In memory of my buddy, Kristi, raise a glass of your favorite beverage and toast those you love near and far and drink in their honor and memory.

Dressed up and celebrating!

This is the Third Quarter

No matter how you are currently feeling about COVID-19, there is one thing on which we can all agree it has affected our lives. Over the past year, it has been a regular topic of conversation and has changed the way we live our lives.

Recently the conversations I have heard have been about what is the right thing to do. If I’m vaccinated, can I do this? How should vaccinated and unvaccinated people interact? When will I get the vaccine? How long will this last? So many questions are focused on what is the right thing to do for myself and for others.

While pondering all these questions, a colleague sent me an article from TIME called “We’re in the Third Quarter of the Pandemic. Antarctic Researchers, Mars Simulation Scientists, and Navy Submarine Officers Have Advice for How to Get Through It” by Tara Law.

The article says that the “third quarter phenomeon” was first named by researchers in 1991 who were observing people living in cold climates who had no choice but to isolate due to the weather. They noted changes in the moods of people nearing the end of their time of isolation. Whilte this is still a theory, it might apply to how some of us are feeling in this 3rd Quarter of COVID-19. Vaccines are rolling out. Restrictions are easing. The weather is improving. What are we to do?

This article talks about the similiarties people felt in isolation and encourages the reader to be aware of how one is feeling. As we can see the light beginning to peak out at the end of the tunnel, you may find yourself “irritable, unhappy, or otherwise off”. This is because we are all tired of how it has been, looking ahead to what is coming, and tired of putting in the extra effort required to continue to isolate and distance.

What helped those in the article? “Focusing on the mission.” As far as COVID-19 is concerned, our mission hasn’t changed. We want to slow the spread and keep each other safe and healthy. This article recommended caring for yourself and doing things to feed your spirit as together we live through this 3rd Quarter of COVID.

Let us pray. Holy One, we are tired. We are tired of being 6 feet apart from each other. We are tired of wearing our masks. We are tired of hand santizing and washing our hand although we will continue to do so. Give us the strength to keep on keeping on. Remind us of your love for each of us and how we are called to care for each other. Help us when it is hard. Thank you for all who have worked so dilligently to beat this virus. Help us to see our small steps as ways we support each other. In your holy name we pray. Amen.